I haven't mentioned Jews in this thread, unless I'm very much mistaken - and this particular terrorist plot has nothing to do with Muslims. I'm not the one trying to convince people that the FBI and all the media reports are wrong about this terrorist bomb plot. And just to correct another misconcep...
Well, in Austria it is a crime to deny the Holocaust and also a crime (as featured recently in another thread) to insult religious figures. Both can be argued to be limiting freedom of speech - but I'd argue that in both cases the law is drawing the line between acceptable 'freedom of speech' and sp...
Excellent post Mahmoud - indeed, the OP didn't actually mention Jews at all, just one mention of Israel as a Jewish state in passing. In many ways the hysteria and blind assumption made by some (some even took the trouble to post that didn't read the OP :roll: ) illustrates the paranoia and insecuri...
LOL Yet another numpty English terrorist wannabe is caught (thank God), and there is yet another Chicken Little attempt to pretend that the sky is falling down. The official stats do indeed show how many numpty terrorists are arrested and foiled (not many) - and how many are hyped out of recognition...
I initially thought that this might be about the country Georgia! Wow, proposing to kill a woman for an abortion (and presumably the doctors, nurses etc would accessories to murder, if not murderers themselves). :shock: What is sad, is that these extremist views give religious people a bad name in g...
I continue to be impressed by the number of experts we have on DF. Please copy me in to your letters of correction to the Israeli media - and let us know whether they take you seriously. I think the Israelis will point out that the Israeli religious extremists are real, and the issues raised in the ...
Bizare but true. As we've noted in other threads, according to some - white supremacist are not terrorists - ever - they only perpetrate hate crimes, and FBI labeling of a crime as terrorism doesn't change this 'blogger's law'. ;) But seriously, this one seems a very weird - a Jew is a white suprema...
The Nazi salute is actually based on the Roman salute, and indeed Hezbollah in Lebanon use this salute - they say primarily to distinguish them from the 'Western' saluting nations - but I also suspect to wind up the Israelis (remember that Hezbollah were formed as a resistance movement after Israel ...
Mahmoud - yes I was surprised to hear about the Oman demonstrations too. Even more surprised to hear that 2 (the last time I checked) had been killed. But you're right - observation no. 10 is interesting - and it remains to be seen how the political make up changes in the near, and distant, future. ...
^ Let me translate: "Haaretz would also fall about laughing at our experts' 'beliefs' about the situation in Israel in regards to this issue." But I was actually being serious - copy me in to any corrections you want to send to the Israeli media. They should be told if they are as wrong as...
Bob Franklin, Christian Extremist: Franklin is a fierce opponent of abortion and gay rights. Franklin holds that America has strayed from its Christian past and the country needs to be changed into a Christian nation. Franklin believes that legislation that is in direct opposition to God's word will...
Thanks to everyone for understanding exactly the point I was making - a photo of people using the Nazi/Roman/Bellamy salute does not automatically make someone a Nazi sympathizer (in itself). However, where it is illegal to give such a salute (such as Austria), because of that country's cultural sen...
by the way Shafique, no offence meant, but I was just stating my opinion...applies to every1 else :) Mahmoud - at least you are self-aware enough to separate out your opinion and label it as such. Far too many of us instead just present their opinions as facts. As for the thread title and what it i...
I'm all for reasoned debates and I have no issues with pro-Lifers who are on the whole quite reasonable in their views about the sanctity of human life. As I said before, it is the extremist fringe represented by Christian Extremists like Franklin that tarnish the reputation of the pro-lifers. His c...
When the Nazis were ruling Germany, some American schoolkids were using the Roman salute - also known as the Bellamy salute: Nazis were indeed ruling Germany and WWII was well underway before the salute used by these American schoolkids was banned in the US. It wasn't illegal in the US then (nor wa...
Bravo Andrey Konstantinivich Geim from Sochi and Konstantin Sergeevich Novoselov from Nizhny Tagil! I was waiting for this comment. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Some fine English names there - the English university is so proud that they won a Nobel Prize for England. ;) As for Lumley - she speaks utmost se...
Shaf, where in the quotee does it say anything about it being legal or illegal? In two places in the article, actually - and the second quote was posted in the OP above. Place number one, paragraph 4: The Canadian tourist risks being formally charged with making a forbidden gesture, which could res...
Interesting line of reasoning there eh. Christian extremist views are listed, and your reply is effectively 'but I BELIEVE you are an extremist too'. Even if I was an extremist, how is that relevant in this thread? Surely this is about the Christian Extremist legislator wanting to women to be put to...
I'm not sure why you are confused with my statement of fact. I was contrasting the fact that whilst it is illegal to give the salute in Germany (but I typed Austria) today, when the photo of the kids was taken it was not an illegal act nor was the Bellamy salute associated with Nazism/fascism. Facts...
Dillon - excellent post. I agree completely. I too wanted more details (out of curiosity) - but this thread is full of finger pointing and taking sides etc. (Whilst I've crossed swords with herve over topics in the Politics forum, I'm agnostic about the alleged crimes - I've not really been interest...
Oh dear - I hope Ian Hislop doesn't find himself in court again!! I'm quite a fan of the fellow - haven't missed an episode of 'Have I got News for You' in at least a decade - and I have shared many a laugh reading the Private Eye. Haaretz also covers this story today - and it appears that Private E...
It is clear to me that the Christian extremists in Georgia etc are supporting this proposed law. (I'd say that not all Christians or all pro-lifers are in favour of the extremist law - but if you have evidence to the contrary, please refer me to it). That they are doing so because of religious extre...
Interesting results. I've read commentaries that it is not clear cut that Ahmadinejad would lose a free and fair election, as he has quite strong support in the rural areas and some support in the urban areas too. The commentators say that the last elections weren't free and fair, but the results ma...