As one now watching from the sidelines - this is a most interesting thread. Both sides (and those now sitting on the fence) are giving their views and providing evidence for their views. Both sides have plausible interpretations of the evidence out there - and both sides have questions which they ha...
This story really defies belief. I put it down to stupidity and not conspiracy, but I am sure that many may view it in different terms - that it is symptomatic of what is wrong with Israel. Israel refuses entry to Palestinian firefighters being honored for Carmel fire assistance Ceremony forced into...
[Spun off the main thread] I find these 'guilt by association' arguments very weak. It's about as strong as arguing that Hitler was democratically elected, therefore anyone who believes in democracy condones Nazism (i.e. ridiculously silly). I personally would be embarrassed to use this as an argume...
Mel - with respect, I asked whether you thought that a guilt by association argument was valid. Let me specify - Saying that Ahmadinejad also doubts the veracity of the official 9/11 explanation means that those here who doubt the 9/11 official line are anti-semitic, is what I'm calling a guilt by a...
Calling someone who expresses Islamophobic beliefs an Islamophobe is not a guilt by association argument. See the link I gave in the post above - it states what 'loon' means in the context that I used it. Linking someone who doesn't believe the 9/11 official story with Ahmadinejad and holocaust deni...
^Strange that, in a post mentioning yourself I made that point explicitly. Did you not read it? Mel reminded me today that 'loons' feature prominently in recent posts. So here's a reminder of what the term signifies - i.e. that it is a convenient shortcut for irrational Islamophobes who aren't inter...
The whole purpose of that thread was to clarify what a loon was and wasn't. I clarified my stance with you in the posts in August - so I'm not sure why your confusion over the OP from June is relevant in this thread. But anyway, I'm glad that you are more enlightened now and can identify loons when ...
Yes, very sad. The anti-Shia violence is indeed resurging - from Pakistan to Iraq and now Iran. This internal fighting has been going on since the split between Shia and Sunni - and it does illustrate that when Mullahs (this time on the Sunni side) justify violence against one/few minorities the log...
Interesting info folks. DDS' orange line in his map clearly shows a trajectory that would miss the light poles. If I understand correctly this trajectory is from the published NTSB data and contradicts the 'official' trajectory which has the plane knocking down the light poles. FD - can you show tha...
^I'm easily impressed/confused (take your pick) - I'm still trying to get my head round the indestructible passport :) But surely knocking down a few light poles (and forgetting to disturb the lawn) doesn't take invisible tanks - but the difference in flight trajectories does seem to provide some ob...
^I like the elves story. But why be selective with the evidence one chooses to believe? [serious question] You can certainly hold a view (my one at the start of the thread was that it wasn't a conspiracy, now I'm agnostic) - and then test it against evidence. But I haven't rejected evidence based on...
Any real evidence for the allegation? The metacafe link says that the Sudanese authorities are looking into the flogging on this one video. I visit Khartoum each year and the men and women there are all dressed modestly and sensibly for the climate. Women are prominent in business and government - t...
I haven't used a guilt by association argument in this thread - I've just said that you and fellow Islamophobes on Jihadwatch have to stoop to such low tactics. You don't have any evidence for the allegation of 40,000 whippings (which would mean over 100 each day, and about 10 an hour during dayligh...
So, we can now eliminate the animation from the 'evidence' - thanks to DDs verifying what FD challenged him on (and eating humble pie). I have to say, that if they got the difference between magnetic and true North wrong and you only picked that up when looking at this in more detail, it does call i...
Pretty grim indeed. As pointed out many times before, stoning is a Biblical punishment that isn't to be found in the Quran. That Iran and others carry out this form of capital punishment has more to do with their particular cultures than Islamic law. But that said, the above appears to be from a Can...
Bolivia also joins in: What is funny is that Israel is now also complaining and trying to tell Scandinavian countries what to do. Norway is recognising the Palestin...
I'm struggling to understand why the paper that put together the graphic and the commentary 'has nothing to do with the topic'. Perhaps they are accurate this time and aren't sensationalising or making things up, but their track record isn't good on 1. accuracy and 2. being balanced when it comes to...
Well, we clearly have a choice - whether to believe Haaretz's clear, detailed and careful list of the Apartheid policies, or the other view that all is rosy and that those opposing Israel just believe in conspiracy theories. I personally think it is sweet how people can hold on to out-dated beliefs ...