Well, in some parts of the world it is already Sunday 22nd May - and the world is still here. Ho hum. Perhaps the world will end in 2012 as some others believe. (But perhaps before midnight a whole load of American 'believers' will disappear in a puff of smoke?? Let's wait and see tomorrow - perhaps...
^I'm not the one who appears to be in hiding. One mention of statistics and facts to herve and he's nowhere to be found. :) Only Islamophobes can interpret 4.15 as condoning the murders that are called 'honor killings' - the rest of humanity can read and understand the words just fine. (Even the nut...
Capsicum - instead of inventing silly scenarios to condemn Islam, why don't you focus on real crimes (there are quite a few in the Muslim world). I'm not aware of any Muslim lady who was found guilty after 4 witnesses testified to her lewdness and then was subject to 'unlawful imprisonment' in her b...
Islam does not condone honour killings. As for the quote : Muslims number somewhere between 3.3 and 7.0 million in the US today, but Daniel Pipes believes that 7 million is a high number. J. Grant Swank writes "In America alone, there are [u][b]5,000 so-called 'honor killing' deaths every year....
^^ do tell your cronies to quit talking rubbish :) If they stop inventing stats and believing fantastical interpretations of Islam, they'll have to limit themselves to drinking stories, complaining about 'others' and I guess swapping recipes and knitting tips. In the mean time, we have yet another ...
I guess that eh hasn't disappeared in poof then. Sigh, so much for yet another American Christian theory! As for Islamophobia - there's a clear distinction between being critical about Islam's teachings or questioning Islamic theology, and being an Islamophobe. The difference is equivalent to being ...
:) Why would I want an Irish passport (apart from the fact that we had to bail out their banks??) :) Anyway, given our island's history - the immigrants always take over and the 'underclasses' always make big noise. The master plan was always to start with the food - the bland anglo-saxon food was a...
One murderer convicted? Shaf, there are many convicted. ... I'm a little suspicious of the blogger (gadfly?!?!) but this quote is taken from a news publication , Notice the number: 5,000!!! a year!!! Muslims number somewhere between 3.3 and 7.0 million in the US today, but Daniel Pipes believes tha...
You brought up a dodgy statistic of 5000 honour killings in the USA per year. Not me.
I guessed that the % is actually less than 0.5% - i.e. that this one case of murder in the OP is just a small fraction of the murders that take place in the USA.
The editorial in Haaretz cuts through to the heart of the matter when it says that Netanyahu's rejection of a settlement based on the "pre-1967 borders": Netanyahu is lying to the Israeli public and leading the U.S. administration astray when he portrays Israel's current borders as defensi...
I think it's 2012 - something about the Mayan calendar. :) As for this Christian prediction ... Family Radio International’s message has been broadcast in 61 languages. He has said that his earlier apocalyptic prediction in 1994 didn’t come true because of a mathematical error. “I’m not embarrassed ...
Yes, when presented with ridiculous statistics and I'm asked to take note of them, I do make judgments. You presented a wild statistic that you said had some credibility. I'm not sorry for pointing out that it was a ridiculous figure (5000 honour killings a year in the USA alone). All the bluster in...
Yes, I keep saying I don't know the exact figure of honour killings in the USA and that I guess it is less than 0.5% of the murders there. I have looked up the stats for 2009 and of the 13,600 murders, less than 130 were of women who weren't white or black (I'm assuming the honour killings were of a...
There's some denial amongst the loons/Islamophobes that they are indeed Islamophobic and not just rational people who are critical of a major world religion. Non-loons have no difficulty in distinguishing Islamophobia and Islamophobic rants from reasoned debates or critiques of Islam or Muslims. I c...
I'd start with Government/Police/Judiciary stats. Homicides in the USA are one set of statistics we aren't short of information on. We can then look at the lists of honour killings that make it to the media - given that each is reported, the listing of these isn't a problem. (Wikipedia has a list of...
Dang it Shaf ! I knew you could'nt keep quite. Now look what you've done. You've revealed the master plan for world domination ! I'll have to talk to the brothers about this. I can bet you they won't be happy. Oh nooo! They won't make me eat bland food and take up Morris Dancing will they???? :) ht...
My estimate that the honour killing murders only represent less than 0.5% of the murders in the USA acknowledges that honour killings are listed as murders in the statistics. With respect, it is not a labelling issue - and even if it was, I was asking for some statistics to show what proportion of t...
I actually like discussing issues - and indeed there's much that is worthy of discussion within the Muslim world and Islamic theology. As for FD - it is interesting to note that early on we had some cordial discussions - I remember for instance discussing the preservation and transmission of the Qur...
Berrin - the 1967 borders don't have a link between Gaza and the West Bank. It does represent 22% of Palestine, with 78% going to Israel - when the original UN partition gave Israel 55% and allocated 45% to Palestine. What the Haaretz editorial states quite clearly is that the excuses for Israel wan...
RobbyG - interesting view. I wouldn't argue with the statement that the KKK is right wing - so interesting that you dispute this point. (I'll go by the generally understood definition of 'right wing' and 'left wing' is.) Bora - I totally agree with the premise that not everyone that disagrees with m...
The borders of Palestine were explicitly laid out in the Hope-Simpson report of 1930 (it gives the exact borders as the pre-amble to the main report about the situation in Palestine at the time). Jordan was called 'Transjordan' then and was a separate entity - the report talks about immigration from...
Credit where credit is due - Obama is sticking to the logical course. He is, stating the obvious though - as he himself pointed out: "Let me reaffirm what '1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps' means," he said. "By definition, it means that the parties themselves - Israelis and Pales...
Well, between BB's and my post, no one should be under any confusion over the difference between an Islamophobe and a 'normal' critic of Islam/Muslims. RobbyG is not an Islamophobe, for example - and we certainly don't see eye-to-eye on a number of issues. ;) If you're not an Islamophobe or loon as ...
Hey, I'll be the first to admit that I'm a 'loonaphobe' - I have an intense aversion to loons. It is almost as my intense aversion to those who make up stats or misuse stats! I freely admit that I may misinterpret some innocent critic's critique as an Islamophobic rant, but I do believe that I've de...