herve - what proportion of Ashkenazi Jews have the Haplogroup J Y-DNA M304? Are these guys Arab, or Jews? Cheers, Shafique I dont know, most have the haplogroup G Y-DNA, not J, besides there is no specific genetic studies for this genome because it does not carry genetic degenerescence. Even if the...
herve is still dodging the question about what to call the 20+% of Ashkenazi Jews (incidentally, these are the ones who are 'white') who carry what he is calling the 'Arab Gene'. Are they Jewish Arabs or Arab Jews? It isn't a facetious or controversial question. It is asking whether an Ashkenazi Jew...
Hmm - maybe the young-one has a point. Posters are apparently a proof of what the 'majority' of people of that country believe. :roll: Hmm - I guess the same should apply to placards being carried by some of eh's fellow Christian citizens... no?: http://trakker.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341ca03653ef0133f...
^I'm willing to be agnostic about it - as I'm not a geneticist. Perhaps there is an 'Arab gene' - but so far herve is the one that claims there is one, but what he's defined as the 'Arab gene' happens to occur in a good proportion of Ashkenazi Jews (or 'European Jews'). I do know that there are semi...
^IIRC there are also concerns with porcine retroviruses which are harmless to pigs but may be harmful to humans (either as are, or after mutation). This is a concern for xeno-transplants - but for Muslims and Jews it is another reason to avoid the pork.
herve, I did click through to your link. I could not see the answer to the (simple) question. What are the Ashkenazi Jews with what YOU call the 'Arab Gene' - are they Arabs or not? If they are not Arabs, but have the 'Arab Gene' - how can YOU call it an 'Arab Gene'. Or are they indeed, Ashkenazi Je...
herve, I did click through to your link. I could not see the answer to the (simple) question. What are the Ashkenazi Jews with what YOU call the 'Arab Gene' - are they Arabs or not? If they are not Arabs, but have the 'Arab Gene' - how can YOU call it an 'Arab Gene'. Or are they indeed, Ashkenazi J...
^Well, why don't we start with the two book references I gave above (which I have read and understood).. as well as the articles which herve linked to - and above all the points which Dillon makes. :D But hey, don't let my views on the subject influence what you want to conclude/believe. I can't see...
My agreement does indeed extend to his statement about some ethnic groups 'breeding like rabbits' - can't argue with the fact that not all families are of the same size. Observant Catholics are one group of immigrants, for example. ;) But you may remember I once referred to the white underclass in t...
Bora - I did refer to the White underclass in the UK in the context of not over-hyping the threat to 'Britishness' from immigrants. I've absolutely no problem with my great grand children being either darker, lighter or whatever different shade from myself. In our extended families (wife and my side...
MCL - interesting that you think the shift of dominance to the East is hyperbole. I don't. The shift of power from British Empire's pre-eminence Westward to the USA was very real - as were the declines of previous world powers. One interesting characteristic of Empires on the wane is the shift in th...
In a positive move by many Churches in the USA, congregations turned their back on the scare-mongering myths about Islam that the Islamphobes like to present as facts. I note that of late we've had quite a few posts on Islamophobic myths presented as facts. (They are easy to spot - they contain beli...
Offcourse it's hyperbole Shafique. I'm talking co-existence, and you keep bring up decline of supremacy, GDP, empires etc etc. Erm - I've also been talking about co-existence after the decline. I think that America won't disappear - it will just become like other former Empires that went into decli...
^Seems like a sensible law to me. Herve - try running through future articles via Google Translate, it works very well. You'll then understand why people will laugh at your error of comprehension. A law which requires a woman to lift her veil when confirming ID for security/official reasons is not t...
Agreed - it is always good to highlight that the vocal, hate-filled, minorities are under-represented in the media. Note that the article did contain an interesting statistic: In fact, a recent poll by the Public Religion Research Institute found that more than 60 percent of Americans believe that M...
I'm watching this closely. I'll be going to North Sudan in November, on business (third visit in 3 years). Interestingly, Khartoum is one of the friendliest and safest places we've visited in Africa. It is a long way away from any of the 'trouble areas' - Sudan being the biggest country in Africa. T...
MCL - it is an interesting subject - and I certainly don't claim to be an expert. What is good about the two books I recommended, is that they do tackle the subject and look at the evidence and reach the conclusion I listed. There are genetic differences within races and also between races. There ar...
Israel, whilst guilty of continuing the Military Occupation of Palestine, is to to be commended for its freedom of speech which puts pretty much the rest of the Middle East (and other countries) to shame. However, the Israeli politicians seem to be feeling the heat and now are looking to pass a law ...
MCL - interesting that you quoted eh's wiki links. It includes an unequivocable statement by the American Association of Physical Anthropologists: As scientists who study human evolution and variation, we believe that we have an obligation to share with other scientists and the general public our cu...
Mountains and Molehills. Let's see what the fuss is about. 1. School hall is used for Friday prayers. (How is this different from it being used for Ballet, or Choir practice?) 2. Girls are behind boys (again normal) 3. Girls who are menstruating attend the service, but don't take part in physical pr...
herve - you seem upset by people praying. Why is that? It is interesting that once an Islamophobic argument has been exposed as unusually weak, the response is a hysterical rant. I wonder why that is? The article was actually about girls sitting at the back during the formal prayers (and not the loo...
herve, you really should learn to read English more carefully - re-read the first paragraph again, in full: Isn’t it odd how stories about Muslim school prayers now being conducted at Valley Park Middle School in Don Mills are all about religion making its way into public schools? I don’t discuss re...
There were no stats in the conclusion of these scientists: The genetic capacity for intellectual development is one of the biological traits of our species essential for its survival. This genetic capacity is known to differ among individuals. The peoples of the world today appear to possess equal b...