@dillon - yes, actually - I do call my categoric statements about supporting the Prevent campaign 'calling a spade a spade'. I really can't see how this can be misinterpreted. The statistics relating to who are actually carrying out terrorist acts in the UK is unrelated to my support for the initiat...
This article by Prof. Ruth Gavison (founder and president of the Metzilah Center for Zionist, Jewish, Liberal and Humanist Thought) shows that there is a rational side to Zionism - one that does recognise reality and respects law etc. It's worth emphasising the point she makes that the majority of t...
Agreed - statistics CAN be subjective. However, where statistics are available to test out a 'belief', I like to look at the statistical evidence. That's just me - I'm perfectly happy in the fact that many people don't really need evidence for their beliefs and some hold on to notions even when the ...
^I love the 'influenced by' label that is applied to lump in wannabe terrorists with the 'real' Al Qaeda. What the HO site clearly states is that the threat level in Northern Ireland is 'severe' and the threat in the rest of the UK is also 'severe'. In NI the threat is from Irish terrorists - and th...
Your arguments persistently refuse to consider anything else but bombs, your argument is flawed. The statistics about 99 real bombs in the UK by non-Muslim terrorists is factual. Why are you so coy when it comes to giving the equivalent number of bombs/terrorist attacks by Muslims in the UK in the ...
Interesting viewing: Dispatches - America's Secret Killers.WnA Mon 06 Jun, 8PM The strike that killed Osama bin Laden provided a glimpse of the vast and often secret campaign by US special forces and troops to kill thousands of Taliban and Al Qaeda fighters. They call it 'precision targeting'; their...
I don't recall asking for your analysis of why the statistics should be ignored - I DID ask how many bombs etc were carried out in the same period that Irish terrorists carried out the 99. We can agree to disagree over your analysis of which group poses the greater threat in the UK, but shouldn't we...
I keep asking you for the number of attacks carried out by Muslim terrorists in the UK during the time period that non-Muslim terrorists carried out the 99 attacks in official stats. You are free to argue that this number is more signficant than the 99 real terrorist acts.. but first let's see what ...
Here's another time - 99 real terrorist acts in the UK by non-Muslims vs a lower number by Muslim terrorists over the same period. What that number is should be a simple fact.
Great idea caps - although 99 has other connotations for me: http://www.lewis-chester.co.uk/cdata/158/img/158_855259i.jpg :mrgreen: But, you are forgetting a simple point - I'm not asking anyone to believe me, just to provide the statistics that show that Muslim terrorists in the UK are a greater th...
What I don't understand is why you won't/can't give us the equivalent number of real terrorist events in the UK by Muslims over the period that the 99 terrorist attacks in the UK by non-Muslims took place.
Some great insights into what is actually happening in Afghanistan. The attacks on US troops has actually increased since the campaign started, and the final minutes of the documentary point to more, not less violence.
Given the fact there were 99 actual terrorist acts in the UK by non-Muslims, I would have thought it was quite legitimate to ask how many more were carried out by Muslim terrorists in the UK during the same period. But I haven't been able to comment on that, because the number hasn't been forthcomin...
I've always been against the Taliban - but I'm on the side of the Afghan people and don't like the fact they are being killed too since the invasion. I initially supported the invasion and over-throw of the Taliban, but I've been despondent at how it has developed since. Going into alliance with thu...
What a coincidence! ;) 99 is also is the official number of UK terrorist acts listed by the police force (all by non-Muslims). I've been patiently asking for the equivalent number of UK terrorist attacks by muslims in the same period. I appreciate the humour whilst we wait for this number to materia...
I've just watched an exchange on the BBC's Question Time on a report about the se.xualisation of children. Germaine Greer started it off and gave a very good answer. Here's Peter Hitchens (he spoke next) - and got booed for his views: Peter Hitchens: Sex education causes teenage pregnancy Mail on Su...
I unhid eh's post in the misguided hope that perhaps he was giving us the figure. Alas. However, you do raise a good point. Is the Government of the UK right to target education as a means to combat numpties taking part in terrorism. I think they are right to complement the work done by mosques etc ...
Your argument is with the Government of the UK eh - I support their policy. The numbers of Muslim terrorist acts in the UK in recent years is much lower than Irish terrorists, so perhaps their policy is working? I suggest that it is your interpretation (yet again) of facts which is letting you down....
herve - were you asleep in Geography lessons in school? This thread is about the UK and not about what an Islamophobic website classifies as 'Islamic terrorist' attacks! 99 real terrorist attacks in the UK by British terrorists who are non-Muslim vs a much lower number by Muslims in the same period....
LOL - that's some extreme conspiracy theory!! They allege the IDF suppressed this evidence for a year and that 'IDF have a lot to learn' (about releasing propaganda footage!) So, two grainy stills from videos and the bloggers have concluded that the shots show automatic weapons! :shock: When even th...
The threat level is severe in Northern Ireland too - and there the British terrorists have doubled their attacks to a total of 99 recorded attacks (real ones) last year. By contrast, the 'severe' level in the rest of the UK (from Al Qaeda 'inspired' numpties etc) resulted in a much lower figure of a...
My argument has been consistent - the reality is that in the EU, USA and now in the UK, the actual terrorist acts that have taken place have been carried out by non-Muslims by a vast majority. That's what the stats show (Europol and FBI, and now UK police stats). In the UK the overall threat from be...
Normal people would not hesitate to condemn the racist Israelis chanting 'butcher the Arabs'. I presume therefore that those who refuse to condemn them are therefore (by eh's logic) to be categorised as 'racist anti-Arabs'? There's no dispute that these guys are racists and anti-Muslim and anti-Arab...
I've just said that my argument for the EU and USA equally applies to the UK. As a whole, in the UK last year there were at least 99 actual terrorist attacks by non-Muslim terrorists. The number by Muslim terrorists may be zero (I'm guessing here, I've been asking 'ad nauseum' for the figure). Overa...
It seems quite a bizare argument to me to consider the actual terrorist acts in the UK to be an 'irrelevant statistic' when discussing anti-terrorist measures in the UK. In the UK, the numbers of terrorist acts by non-Muslims rose from around 40 the previous year to at least 99 last year (official p...