It looks a lot like Fisk is reading Dubai Forums :) From last weekend's Independent: Robert Fisk: An American bribe that stinks of appeasement Saturday, 20 November 2010 In any other country, the current American bribe to Israel, and the latter's reluctance to accept it, in return for even a tempora...
Eric Cantona - he of the kung fu school of football and sardine school of poetry - is calling on protestors to simply withdraw their cash from banks as a form of protest. He correctly points out that if everyone withdraws their cash, the banks will be in t...
Dattaswami - thanks for taking the comments on board and posting this interesting question/topic. Islam is one of the religions that does indeed take the view that God does not take a form, indeed the greatest sin in Islam is to worship something besides God - i.e. idol worship. Muslims are taught t...
His point is that this will cause more damage than just protesting. The criticism is not that he's wrong, but that this would be irresponsible (judging by the criticisms on line as well as FD). I agree - bringing down the banking system would indeed cause a lot of harm. But that's the point - the sy...
Thanks for the explanation. There's little I can disagree with, if I look beyond the word 'incarnation' and look at what you're describing. The concept of God directing a human being from birth and influencing what they say and do.. is indeed a concept that I recognise in Islam. Islam, though, also ...
I'm sure psychologists can explain the phenomenon. It's like telling someone to not think of a yellow elephant - can't be done, everyone will think of a yellow elephant. (Even the guys who will argue that hippos in Muslim countries are purple, or some other tangent, will think of yellow elephants fi...
Remind me again - who was the last terrorist to fly a plane into a government building in the USA? Ans: White, Catholic raised, American born Joe Stack in February 2010 in Austin, Texas. Someone should tell Glen Beck that Coulter has jumped on the bandwagon. ;) (Oh, and let's just whisper the fact t...
BM - you are a fount of knowledge regarding the world cup etc. However, you have given us a little bit more info that was necessarily required - you could have just said you fancied King Eric and left it at that! ;) I've been amazed at how erudite (educated) and cultured most of the French football ...
The unimaginable God is invisible to even your imagination and therefore can never become visible to your eyes. He is always unimaginable since He has no spatial dimensions. Such state of God maintains the greatest and highest status. Since, such God is never modified to become any imaginable item ...
Datta - I get the impression that the above response was just cut and pasted from somewhere. Is this a correct assumption? I was more interested in your answer to my question in the previous post - I think we've established that we both agree with the belief that God is unimagineable. Cheers, Shafique
Again, thank you for the explanation. May I just repeat - I agree with your concept about what 'God in human form' represents (that it is not really God taking human form). The questions I asked were: Have you studied Islam and compared it with your beliefs. In what way would you say they are differ...
Ahh - I see. Islam teaches that God answers prayers of worshippers - and indeed sends revelations to people (not just Prophets). Are you saying that it is ONLY via 'human-incarnations of God' that God can communicate with humans? (I just want to clarify this specific point). If so, then this is a cl...
God can give intution to some devotees, but those are very very rare and GOd mainly talks to His people the divine knowledge; by coming in Human form. For any transaction common medium is the best. What is your opinion of the claim of the Quran to be the literal word of God - i.e. a direct verbal m...
Some uplifting news from the West Bank, showing that Muslims, Jews and Christians can and do along - even in a region where land and politics causes strife between populations: Holy Land Jews, Muslims and Christians Pray for Rain BY JUDITH SUDILOVSKY (Ecumenical News Wire)
JoeTGF - thanks for your comments. I agree that the abuse of religion shouldn't mean that there isn't a God. I've also often made the observation that Muslims and most Christians view the Bible in the same way - as containing the word of God, but also containing man-made verses which should be ignor...
Joe - fortunately we have recourse to International Law and the UN to resolve who legally has a right to control the land that was captured in 1967 by Israel. The Palestinians have shown willingness to compromise and not demand everything that UN resolutions and International Law say they are entitl...
I finally watched the Panorama programme a few days ago. It is definitely only a minority of schools - and indeed the issue was really primarily about some part-time after-school clubs which use Saudi curriculum books in Arabic. The majority of Muslims in the UK aren't Arabic speakers - most are fro...
^Control (i.e. occupation) is legal after winning a war, constructing colonies and depriving the occupied the use of their land is illegal. Over 60% of the West Bank is currently under direct control of the Israelis and the rest is under general occupational control. Thanks for the opportunity to cl...
I've already said I'm glad you gave the opportunity to clarify what exactly International Law says on the subject and the fact that it is Israel's building of the colonies that is deemed illegal (as it is aquiring land). But, as my dad always said - always be grateful. So, I thank you again. (You do...
Great - so what I wrote is correct. I presume therefore that the other bits are beyond dispute as well - that the colonies are illegal under international law as is the displacement of the occupied people and the destruction of their homes. The annexation of land captured (such as Golan and East Jer...
^I'm wondering whether China will become the next bogey man, or whether they'll just accept the rise of China (like they did with Japan - but then again, China is bigger and wasn't defeated in a war and doesn't have US bases in the country. )
Joe - sorry to burst your bubble, but the US has been meddling in Africa in the past. However not to the extent in other territories - but they have been around. More so if you take into account the IMF and World Bank involvement in the continent (on the economic front). Angola's civil war is an int...
Epic fail, again. If this painting depicted the Muslim "martyrs" ascending to their hundred virgins, I might agree with the painting's critics. But it doesn't. There is no difference between the subject matter of this work and say a Franz Marc, Paul Nash, Georg Groz or any of the numerous ...
BM - thanks for the info - very enlightening. That's a nice salary.. isn't it!! Joe - yes, back to the subject. Yes, Cantona is trying to precipitate bank runs - and yes, this is bad for the banks and there will be bad consequences if bank runs happen. But that is his point - if people did this, the...