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Job Loss and Utility connections

Dear Sir/Madam, I have recently lost my job in dubai and in next 20 days my visa will be sent for cancellation. Now the issue is I have a tenancy contract on my name where i pay for my utilities bill regularly i.e dewa and etisalat. Now the issue is I want to join some other company but before that ...
by speaktruth
Aug 30, 2015
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Job Loss and Utility connections
Replies: 0
Views: 1296

Job Loss and Utility connections

Dear Sir/Madam, I have recently lost my job in dubai and in next 20 days my visa will be sent for cancellation. Now the issue is I have a tenancy contract on my name where i pay for my utilities bill regularly i.e dewa and etisalat. Now the issue is I want to join some other company but before that ...
by speaktruth
Aug 30, 2015
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: Job Loss and Utility connections
Replies: 0
Views: 1349

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