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Re: Palestinians/Arabs Killed

So, I take it that you don't have those figures - only veiled ad hominem attacks.

Perhaps you shouldn't have admitted you sympathise with war criminals and tried to divert attention away - that's what I've called shameful.

by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Palestinians/Arabs Killed

So, what are the actual numbers and where did the blogger get them from? ...just provide the actual numbers and references for the graph you've copied from Elder's blog. Actual numbers and actual references for the graph. Not vague suppositions about what may be in the numbers. Thanks. Cheers, Shaf...
by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Palestinians/Arabs Killed

Can you give me a link (or a vague clue) - I'm not asking for much, actual numbers and a reference for the numbers.

Apologies if I missed the actual numbers/data.

by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Palestinians/Arabs Killed

I had another look at the thread and also had a look at Elder's blog (sigh, not a pleasant place to go - but the figures from FD weren't forthcoming). As I suspected, the figures are dodgy (the relevance as a measure has been ex...
by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Palestinians/Arabs Killed

No, with over 33% fewer deaths on the Arab side and with the deaths caused by Israel in Lebanon added to the Israeli side (about 20,000 all told), the pie chart would look different, I'd argue. It would show that Israel is disproportionately more bloodthirsty than the Arab states (compare the popula...
by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Palestinians/Arabs Killed

I agree FD - we are all free to look at the evidence and make up our own minds. Thanks for that - I just wanted to check out the figures behind the graph you presented as evidence, and now we have these and have exposed the basis for his estimates, we can all make up our own minds. I personally did ...
by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: The Ashes

Who would have thunk it - England on the verge of retaining the Ashes!

by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Sports Forum
Topic: The Ashes
Replies: 27
Views: 4055

Re: Palestinians/Arabs Killed

Of course, sorry - the IDF is the most moral army in the world. How could I forget this spin that no one really believes any more? LOL You're right, this thread isn't about you - it's turning into a comedy thread about weird beliefs and pretty graphs made up by bloggers. But you know me - a sucker f...
by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Palestinians/Arabs Killed

Hey, I'll defend your right to believe what you want to believe. My failing is when presented with stats, I actually examine them. But that's just me. I'll agree with you that the Israelis are less bloody than Saddam, Algerians, Pol Pot, Rwandans, Hitler etc etc - but those statistical facts doesn't...
by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Dubai Hit: Mossad To Apologise?

^You'd expect the Israelis to be proud of their successful mission then ... but let's see whether they do apologise and own up to the killing or not.

by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Dubai hit: Mossad to Apologise?
Replies: 20
Views: 2145

Re: Dubai Hit: Mossad To Apologise?

No intention of giving up! ;)

Hey, don't shoot the messenger - I was as surprised as you are that Mossad was effectively going to own up to the murder in Dubai.

by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Dubai hit: Mossad to Apologise?
Replies: 20
Views: 2145

Re: Palestinians/Arabs killed

So, in summary - an extreme Islamphobic blog makes a pie chart. Pie chart presented as evidence. Pie chart's numbers found flawed. Invitations offered to make a new pie chart. So many pies, so little time to eat! :) And in the meantime, we uncover the startling statistical facts that the 10s of thou...
by shafique
Dec 28, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Palestinians/Arabs Killed

We can then also make a pie chart to see how many Caucasians have been killed by other Caucasians vs those killed by Arabs since 1914, say. I'm sure that will be as pretty a graph and will be as relevant to the real crimes committed by Israel in Palestine. Stats are wonderful, I find. :mrgreen: I lo...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Flying While Muslim: Dangerous For Christians!

:roll: (at gertrude)
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Flying while Muslim: Dangerous for Christians!
Replies: 7
Views: 1344

Re: Islamists Make Obama An Offer He Can't Refuse

benjw - I mentioned that I condemned all acts of terrorism to contrast with the opposing view that a terrorist who murdered muslims has not been condemned. I totally agree that I don't blame Islam for the acts of terrorism and violence - any more than I would blame Judaism for Baruch Goldstein's ter...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Islamists make Obama an offer he can't refuse
Replies: 11
Views: 1116

Coptic Wives - Seek refuge in Islam

A bizare and sad story from Egypt - two wives of Coptic priests who abused them and for whom divorce is not an option, tried to convert to Islam to escape from their abusive husbands. Their plans were discovered and they were handed back to the Coptic church and are now missing: :shock: It is sad th...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Coptic Wives - Seek refuge in Islam
Replies: 2
Views: 1182

Re: Knock Your Socks Off. Starring David Cameron!!!

What you are missing TJ is the fact that in the UK the higher up you go in the social ranks, the more shabby and old your clothes are! One of the biggest faux pas you can make is to turn up to a country do (let's say a pheasant shoot) and wear a newish looking jacket - the dirtier and shabbier it is...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Knock Your Socks Off. Starring David Cameron!!!
Replies: 7
Views: 1334

Re: Apartheid In Israel: Should Be Opposed

I agree with you FD - the freedom of speech in Israel and freedom of the press puts much of the Arab world's oppressive treatment of the press to shame. No arguments there. I'd point out that this is not because Arab populations don't want to have a free press, but that those in power won't let them...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Apartheid in Israel: Should be opposed
Replies: 20
Views: 1780

Re: Palestinians/Arabs killed

May I suggest with the easier figure to kick things off. Elder's graph is comparing the numbers of Arabs killed by Israelis with the number of Arabs killed by other Arabs. (There's something really creepy about looking at numbers killed by race on the one hand and nationality on the other - but let'...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians/Arabs killed
Replies: 82
Views: 6079

Re: Apartheid In Israel: Should Be Opposed

So, in a nutshell you either justify the discrimination where you can't deny it, and just call Haaretz a liar for the other instances.

As I said, readers therefore have a clear choice between two different views of Israel - one from you and one from the Israeli newspaper.

by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Apartheid in Israel: Should be opposed
Replies: 20
Views: 1780

Re: Apartheid In Israel: Should Be Opposed

Thanks for sharing your personal opinion of the article - I was just summarising what you had written about the article.

As for me, I agree with the Israelis who say they should fight against the Apartheid regulations and who oppose those who support/justify/deny them.

by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Apartheid in Israel: Should be opposed
Replies: 20
Views: 1780

Rabbi: Israel's pit of racism

In what is becoming a flood of condemnation for the racist elements within Israel's establishment - Rabbi Kariv, Head of the Reform Judaism movement doesn't mince his words when he says Israel is "falling into a deep, dark pit of racism and xenophobia." The comment comes as 30 wives of Rab...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rabbi: Israel's pit of racism
Replies: 9
Views: 1076

Re: Apartheid In Israel: Should Be Opposed

That looks like an order to me... and reminds me of a quote of yours from a few weeks back: Jawohl uberstormbahnfuhrer! (Payback's a b.itch, eh?) ;) But, as I said - thanks for sharing your beliefs about the situation in Israel. If it is ok with you 'uberstormbahnfuhrer' - I'll decide whether to bel...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Apartheid in Israel: Should be opposed
Replies: 20
Views: 1780

Re: Canadians obviously not wanted here..

Most Canadian passports holders in the UAE aren't CANADIAN anyways... Sorry, but I had to ask.. Did you mean that the Canadians in the UAE don't look like this: Or were you thinking that they don't look like this: http://ca...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Canadians obviously not wanted here..
Replies: 64
Views: 5957

Re: Apartheid In Israel: Should Be Opposed

Apology accepted - but note that I was actually quoting you - so was referring to your own words coming back to haunt you (and the smiley was there for a reason). As I said, if you think my summary for clarity was wrong - you are free to give your own summary. I only read a. justification and b. den...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Apartheid in Israel: Should be opposed
Replies: 20
Views: 1780

Re: Iran: Kill, Kill And Kill

No argument from me on this point - very distasteful. Generals have a habit of wishing death on others - 'shock and awe' was a euphemism for killing Iraqis, and by coincidence today Haaretz also has a piece on a similarly distasteful comments:
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Iran: kill, kill and kill
Replies: 4
Views: 1362

Re: Apartheid In Israel: Should Be Opposed

Hey, again I'm with you on this. I don't like the fact that the refugees are kept apart as a largely political move - so as to not change the 'facts on the ground'. But we shouldn't also forget the fact that many Palestinians who are refugees have left the region - many working in Dubai for example....
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Apartheid in Israel: Should be opposed
Replies: 20
Views: 1780

Re: Canadians Obviously Not Wanted Here..

No one.

I'm just asking what you had in mind when you wrote what you wrote. Did it have nothing to with their skin colour?

I was also trying to be not-so-subtle about the fact that Anglo-Saxon Canadians are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants to North America! ;)

by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Canadians obviously not wanted here..
Replies: 64
Views: 5957

Re: Canadians Obviously Not Wanted Here..

Cool -thanks for clearing that up. It's just when I read your comment and the subsequent posts in relation to it - my 'racism' antenai started to twitch. But that's just me - I'm glad that wasn't your intention. I understand your views - Africa is full of people with British passports (white and non...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Canadians obviously not wanted here..
Replies: 64
Views: 5957

Re: Rabbi: Israel's Pit Of Racism

FD - I'm with you on the supremacy point of view. I don't see an issue with relaxing dress codes when in the company of the same s.ex (of whatever religion or race) - and indeed see the fact that there is a dress code when members of the opposite s.ex are in the same company as a strong indication t...
by shafique
Dec 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rabbi: Israel's pit of racism
Replies: 9
Views: 1076

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