shailendra5000 - Posts

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Small scale Investor for E commerce buisness

Experienced in Ecommerce sector. Have a good team of professionals of sales, markeing, designin and good knowledge of e-commece. Presentation for the project. Small scale investment require and will offer fix percentage of partnership. Unique concept, no company is started yet in UAE! Serious invest...
by shailendra5000
May 21, 2015
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Topic: Small scale Investor for E commerce buisness
Replies: 0
Views: 1029

Looking for visionary investor in ecommerce with a small cap

Hi, Their is a lot of opportunity in ecommerce buisness, currently 17 to 18 websites in the market who runs their ecommerce buisness in products, services and regular deals. Only 6 websites actively do better buisness with regular traffic on their websites, some how they are prity similar to each ot...
by shailendra5000
Jun 05, 2015
Forum: Dubai Investors Needed
Topic: Looking for visionary investor in ecommerce with a small cap
Replies: 1
Views: 1365

1 Dubai Jobs .com The First Place to Find a Job in Dubai

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