Turkey was a Muslim country the last time I looked. ;) The article calls into question the policy of bases and virtual occupation felt in Japan and other places. One can only speculate whether the Tamil Tigers would use suicide bombing against a US base if one appeared in Jaffna... but hey, let's no...
A positive side effect of the burning: Rabbis condemn attack on West Bank mosque http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/49383000/jpg/_49383616_010347707-1.jpg Rabbi Froman and a Muslim cleric raised a copy of the Koran in the air Rabbis from Jewish settlements have given a box of Korans to a West Ban...
No probs TJ. I too spent a week in Turkey during Ramadhan a few years back - in Istanbul. We estimated that about half the people in the office weren't fasting - the canteen (great food btw) was open as normal, and those who were fasting just went to the mosque to pray instead of eating. All were pr...
Oh, and an afterthought - not all bases in other Muslim countries attract suicide bombers. I recall a statistic that the US effectively controls around 40% of Kuwait (IIRC) - and the UAE has a pretty big US presence (certainly the naval facilities in Jebel Ali are one of the busiest in the world for...
I'm guessing you didn't even read the article - again? (Perhaps you're still busy trying to work out whether Donkeys can talk or not? ;) ) I suggest you read the bit about the Okinawa protests after the 12 year old was raped, and then tell us again what you think the protests were about. But then ag...
So, that's a 'no I refuse to let evidence get in the way of my loon views' then. :) Not disappointed, certainly not surprised. Next time, try reading the article before you embarrass yourself - no, on second thoughts - don't, it's always nice to laugh at your pontifications. So, how is the talking d...
FD - for us to have a rational debate, we should at least be aware of what definitions we are using. That said, I asked FD for his definition of an Islamist - it will be interesting to see if he shares your definition of 'extremist and Islamist'. Then we have to see what Berman says - he considers a...
:) I have a sneaky suspicion that this is another case of eh not reading what he posted. Surely he should be defending the rights of the 'few muslim fanatics' ordered to stop by the Islamic authorities? Oh - but that would also assume a rational logical argument... hmm, I see the flaw in that line o...
LOL When you've read the article and corrected your statement about Okinawa protests not being about the US presence there, let us know. Just believing your beliefs are true when evidence is presented to contradict it, just reinforces your status as the most extreme religous fanatic posting here. Ch...
the lady doth protest too much, methinks. I guess the young one isn't happy that Malawian muslims have better control over their 'fanatics' than his fellow Americans - I mean it took skateboard dude to stop one American fanatic from burning a Quran! Or perhaps the 'talking donkey' research is starti...
Growing ties between Turkey, China, Iran worry Israel and U.S. Turkey held military drill with China, after canceling with Israel; cooperation also reflected in weapons deals, with Iran buying from China mainly missile technology. By Anshel Pfeffer The United States and Israel are watching with con...
So, did you read the article and look up the incident referred to (about the rape of the 12 year old) - or are you still in denial rather than being embarrassed for your statement about the opposition not being about the US troop presence? Nice try to build yet another strawman - but the article doe...
"What did the Romans ever done for us..." :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ExWfh6sGyso http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPGb4STRfKw&feature=related From time to time loon posters here try and re-write history. And again it is based on a selective quote (note that Makdisi's quote is quit...
As usual, scratch the surface and we find that the loon argument crumbles. But, I was taught to be grateful. From time to time, it is alleged that the invention of the University, one of the crowning achievements of Medieval Christendom, was copied, or at least strongly influenced by Islam. Indeed, ...
As the Bible says - there's nothing new under the sun. In this interesting perspective in the NYT, this old adage seems very appropriate: 200 year-old echoes .. Many New Yorkers were suspicious of the newcomers’ plans to build a house of worship in Manhattan. Some feared the project was being underw...
You don't like being punked do you? :) Let me know when you actually read Makdisi's book and can reconcile your view with what was quoted above by a couple of historians who cite Makdisi. The quote from the blog doesn't contract what European Universities copied - read it carefully again and you'll ...
Bibi has promised to look into the matter.. so let's see what happens. Fingers crossed: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu promised to look into ways of easing travel restrictions on Palestinian athletes on Thursday, as IOC President Jacques Rogge invited sports officials of both sides to meet at IOC...
LOL. When you have actually read the book rather than just quoting a blogger, let us know. I quoted from a book by Toby Huff and an article by William Dalrymple, both of whom cite Makdisi. I contend I've therefore seen your selective quote posted by a blogger, shown that you're wrong and hence compr...
Welcome gadfly. I guess we now have someone who can debate with event horizon on an equivalent level. You guys should go and have a cup of coffee together. ;) Karma has been restored. http://www.dubaiforums.com/philosophy-dubai/most-extreme-religous-fanatic-here-t41961.html And let's not forget that...
This piece refers to the the recent ABC programme on Islam that is covered in an earlier thread. Replace the references to 'Black People' with 'Jews' and hoods etc for the extremist colonial communities in Hebron etc, and the argument is just as strong. We could refer to footage with Jews celebratin...
^ as always, eh is behind the times: Welcome gadfly. I guess we now have someone who can debate with event horizon on an equivalent level. You guys should go and have a cup of coffee together. ;) Karma has been restored. http://www.dubaiforums.com/philosophy-dubai/most-extreme-religous-fanatic-here-...
A strip club disrespectful? Nothing wrong with people worshipping me! :D You're not alone: A new survey from the Democratic-affiliated firm Public Policy Polling finds that more Republicans support constructing a strip club than a mosque near Ground Zero. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/08/po...
Cool, thanks for showing that your blogger friend was wrong then. As you quote above: Nevertheless, Makdisi has asserted that the European university borrowed many of its features from the Islamic madrasah, including the concepts of a degree and doctorate .[17] Makdisi and Hugh Goddard have also hig...
gadfly, a word of advice - young event horizon does not read long posts, you'll confuse him if you continue to cut and paste long articles like the one above.
Far better for you to PM him and engage him in a discussion.
Still in denial, I see. Let's review. You quote your blogger citing one quote from Makdisi's book about one difference between European Universities and the prior Islamic schools of learning (in regards to their organisational structure). His premise was that the 'allegations' that European Universi...
Is"scarcasm" - what Tony Montana has before shooting up a room! :) (dd you really need to sort out your keyboard! ;) ) :) Oh, and I suspect that gadfly is the 'anti-eh' - he'll blame the Joos for everything, just like the loons blame Islam for everything. They cancel each other out. ;) Che...
Still in denial. The whole big thing point is that your blogger's initial premise has been debunked by the same book he took his one quote from (Makdisi's book). I concede that I only quoted Huff citing what Makdisi wrote about European universities copied from Islamic ones - but your blogger only c...