LOL - the loon is trying to back-pedal!! Hope-Simpson documents the apartheid policies of the minority Zionist colonies in 1930 and prophetically states that if these apartheid policies are extended, there will be trouble. Young loon after labouring under the misinformed spin that Palestinians prosp...
Young one. Just count the bodies of the children - if you've got the cohones to test your loon theory against reality? (And you seem to be responding to the fact that you're the only poster here who justifies the slaughter of children with a loon rant about something Guru Bob taught you at Bible cam...
You won't be able to please everyone - but let's see how it goes. The most active threads have been the ones where people share their views and these are explored, challenged, agreed with.
Happy to look into your other weirdo 'Bible Camp' views later - but for now, let's stick with your suggestion to count bodies. I said let's starting with children killed - there's no problem labelling children or mistaking them for 'combatants', 'terrorists' etc. (Although, I wouldn't put it past yo...
I must be getting a bit old - I had to look up what 'IDK' meant :) (It means 'I don't know') IDK, I think it was only the liberals who attacked The Passion and claimed that Jews were on the verge of being thrown into the ovens if this movie was shown. Well, a quick Google search show that the Anti-D...
eh - you started by saying 'idk' about the incident. Now you are embarrassing yourself. I suggest you go back and look at what is being discussed in this thread - is there anyone who is arguing that Gibson was universally viewed as an anti-semite for his film showing the Biblical account of Jesus' t...
It is also interesting to Note that there was a campaign by Jewish groups to have Gibson's film banned or not shown on the grounds that it may lead to violence - i.e. impose limits on free speech because it may cause offence or cause some to be violent in reaction.
It is notable that you are stubbornly avoiding the fate of Palestinians from the time that the Zionists took over all the colonies - the stats about Palestinian farmland, industry, employment and general wealth all show that Hope-Simpson was right - Zionist apartheid policies are detrimental to Pal...
I'll just put your weird characterisation of Foxman as a liberal in with your other kooky ideas. But hey, you're entitled to them. So, coming back to Gibson - now that you've seen the list of those calling him an anti-Semite for accurately portraying what was in the Bible, how can you stand by your ...
Yawn. ADL's main activities are supporting Israel - so asking us to ignore their main activity is like saying: "Apart from the KKK's views on Blacks - aren't they liberal do-good Christians?". But as I said, you are free to label the ADL as you like - let's get back to the vilification of ...
It could be that the loons only preach to the converted, as it were. One side-effect of 9/11 was an increased interest in Islam - sales of books on Islam went up markedly and I witnessed a very noticeable increase in interest in Islam from the general public. The numbers of non-Muslims coming to mos...
Danios of has updated the topic with a devastating article exposing Bob Spencer of JihadWatch's hypocrisy. He quotes Ahmad Rehab of Cair who also points out Spencer's hypocrisy: And now for some irony. Spencer, you are claiming you are ready to debate anyone but that alas no one wants ...
Well, even though gadfly will not be missed, he bumped this thread which contained the powerful testimony of an Israeli politician - admitting what a couple of posters here continue to refuse to acknowledge: Indeed Apartheid does exist here. And our army is not "the most moral army in the world...
Let us know what your research turns up. He's apparently doing quite well (financially) out of his work though... as highlighted, Bob's 'boss' is David Horowitz - and he gave Spencer a cool $132,537 for blogging: :shock: Ch...
President Carter never took back any facts he brought to the attention of the world, he only apologised for any hurt these facts may have caused. And it was out of concern for the political career of his grandson! :shock: : Former President Jimmy Carter has apologized for his strong criticism of the...
I just have a strange fascination with people with outdated beliefs. Until I find someone who seriously believes the world is flat, I'll have to make do with those who like to deny facts which are evident to everyone else. But in the case of Israeli spin - I do commend you for continuing to fight th...
And let's be clear, FD is calling an eye-witness account as something that is 'hearsay': On one occasion I witnessed such an encounter between a driver and a soldier who was taking down the details before confiscating the vehicle and sending its owner away. "Why?" I asked the soldier . &qu...
The tangible evidence is the eyewitness account of the incident I quoted above, and the soldier's response to the Parliamentarian. Let me repeat it for you: On one occasion I witnessed such an encounter between a driver and a soldier who was taking down the details before confiscating the vehicle an...
Firstly welcome. I'm no longer in Dubai, so wouldn't be able to come to any talk - but certainly would be more than happy to read through anything you'd like to discuss around Buddhism and meditation etc. I believe that Buddha was a prophet of God and have read up on his sayings and philosophy of li...
Still doesn't change the fact that the AP article does not contradict the eyewitness account given by Aloni. The 'Jews-only' road wasn't labelled as such - it just was so in practice. Labels don't change the facts of occupation - having a road that Palestinians are forbidden to use, but the citizens...
Ok, so you believe the ADL is a leftist organisation - you're entitled to your weird views. Whether they are lefty or not, doesn't change the fact that this Jewish organisation accused Gibson of being anti-Semitic for portraying accurately in his film what is in the Bible. Let me ask again: You are ...
'This is a Jews-only road' was uttered by the Israeli soldier - your argument is with him and with his explanation of why this fact is not labelled. On one occasion I witnessed such an encounter between a driver and a soldier who was taking down the details before confiscating the vehicle and sendin...
Ah, another loon fantasist denying an eye-witness account by an Israeli politician and wishing desperately to believe the Bible camp fairy stories of Israeli spin! Let's re-cap what is causing the fanbois so much grief: Indeed Apartheid does exist here. And our army is not "the most moral army ...
(Addressing eh) Then, according to you, all Moslems, Christians and Jews are loonies!! And all of us, including you, who are interested in articles about Islam are also loonies. And anyone who converts to Islam is a psychotic loony!! :shock: :shock: TJ - surely you're not looking for logic from the...
Why are you avoiding the question. Facts are clear: 1. Some Jewish groups called Mel anti-Semitic because of his film - hence the start of the campaign against him. 2. The campaign gathered pace over time - some believed the ADL smears early on, some later on. So - I still come back to the questions...
His appearance on the ABC discussion programme recently was quite brief, and even there he was embarrassed by Rehab.
But I think he is canny - he should indeed keep away from debates with those who can expose him, this is his only source of income it appears (he's a full-time loon).
Blindly believing that the Israeli parliamentarian's account is false is certainly your right (there are those who still believe the IDF spin that they are the most moral army in the world, but most laugh at this notion these days). However, it is really a bit strange if you think that your belief c...
I'm really not interested in a 'what about' argument in this thread about Israeli apartheid practices. I'll be happy to contribute to a new thread which argues that the PA practices apartheid as well - but you'll have to come up with a more convincing argument than 'refugee camps resemble South Afri...