BM - if it is ok with you, I'll stick to the stats from the police. I think it odd that someone who is familiar with the intelligence communityh thinks someone flying a plane into a building in a suicide attack with the intention of killing civilians is NOT a terrorist! ;) (Stack said in his suicide...
Huff post has an intersting piece on possible scenarios for the end of the American Empire. As stated elsewhere, I'm not sure that we'll end this decade with the US still on top.. but who knows? What do you think?: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire 12.06.2010 | Huffington Post Four Scenari...
I don't have any problems with people holding different opinions - I think we should be very tolerant of people who think the world is flat, Michael Jackson was an alien, Fox News is 'fair and balanced', the BNP isn't racist etc. I also think that indeed people should be challenged when they give th...
^Do you mean - they are accurate and based on empirical evidence, computer models and an established branch of science...when carried out by experts - or in the general sense, you can't predict the weather. ;) I like the scenario of WWIII which results in no deaths - now, that would be a result! Che...
Hey - I did change my views when facts were presented on this forum. I thought that Americans hated Muslims more than Jews - but when the evidence was provided (by eh) that showed that there were more attacks against Jews than Muslims (as recorded by the FBI) - I changed my view: Yes, can't argue wi...
Actually, you'll find that Roubini, Stiglitz and others did indeed predict that the economic meltdown. Roubini in particular was clear about the cause and effect. The timing is always hard to predict - but the consequences of fundamental actions are pretty well known. Anyway - the reason that 4 scen...
I think the 10% brain usage is no longer current scientific understanding - but that doesn't change the interesting question you pose. You could have asked where the mind is - and I'd argue that the soul is more remote than the mind. Some may argue they are the same thing - so it may come down to ho...
The author does address this question zubber - drawing on history as to why other empires acted as they did when it was bleedingly obvious (in hindsight, and at the time too to some) that the actions were follies that would hasten the decline. In a nutshell, I'd summarise it as human nature - you ca...
@shaf, you can't help yourself can you? If it doesn't match your opinion , it is silly. Nope - I respectfully beg to differ. I don't view all differing opinions are silly. I can have a different opinion with people who think fornication is not wrong, or who drink alcohol and eat pork - and not thin...
Just addressing the 10% question (I'll reply to the other points later): Here's what Google threw up - an article from Scientific American... and let me just quote a bit from it: Though an alluring idea, the "10 percent myth" is so wrong it is almost laughable, says neurologist Barry Gordo...
Well, the Quran says that all people were sent messengers - it doesn't say that the list of holy books is comprehensive (and indeed doesn't really call the injil a holy book as such). Given that all people were sent messengers and therefore all were sent Divine messages, one could argue that where t...
Thanks icenic - it is good to be able to share my limited knowledge - I also find that I'm always learning as well. The question about the Quran not being revealed at the start is one I've pondered over, and when we take into account the evolution of societies, the reason for earlier local religious...
All sites have their biases - if you want to study other religions, I suggest you go speak to those practicing the other religions and search for those who are willing to discuss. I have found others to be most generous in sharing their scriptures and interpretations (and these days, pretty much eve...
Did you read the note? Nothing changes unless there is a body count (unless it is in the interest of the wealthy sows at the government trough). In a government full of hypocrites from top to bottom, life is as cheap as their lies and their self-serving laws. I know I’m hardly the first one to decid...
We can debate all day on the definition of terrorism, that is not the topic. What I am saying is that there is a solution that works, either you take it and save lives, or you dont and people die and in between everybody get un necessarily strip searched. The solution is profiling, which is a polit...
Joe Stack was a terrorist. Had he just taken some pills and left a suicide note - then he could be classified as a protester sucide etc. However, he chose to use a plane as a sucide bomb and target a civilian building with civilians in it. He chose to target a building at a time when civilians were ...
I say it is better to catch these criminals before they kill people, not after. But how many people like Tim McVeigh could be entrapped, but aren't? I think that there is a very good reason why entrapment is not grounds for prosecution in most legal jurisdictions. By all means - get people that are...
To be fair, some Rabbis are showing a sense of decency in Israel and refusing to join the racist rabbis: "What if there was a similar call in Berlin against renting properties to Jews?" asks Rabbi Steinman.
So all mass murderers are terrorists? The point made in the OP is that the last successful suicide attack in the USA was a white dude called Joe Stack. If you refuse to call him a terrorist - that doesn't change the fact that he flew his plane into a federal building and was just lucky to not kill ...
Well, after all that - the Israelis refused to take the bribe - $3billion was not enough to persuade them to stop building on occupied land for 90 days! The US authorities are trying to save some face by now just saying that they won't condone the buildings of further colonies on land that isn't par...
A bit from the 'Decline of American Empire' thread speaks to the hubris of declining empires - in line with the state of denial of some US military types you talk about: Counterintuitively, as their power wanes, empires often plunge into ill-advised military misadventures. This phenomenon is known a...
Well, now that I think we've done to death whether the last successful suicide attack in the USA was a terrorist act (with even eh listing it as a terrorist attack) - we should get back to the main point of the thread. That is that Muslims were indeed against the terrorist acts and would-be terroris...
Perhaps - let's see. You're not being ironic and demonstrating the denial referred to in the quote are you, by any chance? Just checking. If you aren't - perhaps you may be interested in buying some good deals on property in Florida - they are very good value for money. Oh, and I can let you have Lo...
I put Joe stark on the list, but it is not on the official list, just to prove you that whether it s there or not It does not change the outcome, Muslims terrorits are from far the biggest threat ever. I fully understand you want to believe this. However, as I said before - I like to test such beli...
gertrude, your imagination is running ahead of you again - now you're imagining posts which were never made. I've commended the capture and locking up of numpty Brievik/McVeigh wannabes and said that I'm relieved that they are numpties by and large so far. Eventually some of these guys will get luck...
:roll: The quote is from someone who is speaking out against wrong actions by Muslims and saying they are not part of Islam: This attitude of ‘segregation’ generates misunderstandings and hatred; and Islam DOES NOT approve that. Islam promotes peace, tolerance and co existence; and strongly opposes ...
Wow. Some really xenophobic generalisations in FD's post above - and very indicative of the paranoia that lies behind his Islamophobia. The chilling thing about his post is that if you change the words "muslims" to 'jews' or 'blacks' there would be an uproar. That speaks volumes. RC - than...