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Altearah Bio Colour therapy in Dubai

For several years now, Altearah Bio the 14 colour, certified organic and efficacious spa range has been produced by Spadunya in a 200 year old farmhouse in the heart of rural organic farmlands in the Gard district of France. Using a synergy of essential oils the range is extremely intelligent and in...
by spadunya
Jul 24, 2013
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Altearah Bio Colour therapy in Dubai
Replies: 0
Views: 2097

Re: Yoga Classes By Dr.Dinesh Kartha-Call 00971-50-2876840.

Hi, We also run yoga classes in our Dubai spa club - Spa Dunya club YOGA CLASSES HATHA YOGA This is a flow style class that combines instruction on form, alignment, flow and strength and power and balance. Builds flexibility, control and co-ordination of body, mind and breath. YIN YOGA Yin Yoga con...
by spadunya
Jul 24, 2013
Forum: Alternative Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Yoga Classes by Dr.Dinesh Kartha-Call 00971-50-2876840.
Replies: 4
Views: 4059

Women Yoga Classes in Dubai

YOGA CLASSES HATHA YOGA This is a flow style class that combines instruction on form, alignment, flow and strength and power and balance. Builds flexibility, control and co-ordination of body, mind and breath. YIN YOGA Yin Yoga concentrates on long held floor postures that stretch connective tissue...
by spadunya
Jul 24, 2013
Forum: Health and Medicine in Dubai
Topic: Women Yoga Classes in Dubai
Replies: 1
Views: 2225

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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