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Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

^Oh dear, more unfounded criticisms based on a preconceived idea of others rather than what has actually been posted. :roll: When the resident Islamophobes revel in a Muslim commit crimes, FD joins in with his supporting comments. When a non-Muslim's motivation for his terrorism is discussed, then i...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

No doubt, the guy is a Terrorist. In this case, his religion is Christianity and he's ethnically Norwegian. I agree, his terrorism is as linked to his religion or nationality as any other terrorist's is - same arguments can be applied in all cases. Look at all the hype from our Islamophobic posters ...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

^Fascinating how the Islamophobes have found a twisted way to blame Muslims in a thread about this Norwegian, Islamophobic Terrorist. It's almost as if they feel some guilt. Strange that. :roll: But as I said, substitute 'Norwegian' for the posts where the phobes talked about 'Pakistani' and 'Christ...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

What I wrote was 100% accurate. Your third hand account (someone said Al Qaida said) is the first I've heard of an instance of a Muslim revelling in the attack. I think that even you won't take this to be proof that this view is widespread - or would you? As for blaming Muslims - I was referring to ...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

67 Borders are Defensible: Israeli Experts say

An oft quoted, but seldom believed, myth by the Israelis who wish to continue the Military Occupation of land captured in 1967 is that the '67 borders' are indefensible. Whilst this myth is well documented to be nothing more than propaganda, it is refreshing to see this message being clearly given i...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 67 Borders are Defensible: Israeli Experts say
Replies: 16
Views: 1729

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

Bora, please re-read what I said. I was quite clear - to date I haven't read about Muslims revelling in this Terrorist attack. I didn't say that I therefore believed that it hadn't happened somewhere - and eh's post about a reported posting on a website is just one reference. You may have noticed th...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: Double bombings in Norway - two dead

I missed this quote from FD from earlier on in this thread. Whereas poster Shafique and others call Hamas suicide children bombers resistance fighters. Thats also psycho! Sir, you are telling a bare-faced lie and I expect an apology. I have never called a suicide bomber targetting civilians (let alo...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Double bombings in Norway - two dead
Replies: 83
Views: 5704

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

I asked a simple question - did you meet any Muslims who celebrated 7/7, because I didn't. (I was nearly caught up in it, btw). I repeat: I read of a few nutters, sure - but they are to Islam what Brievik and his ilk are to Christianity. Aren't they? Is the situation any different this time round? A...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: 67 Borders Are Defensible: Israeli Experts Say

Stating facts isn't strange to me. I'm aware of the usual Israeli argument - but it is well documented propaganda that has no basis in reality. Other myths are that Golan Heights are being held because of security from missiles -when the reality is they want to control the water on this Syrian land....
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 67 Borders are Defensible: Israeli Experts say
Replies: 16
Views: 1729

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

Why the evasiveness. I'm clearly stating that the few Muslims that celebrated 7/7 were nutters - I certainly did not meet any in the UK. I was on the tube network when the bombs exploded. It was not a nice experience. It was the second time I was caught up in terrorist bombs - the first time I was w...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead

Produce your evidence that I said Hamas suicide bombers killing civilians were resistance fighters and not terrorist criminals.

Shame on you.

by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Double bombings in Norway - two dead
Replies: 83
Views: 5704

Re: 67 Borders Are Defensible: Israeli Experts Say

I think you are perhaps having another one of your bouts of comprehension failure. I suggest you reread and post specifically what you believe is fact and not propaganda.

by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 67 Borders are Defensible: Israeli Experts say
Replies: 16
Views: 1729

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

Why the hostility? Are you going to be hostile to any right-wing conservative Norwegian who was around the area of the bombings in Oslo? I'm just making the point that in my knowledge and research, the vast, vast, vast, vast, vast majority of Muslims were not celebrating the 7/7 bombings. If you bel...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: 67 Borders Are Defensible: Israeli Experts Say

Yes, the quote talks about a de-militarized zone - like the Sinai.

This will also protect the Palestinians from Israel as well.

The myth proposed by Israel is that the borders are not defensible. The experts disagree.

by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 67 Borders are Defensible: Israeli Experts say
Replies: 16
Views: 1729

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

I'm still scratching my head over where you are getting your stats from about the proportion of Muslims supporting 7/7 compared to the proportion of non-Muslim right-wingers supporting this terrorist act. Few nutters supporting is indeed equivalent to the vast, vast, vast majority NOT supporting. Yo...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead

You could have just said you have NO evidence for your claim. Produce the post if you can. Shame on you. You should especially be ashamed as I've agreed with you in the past about the involvement of children in warfare being a crime. International law and guidelines specify that armed resistance aga...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Double bombings in Norway - two dead
Replies: 83
Views: 5704

Re: 67 Borders Are Defensible: Israeli Experts Say

:roll: Well, I guess if you are agreeing with the expert - then that is progress. I too agree with him.. in totality. The Israeli excuses for not giving back land captured in 1967 on security grounds are exposed for what they are.. a cynical land grab. You can dress it up as you like it, but at leas...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 67 Borders are Defensible: Israeli Experts say
Replies: 16
Views: 1729

Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead

Ok, now we've established FD's evidence (or lack of it), back to the subject at hand. His lawyer is claiming he's insane - he's apparently full of hatred for anyone who isn't an extremist, and believes we are at war! :shock: I'm still waiting to hear from eh which of this terrorist's political views...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Double bombings in Norway - two dead
Replies: 83
Views: 5704

Re: Guru Bob: Damage Control

^eh, you asked where you agreed to list the political views you disagreed with. Strange - it was only a few days ago in the thread you started: But amuse me, which of his political views do you NOT agree with? (I'm hoping you'll join me in denouncing his racist, islamophobic manifesto - shocking st...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Guru Bob: Damage Control
Replies: 36
Views: 2268

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

I agree with the quote: "What needs to be done in the West is acknowledge that domestic far-right extremism is as dangerous to society as Islamic extremism." I'm struggling to see what you are basing your disagreement with me on? Is it this quote: Their school of analysis, which puts the b...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

Well, had a look at your edits. I agree that there are terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims - when did I deny that? This particular terrorist attack was carried out by someone the police called a 'Christian Fundamentalist'. So, the choice is whether we make the same generalisations that are made...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!!

As reported by Haaretz: Glenn Beck compares victims of Norway attack to Hitler Youth Former Norway press secretary calls Beck's comments 'a new low', saying the political camp where at least 85 were killed stands for 'the very opposite of what the Hitler Youth was about'. By Haaretz Glenn Beck, the ...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!!
Replies: 47
Views: 3166

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

Ok, let's agree that we both think each other is confused. I'm quite sure I typed in this statement above: But the facts are that I stated that I do NOT blame Christianity or the violent verses of the Bible for this nutter's crimes. As for this terrorist attack by the terrorist labelled a 'Christian...
by shafique
Jul 26, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: 24% of Norwegians sympathize with motives of terrorist

If the headline is true, this just goes to show that my argument that Terrorist acts by Muslims (eg 7/7) are no different from Terrorist acts by non-Muslims. Both are heinous crimes, and both can be done for underlying grievances that some/many may sympathise with, but yet will still disagree with (...
by shafique
Jul 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 24% of Norwegians sympathize with motives of terrorist
Replies: 14
Views: 1012

Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: Like Hitler Youth!!

Wow - I guess those were crocodile tears after all.

A right-wing hero says a horrible thing about the victims, and BM can't quite bring herself to condemn that person. Speaks volumes that. As does the silence of young eh.

by shafique
Jul 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!!
Replies: 47
Views: 3166

Re: Double Bombings In Norway - Two Dead

^funny herve is still banging on about Hamas???? :shock:

He was the first to respond to eh's OP and all he had to say was:

herve wrote:Al shafique the hamas supporter will probably tell you it is the irish boys

What a coward.

by shafique
Jul 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Double bombings in Norway - two dead
Replies: 83
Views: 5704

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

What I thought was interesting were the two quotes in the OP which described this terrorist as a Christian Fundamentalist. I've been quite clear that I don't think religion is to blame - nor do I think he's used religion as a motivation (i.e. he hasn't invoked religion wrongly). Eh pointed out that ...
by shafique
Jul 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist

Everything I've read says the main issue he had with the government was it's policy towards aiding the imagined Muslim invasion. He also hates marxists and those in favour of multi-culturalism. But his crusader analogies, prayers etc - are all directed towards his irrational fear of Muslims. So, yes...
by shafique
Jul 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Brievik: 'Christian Fundamentalist' Terrorist
Replies: 77
Views: 5264

Re: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!!

I'm not the one who idolises Glen Beck or any of those who refuse to condemn his horrible words. The fact the right-wingers attack the messenger when one of their own does unspeakable things speaks volumes. Normal people are just abhored by rants such as these. Your hatred of those who disagree with...
by shafique
Jul 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Glen Beck: Slaughtered Kids: like Hitler Youth!!
Replies: 47
Views: 3166

Re: 24% Of Norwegians Sympathize With Motives Of Terrorist

No spin, just cutting through the crap. Right wing nutter who shares your political views (we're still waiting for you to list which you disagree with) steps out and kills innocent civilians. Some rightwingers support his actions, many others sympathise with the underlying gripes. How is that differ...
by shafique
Jul 27, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 24% of Norwegians sympathize with motives of terrorist
Replies: 14
Views: 1012

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