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Re: Israel Approves New Settler Homes

I'm going to be the one who is laughing at you making a fool of yourself. Nothing as funny as an old fool barking up totally the wrong tree.

But hey - perhaps I am DJ and am just fooling with you? ;)

by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Israel approves new settler homes
Replies: 63
Views: 4438

Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough.

LOL - now you're imagining smells as well. :D

by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough.
Replies: 122
Views: 11655

Re: The funniest US President

She's making a major fool of herself in General Chat too.

Shame really - all this hatred towards Muslims and imagined Muslims.

by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The funniest US President
Replies: 28
Views: 2815

Re: Israel Approves New Settler Homes

It appears that BM is losing touch with reality, big time.

I guess she doesn't really care what this thread is about.

by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Israel approves new settler homes
Replies: 63
Views: 4438

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

The terrorist didn't write the letters to me, no.

But he did write the letters and did say why the terrorist plot was carried out.

(That's what is called 'evidence'.)

by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

I can write a letter and state anything I want in it, would that make what I say fact? If you were about to carry out a terrorist attack and gave your reasons for carrying out the attack, then yes, the reasons you give in the letter would make it a fact. The fact would be 'the reasons the terrorist...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: If Circumcision Is 'logical', Why Isn't Genital Sewing?

For Jews and Muslims, male circumcision is seen as logical and a commandment from God. In Islam, circumcision is not mentioned in the Quran, but it was a teaching/instruction of the Prophet. I do understand the anti-circumcision argument that an infant has no choice in the matter, and indeed have ta...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: If circumcision is 'logical', why isn't genital sewing?
Replies: 47
Views: 4538

Re: Immigrant Families Have Children For Benefits

Fail. Look up the benefit again.

(Hint: it is not 20.30 for each child).

by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Immigrant Families Have Children For Benefits
Replies: 152
Views: 12070

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

Bora why talk in generalities when the specific question was the motivation for the WTC 93 bombing. The terrorist who carried out the bombing said it was for political motives - US foreign policy in Mid East. He did not mention Islam/Jihad etc. Just believing he must have done for Islamic reasons do...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: Israel Approves New Settler Homes

psst - Hey Sym, a quiet word.

Shylock was in Merchant of Venice. Midsummer Night's Dream was the one with the talking donkey.


by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Israel approves new settler homes
Replies: 63
Views: 4438

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

The terrorist says it was politically motivated.

Bora claims to know better.


by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

Err, I think you mean 'not believing in hype and trusting the evidence' don't you? It takes a perverse logic to criticise someone for quoting a terrorist stating the reason for an attack, when discussing the reason for the attack. But that's just me - I don't invent reasons when the terrorists don't...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: If Circumcision Is 'logical', Why Isn't Genital Sewing?

Well, then we have to agree to disagree. I don't think Jews and Muslims cite medical reasons as the primary reason for male circumcision - the primary reason is religious. As I stated, the fact that there is a medical benefit (and complications are few and far between) - I think it is a custom that ...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: If circumcision is 'logical', why isn't genital sewing?
Replies: 47
Views: 4538

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

You are apparently wishing the reason the terrorist gave was 'It was Islam that made me do it' - but instead, he said it was only US foreign policy. I'm struggling to see why a supposed Jihadist would NOT mention religion if that was part of the motivation. The only conclusion is that your logic tha...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

I read your posts and was intrigued that you were trying to convince me that the WTC 93 attack was religiously motivated, when the reasons given by the terrorists only mentioned US foreign policy. I understood the links and logic you were trying to support this theory - but I still can't ignore the ...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

What's the matter Bora?

It is not my fault that the reasons given for the WTC 93 only included US foreign policy. Can't pin that one on me. ;)

by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: If Circumcision Is 'logical', Why Isn't Genital Sewing?

I think it makes sense in an evolutionary sense - we have vestigial appendages, eg the appendix and what remains of a tail - and indeed wisdom teeth. I think at some time in the evolutionary past a foreskin may have proferred some benefit that outweighed the downsides of having one. At the stage of ...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: If circumcision is 'logical', why isn't genital sewing?
Replies: 47
Views: 4538

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

Well, I'd like to just state that I DO indeed believe there are indeed jihadists and other religiously motivated terrorists out there (Goldstein was one, Brievik another - and there are many Muslim groups who target other sects and religions because of their religious views). However, the point in t...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: If Circumcision Is 'logical', Why Isn't Genital Sewing?

Interesting perspective! Still, from what I have read about the foreskin. there are very few disadvantages to having one, clothing or not. I agree - I just gave you that perspective in light of the 'cruel and pointless' remark. The more I think of it, Wisdom Teeth are a good example of vestigial or...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: If circumcision is 'logical', why isn't genital sewing?
Replies: 47
Views: 4538

Re: What Really Drives Suicide Terrorists

Ok, let's look at the evidence. As stated in the OP: While religion contributes in many cases to increased feelings of loyalty toward a kindred community that may be oceans away from an individual’s country of citizenship, the primary cause of these horrible phenomena is foreign occupation. Are the ...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: What really drives suicide terrorists
Replies: 32
Views: 3541

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

I don't recall reading what terrorist group Baruch Goldstein was affiliated with?? Can you provide the name of that group? He was a member of the Jewish Defence League in the USA - it is a Kahanist terrorist organisation that carried out bombings and assassinations in the USA in the 70's. He then e...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: If Circumcision Is 'logical', Why Isn't Genital Sewing?

What are the benefits of female circumcision or genital sewing? Do they outweigh the harm/dangers? Does any scripture say God asks this of the believers in that scripture? If not, why would it be logical to endorse that act? I presume you don't object to Jews and Muslim saying that for them it is lo...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: If circumcision is 'logical', why isn't genital sewing?
Replies: 47
Views: 4538

Re: Logic And Religion/Faith

So, are you unclean after touching a chair? Or is the Bible wrong? Islam's teachings are very logical - and yes, women who are menstruating are allowed to pray to God and recite verses of the Quran. They do not take part in the formal 5 daily prayers and some women choose to not touch the Quran phys...
by shafique
Sep 28, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Logic and Religion/Faith
Replies: 47
Views: 7077

Re: What Really Drives Suicide Terrorists

Thanks - can we see some numbers for the nationalities of the suicide bombers in Iraq and what the sources for this info are. The above snippet is quite general - 'widespread agreement' seems to imply that there some real evidence underlying the assertion. Please quantify the 'large number of Saudis...
by shafique
Sep 29, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: What really drives suicide terrorists
Replies: 32
Views: 3541

Re: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?

Ok folks. There's been a lot of heat generated and quite a bit of repetition ;) Let me sum up what the evidence says to me and what my view is. Others can hold different views and can give more credence to other pieces of information. 1. Are there other trans-national terrorist groups like Al Qaeda?...
by shafique
Sep 29, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: If circumcision is 'logical', why isn't genital sewing?

So eh, in summary, you are calling Jews and Muslims 'dumb' for believing that God was wise and had a good reason to require males to be circumcised. I've detailed why it is logical for us - primarily it is because God asked us to do it, and secondly because the advantages are there, and the disadvan...
by shafique
Sep 29, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: If circumcision is 'logical', why isn't genital sewing?
Replies: 47
Views: 4538

Re: Logic And Religion/Faith

eh - I've given you the logic, I've given you the link to Islamic resources. Women can pray - just not the 5 congregational prayers. Women can recite the Quran - all are agreed on this. Some women/scholars say women shouldn't touch the Quran physically, but not all Scholars/Women agree with this int...
by shafique
Sep 29, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Logic and Religion/Faith
Replies: 47
Views: 7077

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

Hey hervey baby - welcome back! I was wondering whether you'd been recruited by the JDL - given their recruiting in France these days. But, to answer your question - no, I'm not putting words into terroris...
by shafique
Sep 29, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11194

Re: Logic And Religion/Faith

eh - really :roll: - did you not read the posts above and have you already forgotten that women do go to the mosque for Friday sermon when menstruating? There IS unanimous agreement that women can recite the Quran - read the article again. Touching the Quran is a separate issue. Just because you app...
by shafique
Sep 29, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Logic and Religion/Faith
Replies: 47
Views: 7077

Re: If Circumcision Is 'logical', Why Isn't Genital Sewing?

This thread is not about Baptism or crucifixion. I've detailed the secondary reason for Muslims and Jews to routinely circumcise males - that there are some advantages and the disadvantages are fewer. Your problem is that this view is shared by many doctors who DO recommend routine circumcision. I a...
by shafique
Sep 29, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: If circumcision is 'logical', why isn't genital sewing?
Replies: 47
Views: 4538

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