LOL Jihadwatch has even had to admit (although grudgingly) that the guys were freed without charge. So much for 'A Muslim Plot'. U.K.: Those arrested in plot to kill Pope are "Algerian street cleaners" UPDATE: All were freed without being charged.
Irish terror attack a 'strong possibility' The threat level to Britain from Irish-related terrorism has been raised from moderate to substantial. Home Secretary Theresa May said it meant an attack was a "strong possibility". It was the first time this threat level had been published, the ...
Predictable reaction from our resident young loon. ;) Perhaps this time the threats from Moooslims are real (unlike the Algerian cleaners who turned out to be innocent - or the fantasy that EDL fascists in the UK who were arrested for inciting hatred are actually youtube martyrs arrested for only wa...
As I said, eh, I unreservedly condemn each and every unjustified violent act that you believe took place. But you still remain the only one I've met who refuses to condemn as a war crime the enslavement of 32,000 virgins after their families were slaughtered - all because you believe God told the mu...
Chomsky et al argue (convincingly to me) that the US is effectively an oligarchy (as defined in the clip - not according to the original Greek etymology - ;) ). Whilst the intention may have been a constitutional republic (and there is no doubt that the original constitution discriminated against wo...
It wasn’t so long ago that Jews in America were targets of similar slander and knee-jerk opposition. Liberal American Jews have been at the forefront of all of America’s struggles against bigotry, but they need to do a better job of calling out the hate in their own communities. Moderate Muslims ar...
TJ - you're right - Islam teaches respect for parents, especially mothers. The only time a Muslim is allowed to disobey a parent is if they insist that you worship a god other than the God of Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. Every Muslim knows the Hadith about 'Paradise lies under the feet of the mother' ...
You do realise that the article was from a Jewish magazine in the US? And let's be clear - your assertion that Muslim critical self examination is missing is a reflection of your insistence that 'Jihadwatch' is correct in it's world view. There are indeed many Muslims are hyper-critical of silly fat...
Bump for eh - in response to the fact the UK raised the threat levels from Irish terrorism, he (bizarely) decided to post an article about France. (I know that Americans are notoriously bad at geography, but I would have guessed even he would know that the UK mainland and France are different places...
As I said, so much for the usual loon line about denying there is Islamophobia!
As for whether the majority of Muslims agree with Jihadwatch's interpretation of Islam - that can be easily dealt with in another thread, this one is about the political angle to Islamophobia.
Looks like 'Jews for Justice' ship is on its way - manned by Jews, funded by supporters exclusively and aiming to show that not all Jews support Israeli policies towards Palestinians - this will be an interesting one to watch! 'Jews for Justice' aid boat sets sail for Gaza Organizer says goal of boa...
Thanks for sharing eh. I always find your theories so amusing - not least the fact that neither you nor Bob Spencer have actually read the whole Quran and yet insist your version of Islam is the truth. That said, let me know when you want to discuss Islamophobia's political angle (for that is what t...
You do like to jump around don't you? In the thread about UK raising the threat level due to Irish terrorism (by Catholic republicans) you brought up France. When shown that France actually has had zero Islamist terrorist attacks, you now want to look at Russia. You are funny. As I said, it is hard ...
So, when the US government caught the Russian spies recently I guess the loon bloggers must also have written: A thug government with absolute power whose members are drawn from the larger population that believes Ruskies lace US bubble gum with a deadly concoction of chemicals :) But, crazee loon r...
Haaretz reports today about how the Israeli government is censoring what Israeli school children are taught. The Israeli 'ministry of truth' doesn't like schoolchildren being exposed to differing viewpoints in the classroom, whereas the council leader does think this is a good idea: Shuster said he ...
Let's hope that those Israeli colonists insisting on building on Palestinian land - indeed celebrating the lifting of the siege, don't succeed in derailing the peace process. The colonists now control 42% of the West Bank (according to B'tselem - higher according to other sources): http://www.btsele...
The stats, young loon, the stats. The fact you have to go back more than a decade to find the last Islamic terror attack in France, speaks volumes. Since then, there have been hundreds of attacks in France - see the stats. The stats show that 0.4% of attacks in the EU carried out by Islamists - nice...
You're most welcome. You want to focus on the 0.4% of the terror attacks in the EU - fair enough. Every little bit helps. I was just curious why you chose France in the other thread - perhaps after 15 years they are now due their next terror attack by Islamists (although back then it was the Algeria...
A couple of Israelis behind a high-tec way to help those wishing to protest peacefully against the occupation. New app makes boycotting West Bank settlements a touch easier Ahead of settlement freeze expiration, Israeli bloggers release 'Buy no Evil' Android application to raise consumer awareness. ...
:) Excellent stuff. I guess that is the best spin they could put on the visit - the security was tight, a comment about his wardrobe and they ordered 'smelly' Iranian food rather than room service. NY Post should employ Bob Spencer to spin their stories - they'd have the Iranians secretly plotting t...
Yeah, they were American Jews, many of whom have dual nationality according to the producer: Most of the people that we talked to were dual American Israeli citizens. The answers in this video reflect the education and worrisome perspectives that many American Jews harbor towards Israeli politics. T...