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hai omle,we r in the same arena reg MED FIT

dear omle,
hope so by now you are in relief after the medical fitness.iam praying everything should have gone well.
i also like to know about the case of eligibility for HB positive for employment other than health dept and for dependants also
if u know abt this kindly send me .
by sume
Apr 23, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Work Permit Question
Replies: 10
Views: 5456

Iam looking for faculty vacancy

dear all, i would like to know the employment arena for the faculty/ engineering vacancy in the field of electronics,communication,lasers,optoelectronics,aero space navigation in dubai/sharjah. iam an M.Tech in lasers and electrooptis and BE in Electronics and telecommunication with 3 years in the r...
by sume
Apr 23, 2007
Forum: Dubai Job Wanted
Topic: How to find a job in Dubai - Posting guidelines
Replies: 69
Views: 99775

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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