^I was proved right, wasn't I? eh's admitted to misquoting/misreading the info on a loon blog. After condemning the crime, I questioned whether a poet would be branded an apostate by the attackers. He wasn't, eh's title is wrong - as is his underlying Islamophobia. Wrong twice. But you knew that, di...
Thanks for clarifying Bora - BM was sure you were a believer, even citing something you said about 2 for 1.. By my count, the hard core tinfoilers are: herve, BM, Red Chief and now gertrude. Did I miss anyone? FD - are you a believer or a doubter? herve is actively investigating and urged the believ...
Eh put it in the title, and it was a lie. I disagree it wasn't important - and I accurately stated it was dodgy. It was more than dodgy. I have no idea who carried out the crime or what their motives were - I can only say that it is a crime under Islam too to hold someone at gun point and brand them...
Sure thing Bora - you're an agnostic and not a believer. I understood your position clearly. ;) What does religion have to do with this? :? Does everything come down to religion with you? Unless, of course, you think you are God. :shock: :shock: LOL - herve's conspiracy theory is an article of fait...
LOL - yes FD, I understand your belief is that I am constructing a fantasy - along with a new identity. RC has updated his signature with the new mantra, and Bora says there's a belief I'm an idiot. :D Now, who has an obsession with who again? Bwa ha ha. :D :D Let's wait for herve's investigation an...
eh is caught in another lie - this time because he couldn't read a loon blog properly. You can understand why he is choosing to rant a bit more than usual to cover up the mistake.
Hey, I'm not the one coming up with conspiracy theories. Can't blame me for that one FD. :D Bora is politely calling me an idiot, BM is hoping calling me a 'fat bastard' will annoy me. She's failing (as usual). The conspiracy is summed up very nicely by an adherent: Nobody believes here that any &qu...
I have to admit, it is very very difficult to imagine how to take your conspiracy theory seriously. Surely you don't begrudge me sharing my mirth. Dutchmen are usually such chilled dudes - unwind a bit, after all herve is doing the hard work and only asked you guys to be observant! ;) Cheers, Shafique
But surely not all Dutchmen have to invent issues and conspiracy theories to get wound up about? If you chill out and respond to what is actually written, rather than constructing elaborate conspiracies - won't you be able to then share my laughter? Chill man. Herve's on the case, after all. :D BM, ...
I agree about Dutch people not being into conspiracy theories in general - that's why your behaviour is so curious. You constructed a fantasy that I was a 'terrorist in a suit' and an 'anti-semite' that led to me having to (yet again) set the record straight: http://www.dubaiforums.com/philosophy-du...
There you go again, constructing fantasies and blaming others. Why do loons keep making statements that they can't back up? I'd actually say that the majority of Dutch people would agree with me and the 'Young Jewish and Proud' Israelis who oppose the Military Occupation. But bizarely, you call me a...
Yes, I'm calling Frontpage a loon website and one which you took your time in revealing as the source. You can't spin your lie as something that I'm more upset about - but nice try. I stated it was a horrible crime - but you had to go and put a loon spin on it and embellish it into something that it...
FD must be fuming with all the snippets and one-liners coming out. Chill man - your fellow believers don't need convincing. I understand your frustration with herve's delayed results - but the frustration is only going to get worse, so chill. (PS - I'm impressed with your psycho detecting abilities,...
From January 2011: The number of converts to Islam in the UK has nearly doubled in the last decade, with over half of them being white females, a new study has found. The report by Kevin Brice of Swansea University shows that the number of people converting to Islam has risen from about 60,000 in 20...
Great - at least pretending to be chilled is a great start. Hopefully we'll see some cheery posts to back it up. Your latest post was just 'sour grapes' in the politics forum - so not much evidence of chilling out yet. Hey - why don't you imagine I'm frustrated, and start laughing? :D :D Cheers, Sha...
Fail. I really can't believe you were really an intelligence officer herve, seriously. What is it with your weird beliefs. Do you really think that with 2 million or so Muslims in the UK that 70% of weddings amongst Muslims is a forced wedding? Seriously? Look beyond your hatred at the actual eviden...
herve, do you seriously believe that 70% of Muslim weddings in the UK are forced marriages - even though the article DOES NOT say this? Your rant is just full of rubbish. Muslims do speak out and do take action against extremists. Anjem Choudary, for example, is denounced and banned from mosques. Yo...
No you didn't. :roll: No where in your statistics did it say that 70% of marriages by Muslims in the UK are forced as you claim. The other rants weren't backed up by any evidence, let alone statistics and I've dealt with them. As I said, quite whilst your behind - it is getting embarrassing now. ser...
eh - you've been rumbled. Your weak attempt to save herve from himself by changing the subject of his failure, has failed. Why don't you spend some time addressing your own failed topics - there's a whole list of them, from showing us you weren't lying when you claimed Christian Fundamentalist Terro...
eh - you lied. You can spin this as much as you can - the best you can do is plead you didn't read the loon blog correctly. The crime was horrific enough without spin, you spun it and failed - spectacularly. Oh, and just so you don't accuse me of ducking your loon rants - yes, indeed Nonie Darwish (...
^LOL DDS. veggie (that's you caps) - you're trying too hard - but 7.5/10 for effort though. :D Why are the loons having a massive collective sense of humour failure these days? I blame herve for not coming through on his promised investigation myself - he's left the believers twisting in the wind. ;...
Fail. Loon theory: islam grows only by procreation because of high rate births. Reality: The report by Kevin Brice of Swansea University shows that the number of people converting to Islam has risen from about 60,000 in 2001 to about 100,000 in 2010. The publication, entitled A Minority within a Min...