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Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

What confused you about my answer? How is correcting the wrong perception with facts 'evidence of bigotry'? Again, let me quote from the official Europol report: Islamist terrorism is still perceived as being the biggest threat worldwide , despite the fact that the EU only faced one Islamist terrori...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

I haven't updated the EU stats for Brievik's attack - but stated that his attack in Norway adds to the point made in the EU report that the reality (as quoted above) is different from the perception. This is the conclusion of Europol. Note that Europol classify the majority of terrorist attacks as c...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough.

LOL - yes, I must be afraid of being uncovered. :roll:

Were you afraid of being uncovered when you were in a burqa?? :D :D

I wonder when DearJohn (oops, that's me I guess) will post again.

by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough.
Replies: 122
Views: 11657

Re: Immigrant Families Have Children For Benefits

What, no conspiracy theory in this thread that dearjohn is me? ;)

DearJohn - I'd have preferred if the loons had looked up the evidence themselves.. but hey, loons and facts aren't good companions ;)


by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Immigrant Families Have Children For Benefits
Replies: 152
Views: 12071

Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough.

Why are you being defensive herve? ;)

Could it be because after being caught in a lie you are desperately lashing out?

by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough.
Replies: 122
Views: 11657

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

Hey, don't blame me that Russia wasn't included in the Europol report which showed only 0.4% of terrorist attacks in the EU were carried out by Muslims. Brievik's terrorist attack does indeed show that the problem in Europe is not from Muslims, but from separatists and other kooks. In Chechnya, the ...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

RC - As I said before, you are entitled to your view that the Europol stats do not reflect reality in Europe. I maintain that they do. Brievik was just the last example of that. The fact that the separatist threat in Russia happens to be from Chechens does not change my view at all. In fact it reinf...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: Why Israel Should Change. Enough Is Enough.

:D :D

by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Why Israel should change. Enough is enough.
Replies: 122
Views: 11657

Re: Immigrant Families Have Children For Benefits

Bora - you seem to be overlooking the fact I did actually provide two links to credible data sources. Now, if you ask my opinion, yes - those two data sources do outweigh the two people in the newspaper article when it comes to evidence to support the Baroness' theory. But hey, that's just my opinio...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Immigrant Families Have Children For Benefits
Replies: 152
Views: 12071

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

The point is Bora is that the reality is that 99.6% of the horrible terrorists happen to be the non-Muslim variety. The 0.4% that are Muslim are just as horrible and should be dealt with in the same way. That 6 potential Muslim terrorists have been caught is a great thing - it will reduce the 0.4%. ...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

Thanks. You reminded me that in the UK the 99 viable terrorist bombs that were planted last year didn't come from Muslims. ;)

We make a good team. :D

by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

This article is about 6 wannabe terrorists apprehended by unarmed police before they could carry out a terrorist attack. I applaud this capture of these guys. The separate point is that of the terrorists that actually carry out attacks in the EU, 99.4% of them aren't Muslim terrorists. Terrorists in...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

Come, come young one. I said we'd take baby steps through your arguments. You started by asking what the motivations for the 93 WTC bombings were in your OP. Let's confirm that the reasons given were indeed related to US foreign policy - i.e. political issues. You seemed to be labouring under the wr...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11205

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

Your ego is writing cheques your body can't deliver, young one. 99.4% of terror attacks by non-Muslims. Those are the stark facts. Trying to spin it otherwise will be interesting to watch. The figures and actual attacks are out there - you tried to dismiss the non-Muslim attacks as fire-crackers etc...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: Logic And Religion/Faith

Yes, when did God change His mind that menstruating women were unclean and should be segregated for 7 days - according to the Bible. Give us your logic behind your view, or confirm that you believe God hasn't changed His mind and that you do believe Leviticus 15: 19: And if a woman have an issue, an...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Logic and Religion/Faith
Replies: 47
Views: 7080

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

Baby steps, baby steps, young one. Do we agree that WTC 93 was because of US foreign policy or not? Yes or no? If yes, then where is all this 'it was religously motivated' come from when comparing this politically motivated attack with those carried out by Cuban exiles living in the USA when they la...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11205

Re: 2012 Presidential Race

eh - IMO you really shouldn't have to construct straw men to justify why you're against Ron Paul. From what I read, he's a nightmare for the kooky right wingers in the Republican party, because he's a Republican and seems to be speaking sense on many issues. It appears that you're avoiding the topic...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 2012 Presidential Race
Replies: 17
Views: 1837

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

Yes, thanks for posting my invitation for the doubters and believers to do the math. (BTW, it appears you are still confused - like herve was - I do not work for Europol, or the FBI. The report and conclusions aren't my words.) I've presented the Europol stats for you guys. Surely you'll enjoy provi...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: Logic And Religion/Faith

Do you have a different version of the Bible from everyone else? I simply asked whether you consider yourself unclean if you touch a chair that a menstrating woman has used. (And how would you know?) If not, when did God change His mind and say that Lev 15.22 above does not apply to you? I am very i...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Logic and Religion/Faith
Replies: 47
Views: 7080

Re: 2012 Presidential Race

Sorry eh - I'm not familiar with the 'derogative' term 'libertarians'. I was just commenting that I find it odd that 'liberty' is taken as a dirty word by right-wingers like you. Also, based on your past practices of attributing false beliefs on others - I'd not take your word for what RP believes. ...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 2012 Presidential Race
Replies: 17
Views: 1837

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

Why can't you simply answer the question - are we now agreed that the WTC 93 attacks were politically motivated - and the reasons were US foreign policy?

A simple yes will do.

by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11205

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

Now, come on - are we now agreed that the WTC 93 were politically motivated and based on US foreign policy? A simple yes will suffice. In your opening paragraph you link AQ attacks to Islamic teachings, and then go on to list WTC 93 as an attack. Your premise is therefore fundamentally flawed. Are w...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11205

Re: 2012 Presidential Race

What is it with loon rants these days? :roll:

I'll leave you and DJ to sort out the facts.

by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 2012 Presidential Race
Replies: 17
Views: 1837

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear In Court Accused On Terrorism Ch

Facts, not hype young one.

Surely you know how to add numbers together. Were you always afraid to 'do the math'?

Show us the evidence and show us how wrong I am. Should be quite simple - I mean, RC will surely help you out with your calcs.

by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

You can run, but you can't hide young one. Your fundamental premise in your opening paragraph is wrong - as shown by the motivation for your first example, the WTC 93. I understand why you are trying wriggle out of the fact that WTC 93 was explicitly because of political reasons - namely US foreign ...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11205

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch

Nice one - but unfortunately for you, I'm the one that gave the doubters the challenge to 'do the math'. I'm not the one who is doubting the evidence in the Europol and FBI stats. That would be you. But hey, if you do have trouble with the maths (or more likely know you'll be failing yet again), I'l...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

The three reasons given for the attacks were all to do with the US foreign policy. I didn't see anything in the letter which backs up the mantra that 'they hate the west/our freedoms' etc.

by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11205

Re: Logic And Religion/Faith

Why are you avoiding the Bible again? You brought up menstruating women, so it is logical to look at the earlier scripture to see what God says about Mensturating women. Do you, or do you not, consider yourself unclean if you touch a chair? Now, to me THAT is illogical. Is it to you? Cheers, Shafique
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Logic and Religion/Faith
Replies: 47
Views: 7080

Re: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Ch

But hey, if you do have trouble with the maths (or more likely know you'll be failing yet again), I'll understand why you won't add a few numbers together. Go ahead, blame me for your failings again. 99.4% - pretty high statistic. What can you bring it down by if you add the Chechen attacks? I gues...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Six Asian Men To Appear in Court Accused on Terrorism Charge
Replies: 59
Views: 4872

Re: So Where Are The Trans-national 'other' Al-Qaedas?

Not hype Shaf. Fact. I know this individual. Do you believe everything you read? I am quite clear that others know things I don't know. I'm just stating the fact that the reasons given in the letter were three - and all of them related to US foreign policy. When looking at the reasons for the Terro...
by shafique
Sep 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: So where are the trans-national 'other' al-Qaedas?
Replies: 176
Views: 11205

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