standcunha - Posts

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motorized 50 cc petrol bicycle

please can anyone tell me where i can buy a motorized 50 cc petrol bicycle in the uae? pls call me on 06-5335118 or 050-6971948 or email at thanx a lot
by standcunha
Jan 29, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: motorized 50 cc petrol bicycle
Replies: 0
Views: 1069

wanted used motorbike 50 to 200 cc

am looking for a used morobike, any make, any model from 50 to 200 cc dubai or shj regd. pls call me on 06-5335118 or 050-6971948 or email at thanx a lot
by standcunha
Jan 29, 2008
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: wanted used motorbike 50 to 200 cc
Replies: 0
Views: 897

bean bags and lounge chairs wantged

dear bert: i saw your post saying u wanted a bean bag. were u able to get one? if so, where? i am looking for some too but don't know where to find them. if u have some name or contact tel i would b grateful. thanx a lot. stanley d'cunha, 06-7443841 or 050-6971948. also looking for poolside lounge c...
by standcunha
May 17, 2008
Forum: Will Buy in Dubai
Replies: 2
Views: 4747

need help and advice on blackberry storm

help! can anyone tell me how i can update my contacts and other organizer info on my new blackberry storm using my laptop? will reply to all who write to me. my adds stanley d'cunha, pob 1943, shj, tel 050 6971948 or 06 5331830 ext 108. can i use bluetooth to transfer info from my nokia 6230 to the ...
by standcunha
Oct 28, 2009
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: need help and advice on blackberry storm
Replies: 0
Views: 1012

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