shafique - Posts

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Re: Muslims outraged by a dog named Khan - demand apology

I was in Zimbabwe in the mid-Eighties and a white farmer that we knew was taken in for questioning by the police for a complaint that he named one of his two dogs 'Banana'. Quite innocent, you might think. Except, at the time time the President of Zimbabwe was Canaan Banana - and there is a law that...
by shafique
Nov 08, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslims outraged by a dog named Khan - demand apology
Replies: 12
Views: 1402

Re: In The Mind Of A Troll

We've had some trolls that come and go - chevallier, for example. He's rabidly anti-many things, but is really a charicature and can laugh at himself at times. He may even be some regular poster just having fun. My experiment with the pet has sort of back-fired, and I'm starting to resemble the pet ...
by shafique
Nov 08, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: In the mind of a troll
Replies: 36
Views: 3972

Re: In The Mind Of A Troll

Step one: My name is Shafique and I'm a troll baiter. ;) Cheers, Shafique I thought you were going to say My Name is Khan, and I'm Not a Terrorist!!! :lol: :lol: Are you calling me a dog's name! I'm offended!! :shock: :) :) Did you watch that film - I hear it is quite good - but I'm allergic to Ind...
by shafique
Nov 08, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: In the mind of a troll
Replies: 36
Views: 3972

Racist Attacks: Cabinet urged to condemn

Things are not going well over in Israel. The Supreme Court was reported yesterday giving the green light to a Jews-only neighbourhood in Jaffa - and today Haaretz's editorial calls for the Israeli cabinet to break its silence over a series of racist attacks against non-Jewish citizens of Israel. Th...
by shafique
Nov 08, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Racist Attacks: Cabinet urged to condemn
Replies: 2
Views: 785

Islam: A definition

An excellent article from the Chicago Tribune by Ahmed Rehab on the meaning of the Arabic word Islam. It pretty much echoes the arguments expounded in other long tit-for-tat threads on whether Islam means peace or not - where bizarely the posters who weren't Muslim and didn't speak Arabic quoted 'sc...
by shafique
Nov 08, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Islam: A definition
Replies: 2
Views: 1044

Re: In The Mind Of A Troll

Bora Bora - fair points indeed. I'm all for discussing Islam as a religion. I make a clear distinction between actions of Israel and Palestine and Judaism and Islam (in fact, my main criticism of the 'others' is that they conflate Islam the religion with a political struggle in Israel/Palestine). Wh...
by shafique
Nov 08, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: In the mind of a troll
Replies: 36
Views: 3972

Muslims vs Extremists

I agree with Jon Spencer's recent quote: “…the inability to distinguish terrorists from Muslims makes us less safe, not more.” Fortunately, the recent news stories in the media have highlighted that fact that the reality that Muslims in general aren't all hell-bent on violence or want to kill all no...
by shafique
Nov 09, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslims vs Extremists
Replies: 2
Views: 1267

Re: Islam: A Definition

Thanks for posting the links eh - as I said, Rehab's article merely crystalises the arguments given in the other threads. No need to re-hash the back-and-forth in the other threads, but good that you have posted the reason why Rehab had to write the article. People can read Rehab's article, compare ...
by shafique
Nov 09, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Islam: A definition
Replies: 2
Views: 1044

Re: Canadians Can No Longer Come Freely To The UAE!!

I agree - it is petty. It's also something we've seen in Africa too - currently the South Africans and Nigerians are giving each other a hard time - visas are taking longer for both sides. I can't remember how the row started - but we've been caught up in the middle of it (I have clients in Nigeria ...
by shafique
Nov 09, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Canadians can no longer come freely to the UAE!!
Replies: 12
Views: 1557

Re: Muslims vs Extremists

by shafique
Nov 09, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Muslims vs Extremists
Replies: 2
Views: 1267

Re: The Arab Lobby In The US

It is a shame that the 'Arab lobby' doesn't represent the wishes of the man-on-the-street in Arab countries - who pretty much want the oil wealth etc to be spread amongst the population and generally want their leaders to be less in the pocket of the US. If the Arab lobby is defined (as above) as re...
by shafique
Nov 10, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Arab Lobby in the US
Replies: 8
Views: 1262

Pointless Provocation: Israeli Construction

Again, we find the Israeli press calling a spade, a spade. The latest announcement of even more construction of homes in occupied Palestinian land whilst the peace process is continuing (which even J-street, the US pro-Israel lobby group, has come out against) is indeed a pointless provocation. Whil...
by shafique
Nov 10, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pointless Provocation: Israeli Construction
Replies: 4
Views: 466

Re: Pointless Provocation: Israeli Construction

The Palestinian reaction to the news that 1000 more homes are to be constructed in interesting: Palestinians demand immediate statehood to counter Israeli 'unilateralism' Raising the stakes in the deadlock over stalled peace talks, Saeb Erekat said it was clear from the latest announcement of buildi...
by shafique
Nov 10, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pointless Provocation: Israeli Construction
Replies: 4
Views: 466

Politics of Islamophobia

A great article (long, so won't post it all here) on the politics of Islamophobia and the myths which underpin the Islamophobia. It defines what Islamophobia is (not the same a critical view of Islam) and looks at the history of the myths which Islamophobes have to use to justify their Islamophobia....
by shafique
Nov 10, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Politics of Islamophobia
Replies: 3
Views: 1397

Re: In The Mind Of A Troll

How is my restraint being received these days? ;)

The criticisms are valid and I totally agree that whatever the intentions and excuses, my posts and actions were indeed troll-like.

by shafique
Nov 10, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: In the mind of a troll
Replies: 36
Views: 3972

Re: Mirza Ahmad declared other Muslims as kafir


Clicking on the link you gave and scrolling to the bottom gives another link:

Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad regarded other Muslims as Muslims

by shafique
Nov 10, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Mirza Ahmad declared other Muslims as kafir
Replies: 1
Views: 1376

Re: Pointless Provocation: Israeli Construction

I find it curious why Israel's supporters fail to address what Israel does and rather like to point the finger at what the occupied people are doing or threaten to do. In this case, what should the 'correct' reaction to Israel's actions of building 1300 more homes be? Offer more land for them to con...
by shafique
Nov 10, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pointless Provocation: Israeli Construction
Replies: 4
Views: 466

Re: Politics Of Islamophobia

May I just respectfully point out that you quoted an extract paragraph twice in the above reply, and therefore quoted twice the author's direct response to the myth you say he didn't dispel. By the time of the Crusades, however, this initial burst of enthusiasm for holy war had long been spent. and ...
by shafique
Nov 10, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Politics of Islamophobia
Replies: 3
Views: 1397

Re: Pointless Provocation: Israeli Construction

Interesting development - I wonder if they are related. The US is giving $150m aid to the Palestinians and urging other countries to do the same. Every little bit helps, so it is to be welcomed (the direct and indirect aid to Israel dwarfs this figure, but hey - why quibble). What is also interestin...
by shafique
Nov 11, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pointless Provocation: Israeli Construction
Replies: 4
Views: 466

Re: The Arab Lobby In The US

You are right FD - the grass-roots support for the Palestinians is not affected by these stories. They do indeed focus more on what the Israelis do to the Palestinians - I guess the reasoning is that you focus on the bigger evil and don't blame those who are living under occupation. That and Israel'...
by shafique
Nov 11, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Arab Lobby in the US
Replies: 8
Views: 1262

Re: The Arab Lobby in the US

I amused that you're avoiding the question about whether labelling the Saudi/Big Oil lobby as the 'Arab Lobby' is misleading or not. I'm not surprised that the Saudi and Big Oil have their own interests at heart and aren't really interested in Human Rights. Trying to insinuate that this is an 'Arab'...
by shafique
Nov 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Arab Lobby in the US
Replies: 8
Views: 1262

Re: Racist Attacks: Cabinet Urged To Condemn

Do you think the cabinet should not address the racist attacks?

Or is the argument that because Jerusalem Post thinks it is worse elsewhere we can ignore the attacks in Israel?

by shafique
Nov 13, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Racist Attacks: Cabinet urged to condemn
Replies: 2
Views: 785

Re: Norway Stops Building of Arctic Mosque!!!

I'm with DDS and FD on this one - the Norwegians do allow mosques, and I think should have the right to vet foreign donations. I've friends who've been to Norway and visited mosques there - the muslim community there is growing and gets on well with the wider community - with frequent functions held...
by shafique
Nov 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Norway Stops Building of Arctic Mosque!!!
Replies: 6
Views: 1222

Bribe to stop building!

Tell me I'm not the only one that finds the US offer of 20 war planes to Israel in return for it stopping building for 90 days in parts (not all) of the occupied territories, extremely bizare. If I were American I'd be pissed off - the fact that the Israeli govt is 'considering' the offer just adds ...
by shafique
Nov 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Bribe to stop building!
Replies: 37
Views: 3081

Re: Bribe to stop building!

Dillon - I have absolutely no issue with incentives in principle. But war planes in exchange for a temporary (90 day) halt in only some of the occupied territories - AND the Israelis want to 'think' about it!! It just read like a sick joke to me. :shock: (Perhaps they've agreed or rejected it since ...
by shafique
Nov 14, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Bribe to stop building!
Replies: 37
Views: 3081

Re: Bribe to stop building!

Wow, and the Israelis still haven't taken up the incentive/bribe yet (whether they have to pay for it from the money the US give them or not, isn't material - it is the offer for the partial and temporary halt of the stealing of territory that's the point here). So, someone takes control of a piece ...
by shafique
Nov 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Bribe to stop building!
Replies: 37
Views: 3081

Re: Are "we" taking ourselves too seriously...


by shafique
Nov 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Are "we" taking ourselves too seriously...
Replies: 70
Views: 5114

European Zionism vs 'Jewish Arabs'

An interesting article from Haaretz on the racism within the Jewish community in Israel between European and Middle Eastern Jews. The article pulls no punches and was triggered by a Middle Eastern (Mizrahi) member of parliament there changing his name so that he would not be confused as a non-Jew an...
by shafique
Nov 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: European Zionism vs 'Jewish Arabs'
Replies: 0
Views: 896

Re: Posters' Age...

On the subject of Grammar: English Grammar is constantly changing - it is in a process of changing right now. What was right in Victorian times is not right now. Pronunciations have changed from even the 30s - and going even further back there was the 'Great Vowel Shift' (look it up) - where words w...
by shafique
Nov 15, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Posters' Age...
Replies: 61
Views: 5821

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