EDL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUlatUDsKhM The Jewish community has always been at the forefront of anti-fascism. From Cable Street to defeating the BNP at the ballot box, we have been unafraid to speak out against those who seek to spread fear and hatred in our communities. Now our community f...
So, the EDL are as ugly as some extremist Muslim nutters. No argument there. But as the Jewish group says clearly: It is time for the Jewish community to come together as one to expose the EDL as the racist thugs they are. I'd put both groups in a closed warehouse and let them fight it out - failing...
Commentary for above vid - which features some of the 400 Muslim in the British Military, including the first Muslim chaplain (Imam). Note that it was posted to counter the EDL's view of Muslims. I hate Islamo-Fascist extremism and I oppose the concept and practice of Sharia Law, but the BNP, NF and...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm5oTpJ4vPI&feature=related Includes the fact that a Muslim soldier was the first Indian to earn the Victoria Cross. The VC is not given out for normal acts of heroism - but reserved for extra-ordinary acts of gallantry. So much for the EDL and other Islamophobe's ...
Well, DDS and I both have condemned the EDL and the MAC etc. I'm sure most British people when they've watched the vids above about the EDL/Muslims in the army and the Muslim extremists will join us in condemning both groups of extremists. EDL supporters will be the ones coming up with excuses thoug...
Jewish bodies say 'not in our name' and state that the EDL are 'racist thugs'. In response, we get a link to a story not about the EDL and some excuses why the Jewish groups(and David Cameron, given the quote above) are wrong about the EDL! :shock: So, we've had young bible-bashers presenting themse...
:roll: - I'm really surprised that eh's research has let him down yet again. The JDL supporting the EDL is hardly an endorsement. The Canadian Jewish Congress denounced this endorsement (as the EDL are thugs). The JDL are extremists and terrorists themselves: The Jewish Defense League in the USA is ...
Does the Canadian branch of the JDL condemn the religiously motivated acts of terrorism carried out by American JDL members (such as Baruch Goldstein)? (Do they differ in ANY ideological way?) I didn't think so. I rest my case. It also appears that your argument is with the British Council of Jews w...
The 'black guy' is Allen West. He's been an outspoken critic of Islam in the past, saying it is not a religion etc (i.e. typical Islamophobic myths) ... but now he's now 'just' critical of 'jihadist' Islam and that he 'respects Islam'. Should we take him at his word?? The jury is still out.. but tha...
http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_z2MG6fIaK2E/S0PShlDF_II/AAAAAAAAAkQ/VrudoJBfSZ8/s400/bagdad_bob_large.gif "I see absolutely no evidence that the Jewish Council, the Guardian, Daily Mail and David Cameron etc are correct. I only believe what the EDL spin machine tells me" :mrgreen:
Fail. (But a nice attempt at smoke and mirrors, though) Yes, let us please compare Memri specials and snippets about supposed Holocaust denials by Hamas with the evidence provided here about the EDL thugs. When it comes to Hamas, I have no problem in condemning them when they carry out violent acts,...
^Chocs - answers on a postcard by next month. Prize is accompanying Dillon on a course entitled 'how to be a gracious loser in a debate - the difference between evidence fanciful beliefs' followed by 'top tips for humour on the web - what is funny and what isn't'. The fun is watching the denials and...
Hey Amb - Perhaps you're right - I can't really tell, I'm laughing so loud at these posts. I thought I was referring to Dillon's post above (in this thread).. but hey, if you think it is a sign of bitterness... who am I to get in between you and your fanciful thoughts??
Firing from the hip and based on facts/stats/evidence, this piece from Haaretz tackles some topical issues: Overcoming the primitive fear of Arabs as humans It seems that British Prime Minister David Cameron and other white Westerners have a primeval fear of the Arab mob. By Merav Michaeli British P...
It is also interesting to read Michaeli's article from last week, She makes equally valid observations in that too - and it is related to the subject matter in the OP. : How to promote stability The growing religious fundamentalism in Israel is actually Jewish, not Muslim. By Merav Michaeli http://w...
LOL - just do a Google search, you may get lucky. In regards to the tag line to the second article - it is merely quoting the fact in the closing paragraph: The growing religious fundamentalism in Israel is actually Jewish, not Muslim. While the Arab population here becomes more secular, the religio...
? We at least agree I am the one asking for evidence for the loon rant on youtube. I've posted a quote and a link which reports Logan saying she wasn't raped. So, either the loon rant on Youtube (presented by eh as fact) is a fabrication, or the account saying Logan wasn't raped is a fabrication. I ...
What you think doesn't really matter Bora. (What I think similarly shouldn't matter either - but you guys seem to think otherwise). Whether eh can produce any evidence to back up the youtube rant does matter - he made a claim, and presented as fact. It seems to be completely baseless and a cynical l...