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Loon "soup nazi"

Pam Geller (yes, her of the 'Obama is a pimp and jihadist' fame and current holder of the looniest blogger ever award..) now is calling for the boycott of Campbells Soup - at least in Canada. And why, pray tell? Well, they committed the sin of getting their soup certified Halal. :shock: http://www.l...
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Loon "soup nazi"
Replies: 0
Views: 769

Arab Peace Plan: In Israel's interest

A study has concluded that it is in Israel's interest to accept the 8 year old Arab peace initiative. In a nutshell, the Arab Peace Plan was agreed by Arab states and accepted by Palestinian factions too. It hasn't yet been accepted by Israel - and even the excuse that some Palestinians may not acce...
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Arab Peace Plan: In Israel's interest
Replies: 15
Views: 1327

Dutch Police Raid: apartheid wall

Dutch police have raided a firm in Holland on the grounds that it was supplying cranes to help build the separation wall that Israel is constructing to separate itself from the Palestinians. This wall is called a separation fence by some and an apartheid wall by others (apartheid means 'separation' ...
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Dutch Police Raid: apartheid wall
Replies: 2
Views: 1053

Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!!

Fascinating avoidance. How many straw men do you have to construct to try and avoid answering the question about whether you agree with Mel that his film accurately shows what was in the Bible. I stated that the campaign against Mel started with the film - and you don't disagree that the ADL etc lau...
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!!
Replies: 68
Views: 4909

Re: "Jews Only" Roads

eh - where did President Carter take back any of the facts about the racist/apartheid policies of Israel? If you look back, you'll see that what Carter apologised for and the fact he didn't retract any fact he had brought to light before. Now, back to the 'Jews-only' road as described by the Israeli...
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: "Jews Only" Roads
Replies: 27
Views: 2305

Re: Natives For Natives

Sorry I wasn't clearer. Hope-Simpson clearly states what harm the apartheid policies of the Zionist colonies were in 1930. Do you wish me to quote that section again to you, or are you happy to look it up yourself? His point was that if the apartheid policies spread, the problems would be greater. H...
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Natives for Natives
Replies: 42
Views: 1865

Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!!

Nice attempt again at evasion. I guess you would have denied Jesus 4 times before the rooster crows! ;) But hey, if you are embarrassed to state whether you agree with Mel that the Bible's literal accounts of Jesus' trial etc aren't anti-Semitic and want to play the 'but I haven't seen the film' car...
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!!
Replies: 68
Views: 4909

Re: "Jews Only" Roads

The original article doesn't claim there are officially labelled 'Jews only' roads - only ones that Palestinians are banned from and that the Israeli soldier stated was in effect a 'Jews-only' road. In fact, the soldier was quite clear why the road wasn't labelled as such: On one occasion I witnesse...
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: "Jews Only" Roads
Replies: 27
Views: 2305

Re: Dutch Police Raid: Apartheid Wall

Well, the press release states that the International court judgement: International Court judges called for upon all UN member states and Geneva Convention signatories not to cooperate with erection of the Wall and to prevent their citizens from any such cooperation. Wouldn't that make the Dutch po...
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Dutch Police Raid: apartheid wall
Replies: 2
Views: 1053

Re: "Jews Only" Roads

Instead I ignored your strawman by pointing out that the original article never claimed Israel officially labelled these roads as such. Try and keep up.

Now, how about addressing the points made in the article (which would mean reading it) rather than points not in it?

by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: "Jews Only" Roads
Replies: 27
Views: 2305

Re: The Other Extreme Of Free Speech. Must See This Photo!!!

You must really be embarrassed that you're putting loyalty to Israel above a fellow Christian who believes in the Biblical account of Jesus' trial.


by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: The Other Extreme of Free Speech. Must See this Photo!!!
Replies: 68
Views: 4909

Re: They Can Dish It Out, But They Can't Take It!!!!

The body of the letter by Michael Moore is pretty hard hitting too!

Great find.
by shafique
Oct 26, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: They can dish it out, but they can't take it!!!!
Replies: 5
Views: 565

Child Witches denounced by African Pastors

AP reports that an increasing number of children in Africa accused of witchcraft by pastors and then tortured or killed, often by family members. Pastors were involved in half of 200 cases of "witch children" reviewed by the AP, and 13 churches were named in the case files. Some of the chu...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Child Witches denounced by African Pastors
Replies: 19
Views: 2295

Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline

A newspaper in Uganda calls for the hanging of Gays after it publishes a list of 100 'top' gays in the country, along with photos. AP reports that following the publication a week ago, at least 4 have been attacked. This follows an attempt at passing a law against Gays (including the death penalty f...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline
Replies: 17
Views: 2343

Re: Child Witches Denounced By African Pastors

Well, in these cases the killing was being done by Pastors of Christian churches who were using the Biblical commandment to kill witches as an excuse. 13 churches were named. None of these Pastors were doing the deeds in the name of anything other than Christianity.. indeed, as I quoted above "...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Child Witches denounced by African Pastors
Replies: 19
Views: 2295

Re: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline

I have to say, I have some sympathy for this particular 'what aboutery' argument. The US Christian missionaries stirring things in Uganda are indeed the equivalent of the Wahabbi extremists stirring things amongst other Muslim countries. Still, I'm a little bit disapointed (but not surprised) that i...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline
Replies: 17
Views: 2343

Re: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline

So, the African Christians are wrong but the US Christians are right? Ok - I presume you have a non-racist explanation for this view? Or did you just mean that the African Churches using the Bible to call for the killing of Gays don't represent the majority of Christians (generally)? (What you think...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline
Replies: 17
Views: 2343

Re: Child Witches Denounced By African Pastors

So, the Pastors using the Bible to justify killing child witches has caused the usual torrent reaction and denial. I am not arguing that the Pastors are correct in their use of the Bible - just that they are using the Bible to justify their practices and doing it in the name of Christianity. That no...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Child Witches denounced by African Pastors
Replies: 19
Views: 2295

Re: Child Witches Denounced By African Pastors

PS I agree that the LRA are a cult. You will recall that I didn't consider them Christians at all (so not sure why you're using them as an example) - but you insisted they were Christian Terrorists - 'born again' Christians at that - rather than converts to a non-Christian religion/cult: You didn't ...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Child Witches denounced by African Pastors
Replies: 19
Views: 2295

Re: Arab Peace Plan: In Israel's interest

The myth that Taba offer in 2001 represented a generous offer (and that the Palestinians walked away) was covered before here: But the point to note is that the Arab Peace Plan came after Taba - and this is what the stud...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Arab Peace Plan: In Israel's interest
Replies: 15
Views: 1327

Reincarnation - Buddhist Perspective?

Dhamma, Given you are our new resident Buddhist Monk ;) - would you like to share your views on the Buddhist teachings on reincarnation? This is not something that the Judaeo-Christian religions teach - that souls get re-born. We are taught that each soul goes through only one life-cycle, and then w...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Reincarnation - Buddhist Perspective?
Replies: 5
Views: 1693

Re: Child Witches Denounced By African Pastors

My question to you wasn't rhetorical: What do US christians say should be done to Witches according to the Bible? What specifically are the African churches doing wrongly (according to the Bible) when it comes to exorcisims etc described in the article? As I said, you don't have to convince me that ...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Child Witches denounced by African Pastors
Replies: 19
Views: 2295

Re: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline

The article states this: The legislation was drawn up following a visit by leaders of U.S. conservative Christian ministries that promote therapy they say allows gays to become heterosexual. Is this not what the Bible says about Homo-se.xuality and its punishment: Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline
Replies: 17
Views: 2343

Re: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline

I presume therefore you're not disputing the Biblical pronouncements: Is this not what the Bible says about Homo-se.xuality and its punishment: Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.(Leviticus 18:22 KJV) If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, bot...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline
Replies: 17
Views: 2343

Re: Child Witches denounced by African Pastors

I've started a new thread on the proper etiquette for Witch trials according to the Bible (as interpreted by US Christians). Happy to address the other unrelated issues in separate threads - but here it just looks like you're trying to change the subject - but if you're not, you can start new thread...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Child Witches denounced by African Pastors
Replies: 19
Views: 2295

Re: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline

I thought the Ugandans and US missionaries were Christians? Are you not going to acknowledge what the Bible says?: Is this not what the Bible says about Homo-se.xuality and its punishment: Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is an abomination.(Leviticus 18:22 KJV) If a man also li...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline
Replies: 17
Views: 2343

Witch Trials: US Biblical Etiquette

Given the generous offer by eh to describe the proper procedures for the trials of Witches according to US Christian interpretation of the Bible - I thought I'd start a new thread on the subject. you seem to be trying to hard to avoid answering the question about what the Bible does actually state a...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Witch Trials: US Biblical Etiquette
Replies: 19
Views: 2079

Re: Witch Trials: US Biblical Etiquette

I am seriously looking forward to event horizon's explanations - he says there are 'certain procedures' that should be followed in the trials. I am indeed interested in the theological basis for witch trials and would like to compare them with the ones being carried out in Africa by the Christian Pa...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Witch Trials: US Biblical Etiquette
Replies: 19
Views: 2079

Re: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline

So Shafique is this an implication that you support the gay movement? Cos I always assumed you'd be far right and as such would'nt tolerate them. Nope, sorry - my views are pretty much as per God's instructions in the Bible and the Quran in regards to the acts of Homose.xuality. I view it as a sin ...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hang Gays: Newspaper Headline
Replies: 17
Views: 2343

Re: Witch Trials: US Biblical Etiquette

I presume at Bible class they taught you that the Hebrew Bible came a long time before the Quran? So, c'mon stop teasing - let us have what the 'certain procedures' for a witch trial are according to US Christian interpretation of the Bible (and how it is different from those being carried out by th...
by shafique
Oct 27, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Witch Trials: US Biblical Etiquette
Replies: 19
Views: 2079

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