shubysingh - Posts

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Khanjars and Jambaiyas

Hey guys, im a college student who will be in Dubai for 10 days in January for a Study Abroad program with my University. I wanted to know of any reputable place for khanjars. I know they are all over the place but im looking for a good deal on quality items, not just touristy stuff. Also, how much ...
by shubysingh
Dec 15, 2008
Forum: Products and Services in Dubai
Topic: Khanjars and Jambaiyas
Replies: 2
Views: 1358

To my Sikhs, any Gurdwaras?

Hello all, I am a Sikh college student in America and will be visiting Dubai for 10 days in January for a study abroad program in January. I will be staying at the Golden Sands Hotel & Apts and I wanted to know if there are any gurdwaras near it.
Thank you.
by shubysingh
Dec 15, 2008
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: To my Sikhs, any Gurdwaras?
Replies: 1
Views: 1337

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