stacey24 - Posts

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Teaching in Dubai - where to look?

Hi everyone, Just trying out my first post here and looking/hoping for a bit of advice. I am looking to apply for some teaching positions in Dubai for the next school year 10/11 - does anyone know of good 'agencies' or where to approach for vacancies? I have seen a website - I think it is 'Anthony M...
by stacey24
Aug 11, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Teaching in Dubai - where to look?
Replies: 4
Views: 2769

Thankyou - will have a look at those links.

Yes I meant the Times Ed, I assumed that all jobs in there were 'vetted' as such, looks like I have some research to do!

When you say 'good schools' - how can I find out what ones are good and what ones aren't?

Thanks again
by stacey24
Aug 12, 2009
Forum: Working in Dubai
Topic: Teaching in Dubai - where to look?
Replies: 4
Views: 2769

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