I said 'facts not fantasies' and asked you who was arrested and why. Fantasising that the anti-facists were more violent than the fascists is your personal right. However, the fact that the police arrested only one group for their earlier crimes is sufficient for me. Bringing in another conspiracy t...
Strange response to a question about a Biblical reference to support/oppose the Christian view that the anti-Christ will burn in hell. I'm challenging you on your assertion in the OP that the Biblical (and presumably therefore the Christian) view on what happens to 'unbelievers' is 'unclear'. Christ...
eh doesn't the like taste of his own medicine. ;) Anti-fascist protesters gather as EDL holds London demonstration ... The EDL demonstration is its first since the killings by Brievik, who had praised the organisation in the past and claimed to have 600 EDL supporters as friends on Facebook. :shock:...
OBL was also a follower of Bob Spencer - wow, I didn't realise that! :D http://www.dubaiforums.com/dubai-politics-talk/terrorist-manifesto-just-like-jihadwatch-t47168.html (You've got to hand it to the young loon, his imagination is running wild these days! First police conspiracy theories, now OBL ...
The Quran is indeed quite clear - you should read it. As I said, I understand your embarrassment at your realisation that your belief contradicts Christians who say 'only faith alone' is required, and that it is in accordance with what God says in the Quran that both deeds and belief are required. S...
eh - you made a statement about the Bible in the OP. Back it up, or admit you were full of it, again. The Bible is clear hell is a nasty place. It is also clear that Christians believe that Hindus and the anti-Christ (some say the Pope) will go to hell. Are these Christians wrong to believe that Hin...
DDS - time to eat some humble pie, the story is indeed about the anti-fascist protest over the weekend. Credit where credit is due - thanks to eh for showing the broad range of support against the fascist. I guess if there were more of the EDL and if they didn't get drunk and assault police, they'd ...
Is everyone who attended the 'Anti-fascist demonstration' against the EDL a bigot for opposing fascism? http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/03/english-defence-league-london-demonstration (Oh, and I have no problem with the fact I'm strongly opposed to the views of the EDL, Jihadwatch and Anders Br...
From the BBC article I learnt only about Muslim violent youth ... Which BBC article was that RC? The one Eh and I referred to only says 'local youth'. You're not inventing things again to suit your views are you? It does not contain the word 'Muslim'. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-147...
RC - so you made an assumption that the Asian youth were likely to be Muslim - even though the article didn't mention their religion. Seems a fair assumption to me - but, the anti-fascists protesting against the EDL weren't exclusively Muslim were they. As for your assumption, how is that any differ...
I agree, there is no mention in the article that the drunken EDL criminals that were arrested had fascist political views, just like there is no mention that the local youths were Muslim. Are you certain that they WEREN'T fascists? Is my assumption that the right-wing drunken criminals were fascist ...
The article clearly states local - but hey, why quibble over the details. None of the local, Asian teenagers who threw stuff at the coach carrying the drunken EDL louts were arrested, were they? I pity the cleaners who would have had to clean up the coach after the EDL drunks soiled themselves! :D C...
My view is that a coach full of racist EDL thugs breaking down where it did is just 'poetic justice'. The fact that the police could round them up and arrest them all for the crimes of earlier on in the day was just 'icing on the cake'.
RC - this thread IS about fascist, drunken thugs being arrested. The clue is in the title. :roll: I didn't say I supported any violence, and just made the point that those arrested were the racists on the coach. Cheers, Shafique -- Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:56 am -- Here's how the Morning Star reported on...
So you admit there ARE other facts! Excellent - glad we agree.
As for which facts I choose to start threads on - I guess EDL thugs getting arrested after a failing in East London is one piece of news/facts is one of them.
^Berrin, yes I do still believe that God is talking in metaphors when referring to Al Naml. I don't believe in talking donkeys, or talking ants. Sorry. Here's another quote: Why would Sulaiman(pbu) smile in askance at the fear of such lowly creature ants? What valor would a mighty king Sulaiman earn...
I believe that Jesus could speak as a child yes, but not as a new born baby no. 'Speaking from the cradle' IIRC is what Allah says in the Quran - and can mean Jesus spoke authoritatively as a toddler, or it could be metaphorical in addition to this meaning. I think there is no timescale between vers...
Berrin, yes of course there are concepts beyond human understanding. Allah says in the Quran, for example, that humans cannot begin to imagine what the next life will be like - and therefore all the descriptions are just poor examples/similitudes. We will be a new form of creation in the next life w...
As I said, if you'd read the Quran, you'd find that God states the rewards of the afterlife as much as He describes the punishments. I repeat - how is the Biblical description of Hell (and who goes there) any different from the Quranic descriptions? Do disbelievers/sinners go to heaven or hell accor...
LOL - EDL members chose to get drunk and assault the police, then they got themselves arrested after their coach broke down! As the article in the other thread put it: East End 2, Facists 0 :D ... And, on a day when the EDL suffered defeat after defeat after defeat, when scores of members reportedly...
Here's the abridged version for those in the cheaper seats: I didn't say I supported any violence , and just made the point that those arrested were the racists on the coach. Cheers, Shafique -- Tue Sep 06, 2011 11:56 am -- Here's how the Morning Star reported on it: East End 2 Fascists 0 .. That's ...
Your spin is failing you young one - the fascists were the ones arrested. Try and keep up. As your own link showed, Muslims came to the defence of Tatchell (and others also thought his placards inappropriate). But I know you won't a little thing like facts get in the way of you fantasies. ;) Cheers,...
You want me to tell you your belief? What a weird person you are eh. But hey, always up for a challenge and Google is quite handy with these types of challenges. Let's see: Incredible! Bible Proves That Jesus Christ Is The Only Way To Heaven! Posted on April 23, 2010 by WF WHITE Does it really make ...
First, let's be clear - Allah says clearly that BOTH faith and works are required. This is clear in 2.25 and other verses. You're asking a slightly different question - do Apostates who fulfil the 'faith and works' criteria go to heaven, as promised in 2.62. Well, first note that 2.62 does not menti...