I agree - there is wriggle room if one takes the view that the Bible isn't the word of God, but I would have argued that this is a given when discussing what Judaism teaches.. ;) (Indeed, it increasingly appears that the Muslim view that some parts of the Bible are indeed fabrications and should be ...
Well, the last US terrorist to use a plane as a weapon and fly it into a building (blowing it up in the process) was a white dude from Texas called Joe Stack - and he committed his terrorist act in February 2010. His gripe was about paying taxes (and he was brought up Catholic it appears). If we wil...
Drat - our (non-white Brits) cunning plan has been exposed. :shock: We were lulling our white compatriots into a sense of complacency by getting you to eat curries and foods that actually have some taste (whilst all the while having pizzas, fish and chips etc ourselves) .. and we were hoping you wou...
Benwj - I've spent many a session in pubs with mates and each time my non-drinking habits have been reinforced! (But I do object to the cost of non-Alcoholic drinks.. but that's another issue!) :) Chocs - Powell predicted that: In this country in 15 or 20 years' time the black man will have the whip...
No probs - I think the debate over benefits of circumcision is an interesting one, but is distinct from whether it is a religious obligation or not (in Judaism or Islam). There are parallels with the issue of pork - there are Muslims (and indeed some jews) who will eat pork and argue that whilst scr...
MCL - I'm surprised you're surprised that I'd take an interest in this. I can think of a few reasons, off the top of my head: 1. I'm British 2. I'm non-white 3. I'm an actuary (I deal with demographics and stats) 4. I can read and interpret facts 5. I realise that 2066 less 2010 is 56 years 6. I rou...
Dillon - yes, the non-white immigrants have indeed exceeded the forecasts Powell cited. However his fears of the Blackman holding a whip etc (and at the time, there was fear of the West Indian immigration remember), and the rivers of blood etc haven't come true. No one was having an issue with Powel...
Today's Haaretz editorial. It is hard hitting, factual and quite un-spinnable. As a comment to the article states, the stories about racism in Israel are now making it even to the mainstream US media (I'll take the commentator's word on that). It does show the danger in letting a society (any societ...
Looks like you were right BM - Ireland's central bank is reporting that it will get a bail out - in the form of a loan. Ireland is borrowing money to help it pay its debts.... hmmm. Isn't there a flaw in this logic..
The OP and the Sun Article all refer to 'white Britons' : The expert went on: "On those assumptions the 'white British' population would decline to 45 million (59 per cent of the total) by 2051. "Were the assumptions to hold, the 'white British' population of Britain would become the minor...
So, TWO racist bigot's on the forum then? You haven't visited the politics forum recently, have you? ;) The 'feral underclass' is what the right-wing press call the white poor British segment of society that they look down their noses at. Rednecks and trailer trash are the equivalent terms over the...
Sick. The problem is with some Mullahs who have distorted Islam for their own benefit. There is no punishment in the Quran, Sunnah or Hadith for those who commit blasphemy - God is pretty clear about that. What applies to Salman Rushdie applies here too: Editorial: Blasphemy and Apostasy The fair na...
Genesis 17 10 This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised. 11 You are to undergo circumcision, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 For the generations to come every male among you who ...
^DK - nice, LOL. Dillon: If I'm alive in 56 years time, and say Dianne Abbot is alive - will we be termed 'white British' or not? We are both English born. The OP used the term 'White Britons' - I presumed that the contrast was with the non-white Britons and other non-Britons that would possibly mak...
Deja vu. Again. :) Still don't understand why defining the term 'feral underclass' is racist though. The erosion of British values has more to fear from the growing feral underclass (single parents, out of work, benefit-sponging whites who don't know anyone who have ever worked etc) - than they have...
It's actually a sign of a weak government - IMO. The politicians need the rabble-rousing mullahs on their side - that is why Bhutto etc did not revoke the laws imposed by Zia when they had a chance. I mean, you have people actually convinced that blowing up Shia or Ahmadi worshippers in mosques is s...
Shaf, tut, tut. the growing feral underclass (single parents, out of work, benefit-sponging whites who don't know anyone who have ever worked etc) That is the racist bit! That's the definition bit too - I was making the point that there is a growing under-class of white Brits that is termed 'feral ...
All religions have been corrupted. I don't think there are many radical Buddhists. :D Even they have their extremist fringe (3 monks were killed over a controversy in the 90s by other monks - so killing in the name of religion!) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dorje_Shugden_controversy Thankfully they...
X-factor - our family's guilty pleasure!! :) (Fortunately, we always watch a recorded version, so we fast forward most of the show and only watch about 20% of the show...) Dillon - I'm still at a loss how defining the term feral underclass as I did is racist. The erosion of British values has more t...
Re-read it, still can't see why a definition of feral underclass irks you so. Perhaps I should be bovvered? Alas.. I'm not. ;) But coming back to the OP - who knows what the actual demographics will be like in 56 years time (or 80 years time) and what the social stratification of the 'white British'...
Well I see you’re still bothered by it Shafique, The OP is still White British v Immigrants, not Non-White or General population, Immigrants, I wonder is it this that really irks you and the reason you keep trying to change it? Mine hasn’t changed, and it’s not likely to, it’s still there if you’d ...
I'm really not disguising the issue - I do believe I'm addressing the point made in the OP about White Britons and White Americans becoming minorities in the UK and US - with it occurring sooner there than here. Over there, all the Whites are immigrants. I think that fact strengthens my reading of w...