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Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

It is worth bumping again, and noting that we still only have one clear, comprehensive and complete message from Hamas about their stance on the Holocaust. Snippets of speeches translated from Arabic (old and new) have to be compared to what Hamas actually says their stance on the Holocaust is. Some...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: The Islamification of Britain: record numbers embrace Mu

by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: The Islamification of Britain: record numbers embrace Muslim
Replies: 88
Views: 6944

Re: Muslim 'Human Shields'

Thanks herve.

We can now easily compare the facts of the majority Muslim reaction to the terrorist attack and the crazed Islamphobic portrayal of Muslims - relying on exaggeration and hype.

by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslim 'Human Shields'
Replies: 10
Views: 905

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

Herve - you do know the difference between 'clear, complete, and comprehensive' and 'snippet' don't you? If not, I can explain in French. :wink: What is also interesting (but not surprising) - an elderly civilian is shot dead in bed, and there is no comment from herve. Quote what Hamas' actual views...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust


Do you support Likud?

by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

It is worth recalling that this thread was about correcting a piece of disinformation that was presented as fact. Quoting what Hamas themselves say about their beliefs is not what I would say amounts to support of Hamas - just support of truth, I'd argue: .. You're the one that raised Hamas' views a...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

It is a snippet. Compare that with the full, complete, comprehensive statement in the OP. Only a few words of Zahar were quoted in the article. If you are sure that Hamas denies the Holocaust - then show us the full quote and context of Zahar's speech and show that his words aren't being spun as usu...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

Unfortunately, the bit you highlighted in red is not what was quoted by the article as the words used by Zahar (and not in that order). It should be very simple for you - just quote the guy in full in the words he used. Not a difficult or unreasonable request. (If you are interested in the truth, th...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

:) As I thought - you are an expert on Hamas based on one snippet, and 'have no opinion' on Likud. LOL I have no problem in acknowledging and denouncing all terrorist acts committed by Hamas. I denounced the terrorist acts committed by Irgun (such as blowing up the King David hotel and booby trappin...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: IDF Kill Pensioner In Bed

BM - the Israeli Military Occupation is definitely not the only military in the world to make mistakes - but they sure make a hell of a lot of them against unarmed civilians living under occupation (and also on boats sometimes too). The other military also don't tend to be carried out by a...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: IDF kill pensioner in bed
Replies: 53
Views: 3452

Re: Conan's Christmas Decorations

What was the name of the robot in the film with the Pakistani guy.. gimme 5 or something similar?

Is it the same Robo Rabbi?


by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Conan's Christmas Decorations
Replies: 5
Views: 770

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

Herve - Hamas' own words and clear declaration on the Holocaust couldn't be more explicit. Repeating snippets from various sources doesn't change this fact. Let me re-quote the clear statement: But it should be made clear that neither Hamas nor the Palestinian government in Gaza denies the Nazi Holo...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls

Mr Straw told the BBC's Newsnight programme: "Pakistanis, let's be clear, are not the only people who commit sexual offences, and overwhelmingly the s.ex offenders' wings of prisons are full of white s.ex offenders . "But there is a specific problem which involves Pakistani heritage men.....
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls
Replies: 101
Views: 8567

Re: Conan's Christmas Decorations

^Thanks - fake Indian/Paki accent easy mistake to make! :)

by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Conan's Christmas Decorations
Replies: 5
Views: 770

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

Hey herve, I'll be the first one to join you in condemning anyone who denies the Holocaust. It's just the small problem that pro-Israeli propaganda about Hamas on this subject doesn't stand up to even a quick scrutiny. Take the latest example of Zahar - I haven't actually seen a full quote yet of hi...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Muslim 'Human Shields'

^ :shock:

Does your hatred of Muslims really blind you so much? Did you even think about what you were writing?

by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslim 'Human Shields'
Replies: 10
Views: 905

Re: Muslim 'Human Shields'

What exactly are my views about Jews, BM?

And in any case, even if you believe I hate jews or such like, why shouldn't I be shocked at the shocking sentiment expressed by our French friend above?

by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslim 'Human Shields'
Replies: 10
Views: 905

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

But herve - you seem to be an expert about Muslims in Egypt (calling them hypocrites) and an expert on Hamas' political views (but unable to present anything more than can be found on blogs) - AND you asked me (a Brit) whether I supported Hamas. I quite rightly asked whether you support Likud/Irgun....
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Muslim 'Human Shields'

So, you know for a fact that all these Muslims are hypocrites. :roll:

Congratulations - Bob Spencer has a medal for you, go over to and pick it up.

by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslim 'Human Shields'
Replies: 10
Views: 905

Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls

I just quoted Jack Straw in the article you linked to BM. He's the one who said that the jails are full of white pervs. I'm not excusing the 'Pakistani heritiage' pervs in any way - I'm just pointing out the obvious point that perhaps all the pervs should be targetted and corrected. I'm at a loss as...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls
Replies: 101
Views: 8567

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

I think we are getting to the root of your prejudices herve - you appear to hate everyone with a foreign sounding name. Again, what you think I am, is as relevant in this thread as your views about former Israeli terrorists. (I said this in the last post - you should read more carefully what's writt...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls

^Yes, BM - Brits with Pakistani parents exist. Just like King Edward VII was a Brit with a German father (who married his cousin), and indeed the whole family is really German extraction - (indeed George the first never spoke English - he was German through and through). Other notable Brits with for...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pakistani Men Target Young White Girls
Replies: 101
Views: 8567

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

Maybe you should change your name to Harris or maybe even Lester. Then you might get more credibilty :D Nah - If I were to take on a Anglo-Saxon name - I'd choose something like Mr Cholmondley Warner, and then start making jokes about the French and wars to get into character. (Being a Brit with re...
by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Hamas' View Of Holocaust

Steady on old chap - we'll have none of that foreign talk here! (Off topic alarm just went off).


by shafique
Jan 08, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas' view of Holocaust
Replies: 88
Views: 8390

Re: Hamas Leader Says Nazi Genocide Was A Lie

OK. ... eholocaust

Happy? ;)

Now, back to this thread's topic - will we EVER find a complete transcript that shows that Zahar has indeed gone against Hamas' official line.

C'mon then. Make my day.

by shafique
Jan 13, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas leader says Nazi genocide was a lie
Replies: 73
Views: 5600

Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court

:D :D :D

herve is getting desperate. Even the most desperate loon won't argue that homosexuality is allowed in Islam.

But hey, I guess he's lost the argument on forced marriages and paedophillia being allowed in the Quran/Islam.

by shafique
Nov 30, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court
Replies: 623
Views: 47988

Re: Terrorism In EU - Zero Deaths From Jihadists

According to the statistics, you are wrong.

by shafique
Nov 30, 2011
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Terrorism in EU - Zero Deaths from Jihadists
Replies: 85
Views: 7202

Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court

LOL - I did say that there is no shortage of cut and pastes you can come up with. Raymond Ibrahim is a discredited 'cash cow' and there's a thread about his loony views. At the end of the day, you're just quoting loons and not addressing the core pieces of evidence that clearly show that Islam does ...
by shafique
Nov 30, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court
Replies: 623
Views: 47988

Re: Pedophilia In The Koran

Another loon fantasy. Already addressed in the previous posts which show this is not the case.


by shafique
Nov 30, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Pedophilia in the Koran
Replies: 21
Views: 3972

Re: Forced Mariage Stoped By Australian Court

Again, nothing in it addresses the EVIDENCE that Islam does not condone forced marriages, s.ex outside marriage or paedophillia. Are you really going to cut and paste every loon reference you find? We'll be here a long time.. and all the while you'll still be ignoring the evidence. This reminds me o...
by shafique
Nov 30, 2011
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Forced mariage stoped by Australian court
Replies: 623
Views: 47988

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