^LOL - perhaps the footage stopped before Chuck Norris came to the rescue and broke the guy out of police detention? ;) (It did look like a genuine US Passport the guy was waving around though) One wonders how they treat Palestinians when the cameras aren't rolling, if this is the way they treat Jew...
My name is not Dave Chapelle - but he does make a good point. He gives a graphic description of what he considers to be a 'whore's uniform' - and the audience laughed. Using his analogy - arguing that some undercover cops don't dress in cop uniform is somehow missing the point, isn't it? (And no, I ...
Documentary on Al Jazeera English - http://english.aljazeera.net/programmes/general/2011/06/201169134738626549.html I'm suspicious about the 'official' story about who carried out the bombing. I've thought that the guilt of Iran is more likely - as a revenge attack for the US shooting down of the Ir...
EH, Shaf knows exactly how ridiculous his argument is, he’s clutching at straws and he knows it, he’s a troll as I believe is now widely accepted on DF and simply enjoys the attention, sadly, logic is wasted on him. Hey, people are free to believe whatever they wish when it comes to beliefs about h...
So Al shaphique, would you approve your wife or daughter to do belly dancing in public? is the arabic pole dancing version a moral decay too? No. And yes, belly dancing is a version of moral decay too. And for you to know the word "camel toe" indicates you ve been watching them too many t...
I'm happy you're happy. :D Much better to be self-satisfied than going around all glum like the 'phobes who see Mooslim threats around every corner (I don't think you're one of those paranoid types.. but some of your cheerleaders appear to be - perhaps you can get them to cheer up too?) :D Cheers, S...
No rudeboy - it is ok for women to be segregated and not allowed to drive when it happens in NY. Then it is all hunky dory.. or am I missing something??
As I keep saying.. not looking for evidence is the problem! sheesh. :D This is what evidence looks like: The Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) said 99 viable bombs either exploded or were defused by army experts in the year to the end of March, compared with 50 a year ago. .. As well as bomb...
Humour aside, I should correct my previous posts which talk about 99 terrorist attacks by non-Muslims in the UK in the year to March 2011. I should have been more precise, the statistic is actually 99 viable bombs. There were also 72 shootings and 81 'paramilitary style assaults' in addition. That's...
Thanks - but I think it best we set the record straight with the numbers and nature of the terrorism by these non-Muslim terrorists. The various reasons given by terrorists for their terrorism is important in the counter terrorism initiatives. That is why I support the initiatives to tackle the issu...
Bellydance is not moral decay. It is dancing! By your logic, modern dance and ballet are also moral decay because the dancers are moving sensually and wearing revealing clothing. Fair point - and yes, that is the logical conclusion. (You could also include some dances from the Indian sub-continent ...
^Fair point Bora- I haven't heard the term 'moose knuckle' either. I've certainly not used either term in conversation. It is a good thing it is not a widely used term, IMO. Interesting to see how many people weren't confused by the term (perhaps they had all watched 'The Weather Man'??) However, as...
I've never denied that the 99 viable bombs and other terrorist acts took place in one part of the UK. My point that when we looked at the UK as a whole, these terrorist acts swamped the others by a considerable margin. I've not sought to downplay the real threat from Muslim terrorists - but to put i...
For me, the fact that a naked or scantily-clad body is considered ok to be viewed by a non-intimate partner is a 'moral decay indicator'. It highlights the value (or lack of) society places on sensual pleasures - which include visual stimulation. I'm a bit 'old fashioned' - but I think the erotic p...
I agree with the last comment - I certainly don't have all the statistics, and am basing my current views on the available statistics. I'm not asking the intelligence services to give me anything - I'm commenting on publically available information about real terrorist attacks. In the past, the poli...
^In Gaza, some have indeed got rich. The smugglers who managed to dig tunnel to bring in new cars are amongst these guys. The 'gaza-strophe' video is indeed a skewed perspective, but then so is 'isn't life great in Gaza' propaganda. Interestingly (and in somewhat of an eery coincidence), just last w...
Au contraire - my point is that the publically available data more than illustrates the relative scale of the terrorist problems in the UK. I'm sure there are many non-Muslim terrorist plots that are being covertly monitored by the intelligence services - for years there were moles in the IRA, for e...
Let's also not forget that the Israeli propaganda concerning Gaza is there to excuse, or divert attention away from, the siege of the territory which is blatantly an act of collective punishment. The fact that the siege is not complete and that not all Gazans are suffering to the same extent (just l...