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Scooter in Dubai

Hi. I bought a second-hand Honda Pal 2 days ago from an Indian friend. You can find brand new scooters (made in China) along Musalla Road in Naif area. My friend is sellig his other Suzuki scooter for 550 dirhams. If you are interested please let me know. I would like to invite you to visit http://w...
by silvercord
Jul 18, 2007
Forum: Will Buy in Dubai
Topic: Scooter
Replies: 1
Views: 2155

I have a Honda Pal 2 days ago and I'm using it go to work. My residence is somewhere in Fish R/A and I'm working along Maktoum Road. I was told to, and it is common sense, not to drive scooters in major roads. We can use the pedestrian lanes, foot paths, and secondary roads. I wish to invite you to ...
by silvercord
Jul 18, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: How safe is it to use motorscooters for work commute?
Replies: 6
Views: 2458 scare me. Thanks for the tip. I will clear this out with Dubai Police and RTA.

by silvercord
Jul 18, 2007
Forum: Dubai Expat Help Forum
Topic: How safe is it to use motorscooters for work commute?
Replies: 6
Views: 2458

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