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Re: Hamas Leader Says Nazi Genocide Was A Lie

Let me know if anyone does produce the evidence relating to the thread title so we can confirm whether Zahar has indeed contradicted Hamas' clear stance on the subject. Be wary of people changing the subject or trying to justify this by reeling out previous selective quotes/translations/Memri speci...
by shafique
Jan 14, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5593

Guyana - 7th S American Country recognises Palestine

The diplomacy moves by the Palestinians seem to be gaining momentum. Guyana becomes 7th South American state to recognize Palestinian independence The country's foreign ministry says decision comes in keeping with Guyana's support of the 'legitimate aspirations of the people of Palestine for the exe...
by shafique
Jan 14, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Guyana - 7th S American Country recognises Palestine
Replies: 0
Views: 704

Re: Tunisia: President Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali Forced Out

Great result for the people of Tunisia. Reminds me of the trouble the Shah of Iran had to find some place to accept him ;), but this is not the first leader of an African state to be forced to leave and had to search for a country that would accept him. Idi Amin is another, but there have been quite...
by shafique
Jan 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out
Replies: 14
Views: 1992

Re: Autocratic And Cowardly

Our new femme fatal does ask a relevant message - why do some messages that are full of hate remain on the forums. Well, in the case of anyone wishing death on anyone in this forum, the post is deleted - sometimes even when it is clearly a joke, it is deleted - othertimes it may be left if both side...
by shafique
Jan 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Autocratic and Cowardly
Replies: 76
Views: 5489

Re: Autocratic And Cowardly

^As I said, we have a number of people who are proud to admit they would kill another human being and condone an illegal act of killing (whether it is murder, assassination etc - we all seem to agree it is illegal). Their views aren't being censored. On the other hand we have fewer people (by my cou...
by shafique
Jan 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Autocratic and Cowardly
Replies: 76
Views: 5489

Re: My Favority Expats...

My favourite ones are the ones with a sense of humour and can hold a vaguely intelligent conversation - but the first one trumps the second one. I'm also surprised we haven't seen the phrase 'I'm not racist BUT..' or 'My best friend is... but' in this thread yet :D ;) (See first criterion above if o...
by shafique
Jan 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: My favority Expats...
Replies: 54
Views: 4728

Re: Autocratic And Cowardly

BlueOrb wrote:4GetMeNot. BM, Anybody?

I'm surpised no one has noticed this........even the name is a giveaway!

Really? :shock:
:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

(Of course everyone knew this is BM - possibly with the exception of DDS! :) )

by shafique
Jan 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Autocratic and Cowardly
Replies: 76
Views: 5489

Re: Hamas Leader Says Nazi Genocide Was A Lie

^Berrin, may I ask whether you agree or disagree with Hamas' stance on the Holocaust? Sym, may I ask you the same question. : Let's recall the words of Hamas, which continue to be the only definitive, complete and clear statement on the subject: Hamas' Minister of Information categorically states: B...
by shafique
Jan 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5593

Re: Tunisia: President Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali Forced Out

Probably for the same reasons all the states that welcomed the Shah's money when he was in power refused to allow him to set up shop in their countries, I'd guess. I'm not familiar with the link between the Ben Ali and Mauritius - so you have me at a disadvantage. Has he requested residence in Mauri...
by shafique
Jan 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Tunisia: President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali forced out
Replies: 14
Views: 1992

Re: My Favority Expats...

My favourite ones are the ones with a sense of humour and can hold a vaguely intelligent conversation - but the first one trumps the second one. I think the question was generally speaking, which means that you have to make a decision. Sure there are good people in every nationality and I have met ...
by shafique
Jan 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: My favority Expats...
Replies: 54
Views: 4728

Re: BM's Avatar!!!!!!!!!!!

Just to be a bit pedantic - by avatar-for-a-day was a combination of John Bull, Mr Bean and bin-laden's turban - with a slogan 'Best of British'. Taliban was not involved (Bean Laden is not Taliban). To be honest, the Israeli flags (there were two avatars) just made me smile. The delicious irony was...
by shafique
Jan 15, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: BM's Avatar!!!!!!!!!!!
Replies: 46
Views: 4030

Re: Hamas Leader Says Nazi Genocide Was A Lie

herve - I'm still waiting for anyone to produce the transcript so we can compare what Zahar actually said (in full) with what the Hamas Minister of Information stated was Hamas' stance on the Holocaust. I found nothing ambiguous or awkward with the clear statement. If you click on link, you'll see t...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5593

Re: Muslim-West Tensions Seen As Avoidable: Study

Now, I do believe there is a problem with radicalism within the Muslim community. There are indeed those who use religion to justify killing and to preach hate - be it against Shia, Ahmadis, Sunnis or non-Muslims. There is also a political struggle going on - the Palestinians for example, where for ...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslim-West tensions seen as avoidable: Study
Replies: 5
Views: 725

Re: Hamas Leader Says Nazi Genocide Was A Lie

So, when I tackle herve's accusation that the complete statement by Hamas made by the minister of Information is 'awkward' - and ask for some evidence to check whether Zahar has indeed gone against Hama's stance - we get a simple accusation that I'm lying, and yet ANOTHER accusation. And herve is mi...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5593

Deputy Sheriff shot by Gangster

This news from LA in the USA is presented as another account of law enforcement against gangs. A promising 27 year old police officer was shot in the face and has survived, but may lose an eye. The accounts are how he was a rising star in the department. The LA Times report also includes a video cli...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Deputy Sheriff shot by Gangster
Replies: 0
Views: 755

Re: Hamas Leader Says Nazi Genocide Was A Lie

Fail. It was not an interview, but a complete piece written by the Minister of Information (who is also the Minister of Health). He was obviously not writing in his capacity of Minister of Health. So, rather than calling me names - perhaps you should spend your energy on actually doing some research...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5593

Re: My Favority Expats...

It does appear to me that some people are surprised that others don't see the world as they do.

Open up your minds folks - not everyone is wired the same way, and not everyone is desperate to justify what I would call thinly-veiled racism.

by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: My favority Expats...
Replies: 54
Views: 4728

Re: Boston Cat Called To Jury Duty

Here's top cat:

by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Boston cat called to jury duty
Replies: 6
Views: 1129

Re: Hamas Leader Says Nazi Genocide Was A Lie

You've failed yet again. The original report does not talk about an interview - it talks about a speech made at a memorial service. Before an audience that included members of the Hamas leadership in Gaza, Zahar paid tribute to those who died in the school where they had taken refuge from the heavy ...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5593

Re: Hamas Leader Says Nazi Genocide Was A Lie

LOL. He did not give an interview, he gave a speech. I refer you to my previous remark about doing some research. The remarks were part of the speech. Now that we've established that you HAVE NOT been able to get the full speech (or complete remarks) - we are left with the blaring fact that the Hama...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5593

Re: Men posing as women and vice versa in a forum

^herve's not happy. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Are there any Pakistanis on this forum pretending to be Brits? We should be told. Perhaps there's a Brit male pretending to be a French female super-spy?? (I always assumed herve was a male name.. but you can never be sure.. LOL ) But most Brits would know the...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Men posing as women and vice versa in a forum
Replies: 38
Views: 3233

Re: Hamas Leader Says Nazi Genocide Was A Lie

Edit: Ok - I could not resist doing a quick Google search (as I said, had you done your research herve, you wouldn't have embarrassed yourself). Gaza - The Islamic Hamas movement's strong man in Gaza, Mahmoud al-Zahar, told a rally Thursday in Jabalia refugee camp in the northern Gaza Strip that the...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5593

Re: My Favority Expats...

Based on the Americans I meet in Dubai and in America - these guys have a good grasp of geography. However, yes there are indeed a large number of Americans (in America) who aren't interested in Geography - but are more into sports etc. If I was being introduced to Bubba who lived in a trailer park,...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: My favority Expats...
Replies: 54
Views: 4728

Re: UK Poll on Immigration

Interesting article in the Daily Mail. The study does look to be representative. The comment in it is from a right-wing, anti-Immigration body - migrationwatch - that is notorious for hyping the issue of immigration. The top two comments on the page as of posting are: While Britain does need to take...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK Poll on Immigration
Replies: 48
Views: 3562

Re: My Favority Expats...

I've got a new one a little bit closer to home Shaf. Black Seychellois are generally not friendly. Very difficult to get a smile, hello, or a wave out of them. Well, the one Black Seychellois family that I came across in Dubai (hubby worked in my industry) was very friendly and had a good sense of ...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: My favority Expats...
Replies: 54
Views: 4728

Re: UK Poll On Immigration

I wonder if there is a generational gap in the UK on immigration and race issues? Or perhaps a gap between urban and rural folk? I don't know - just thinking out loud here. On the one hand there are estates in the UK where there are a great number of mixed race couples (and the proverbial 'brown' ch...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK Poll on Immigration
Replies: 48
Views: 3562

Re: UK Poll On Immigration

The thread should perhaps be split into a Obama is Muslim or not thread. Shaf, the claim that Obama is a Muslim has yet to be proven. It's like taking a poll - do you believe that there is life after death? You've really lost me there. Either Obama is a Muslim or he is not. He says he is a Christian...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK Poll on Immigration
Replies: 48
Views: 3562

Re: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie

^Someone tell me whether any poster does get the full transcript to Zahar's speech (or whether they back up herve's view that it was an interview - he asked for evidence, and I've now given him what he requested!) and, more to the point, whether it shows that Zahar does indeed deny the Nazi holocaus...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5593

Re: UK Poll On Immigration

^Southall is now quite famous around the world, and also Green Street in East London. I grew up in Northolt - not too far from Southall - and know Ruislip quite well, spent many an enjoyable afternoon at the lido. Nowadays it has it's fair share of millionaires and Bentleys - as well as those less m...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK Poll on Immigration
Replies: 48
Views: 3562

Re: UK Poll On Immigration

As for losing you, maybe I didn't make myself clear. Polls regarding Obama being Muslim: these polls are based on what people "believe" or "think", based on rumor. No one has been able to actually provide tangible proof that Obama is Muslim, so safe to assume he is not. Innocent...
by shafique
Jan 16, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: UK Poll on Immigration
Replies: 48
Views: 3562

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