:D Actually gertrude, I've noticed that it is those who are full of hate towards others (eg loons) who tend to lack a sense of humour and project their frustrations onto others. Are you missing something yourself? ;) I find humour quite therapeutic - hence why I enjoy loonwatch.com. But where is the...
RC - statistically speaking, are there more Chechens who support the Norwegian and Beslan terrorists or those who support the actions of the Chechen teenagers? Not a trick question - I just want to see what you think. For example, would it be fair to react to a story about good done by a Norwegian w...
Nice way to avoid the question RC. For me, I have no problem in stating my view that the majority of Norwegians would oppose the act of terrorism and will applaud the act of these two Chechens. I similarly have no problem in stating my view that Chechens in general follow the statistics shown in oth...
RC - thanks for sharing your views. You may wish to go back to my question to you and see whether you have actually answered the question or not. However, thanks for sharing your aversion to immigrants. At least, I would guess, the families of the 23 teenagers saved by the two Chechens are glad that...
What has your nostalgia got to do with this engagement by militants on soldiers of the Israeli Occupation Army? Within hours Israel bombs Gaza and in the process has killed some civilians, including one child. Tit for Tat. Both as bad as each other - only one side is doing most of the dying and one ...
A while back, the young disciple of Guru Bob said he'd have to do some research on the Terrorist Breivik's manifesto and tell us which of his political views he disagrees with. That's yet another promise that I suspect we'll be waiting to be fulfilled. In the meantime, the manifesto has indeed been ...
I agree that some here think I'm a bigot. That's why I asked the question about the reason why bigots like to project. Try and keep up. ;) (You will note that the accusations are based on imagined posts and not on what is in this thread - the bigotry and racism of actual posts is there for all to se...
^ :shock: It is shocking that the food took two hours to be delivered - and the couple were asleep already when he arrived. Can't trust those Nepalese immigrants who grew up in 'repressed societies'! :D :D Do you think the young lad thought he was in a p<3n movie? (And I presume the order was paid f...
^ Well, I repeat my point about the projection of bigotry is based on posts (imagined or not) that are not in this thread. The racist and bigoted posts here were not by me. Whether a person following the religion of Islam is bigoted by definition is a separate discussion, and I'm sure you'll guess r...
^Interestingly, Israel has apologised for killing the Egyptians. Baby steps are to be welcomed. As for the usual fanbois aversion to facts - it is fascinating how just mentioning verifiable, uncontroversial facts leads to ad hominem attacks and silly attempts at smoke screens. Quite predictable. Men...
Are you telling me that I can decide to be a muslim, but still drink beer, have love with Thai women and eat pork? Cool! God says "There is no compulsion in Religion" in the Quran - so, yes - you are free to choose to live your life like you want to. If you want to call yourself a Muslim ...
^Wow, I didn't know that the Chechens were so sophisticated that they could cook up this propaganda coup! :D Come to think of it - the photo of the two teenage heroes could have been photoshopped and they could actually be Russian immigrants.. LOL I see that conspiracy theories are a global phenomen...
Ahh, the loons are in deep desperation. Spencer has been pwned on the net and exposed for the loon he is. eh decides to give a quote that was dug up by FD in a vain attempt to distract attention away from an article I quoted. (Typical loon tactic - when can't address the facts head on, try to distra...
Ah, forgive me - I thought you were being serious in your previous posts. No, I haven't seen Captain America yet - but I can't help but think of Rambo III every time you post.
You can join a gym and be a member of that gym. But if you choose not to use the facilities and gorge on junk food, you'll just be a fat member of a gym. It's your choice whether to join the gym and your choice to use the equipment and facilities it provides (says the guy fasting!) I'm not sure tha...
^Sometimes believing that 'this time it is different' proves to be wrong - and the 'old' logic still applies.
In all cases, if you can test the theory - you should. Don't use the equipment, and eat junk food, and you're just an unfit member of the gym. Analogy is fine to me.
:roll: Another failure of comprehension eh? Really?? My comments on FD's quotation are in the thread where FD first quoted them - as is the original article I posted. Try and keep up young one. As for my beliefs on Judaism, terrorism etc - the quote above is quite clear and free from any doublespeak...
LOL - nice spin. Unfortunately for you, both the original article, FD's lame attempt at smoke and mirrors and my comments are there for all to see. Bob Spencer is YOUR Guru, not mine. My views on Judaism etc are quite clearly spelled out above. Try reading them. If you're still confused, get an adul...
Ah, I do love your denial of facts. Everyone can see that you didn't actually quote me at all in your OP. Such is the way of loons. :roll: (Are you trying to recruit me into your worship of Guru Bob :shock: )??? Edit: I guess eh's frustration stems from the news that Guru Bob is on the ropes: http:/...
How low can the terrorist colonists in Occupied Palestine go - now they have gone and beaten up a 10 year old child. Many Israelis are disgu.sted by this new incident by these extremist 'settlers' - or 'Kahanist terrorists' as a commentator calls them. I trust that even the fanbois won't be able to ...
LOL - young one, re-read my post above where I stated that the snippet was quoted by FD and I already stated my views in the original thread (where this snippet was meant as a smokescreen). Why don't you look up what I said, rather than imagining a fantasy? Are you afraid to actually quote me.. ;) L...