Jehova's Christians ban Christmas and are still Christians, as the pics and article in my post showed - Hitler tried to regulate the Church and encoded Christianity into the Nazi constitution. This is a tough one for the young one to try and explain away! (but nice attempt with the Daily Mail articl...
^You're right, Hitler's use of religion was cynical and hardly Christian - and the general comment applies to all those who misuse religion for violence etc. However, he still had Bishops of the Reich and an official Nazi church etc - and yet he advocated the slaughter of those who shared Jesus' rel...
A simple question eh - were the German Christian worshippers and Bishops etc of the Nazi church atheists or Christians? Is it not the case that Hitler enshrined in the Nazi constitution what he called 'Positive Christianity'? One article about the Nazis taking Christ out of Christmas (and therefore ...
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt: You really should try and keep up. It is not that difficult. Aslama is the verb from which the word Islam derives from. You stated this in a previous post. The full meaning of Aslama has been posted above. You have been invited to check in any lexicon or di...
Unless there is new evidence uncovered about what the noun Islam which derives from the verb aslama - we can move on to what Kung says in the book eh quoted. There are some details and conclusions that Kung makes that I would disagree with him on, but on the point of whether it is the same God .. he...
You should also read what Elijah Muhammad's theories are - Yousuf, space ships, their views on white people etc. Not quite as kooky as Hubbard - but close! The US seems to have a disproportionate amount of conspiracy nuts - but perhaps they just get the publicity? Anyway, I agree all laughable. Chee...
Let me also cut and paste. Repeating a lie over and over again doesn’t make it true; but it certainly results in people believing the lie. That’s what the Islam-haters are counting on. That, and the ignorance about Islamic tenets. So the best thing to do is find out what Islam really is about. Talk ...
A simple question eh - were the German Christian worshippers and Bishops etc of the Nazi church atheists or Christians? I couldn't see an answer to this simple question. Perhaps the answer 'of course the Nazi worshippers and Bishops of the Nazi German church were Christians and not atheists' was to...
I agree, it is indeed an Epic Fail - on your part. You have quoted experts who all agree that the noun Islam derives from the verb Aslama. The experts you quote, give the first few meanings of Aslama when defining the meaning of the derived noun Islam - look above, I quoted what you quoted. Anyway, ...
So, loons are claiming that the less than 1000 who rallied on 9/11 (including this charming character: ) numbered over 40,000! Geller hilariously told the loons 'Listen to mommy!' :) It makes me wonder whether she was looking at ...
Bethsmum - I have the utmost respect for Israeli human rights organisations such as B'tselem: This particular incident has been doing the rounds for a while - the father that was arrested wasn't arrested over security concerns, but on charges that the family was 'stealing wate...
Ok - so you commented on a video of the occupying force (not in Israel) arresting a father for stealing water, and stated that 'Israelis have every right to protect themselves' ... but then say you didn't watch the video (unless you're only referring to the video of the Israeli youth spewing hate). ...
FD, you're not a happy chappy these days - whats the matter? Your countryman was trying to argue that Al Qaeda is targeting Israel now - and you couldn't resist reeling out your usual unreferenced snippets about those baad Palestinian politicians! ;) So, your first unreferenced snippet says that EVE...
After all Muslims killing Muslims are of no concern for Muslims. Ah, the hatred is never far from the surface is it FD? De-humanising, exaggeration and general looniness seems to come so naturally. So, you took the quote from al-Ghazi about how Hamas treats 'his people' when they arrest them, then ...
It took three weeks, and whilst some may say cynically he was pressured into retracting his hatred filled words about Palestinians.. I'll give the old guy the benefit of the doubt.. Ovadia Yosef atones to Mubarak after declaring Palestinians should die Shas spiritual seeks conciliation after asking ...
You and your loon fanciful theories again - JW analogy still applies, they consider themselves Christians and don't celebrate Christmas.. but that is moot. I simply asked about the Nazi Christian church - their bishops and worshippers - are you seriously saying that these guys were atheists? Cheers,...
Ah, young loon - when will you learn to read what you quote? The root of Islam (the noun) is 's-l-m', but the verb it derives from is Aslama. The meaning of Islam (the noun) depends on the meaning of the verb 'Aslama' (and in turn this derives from the root s-l-m - from which we also get Salaam etc)...
I presume you've written to Haaretz and perhaps are informing the Rabbi that he shouldn't have apologised? ;) I love it when you quote your loon blogger mate elder - it invariably results in you being punked. So elder reckons the old rabbi has been misrepresented, and yet he goes and apologises! Ha ...
Fanbois and their spin - it is impressive. The article is about attacks not being carried out by Hamas, and yet they can't help themselves ... I have to say, I understand the frustration - because of Israel's bungling, Hamas has emerged stronger politically, and has comprehensively beaten Israel in ...
So where does the 40,000 loons figure come from eh? I see that Spencer blames the media: Media spreads big lie, claims that pro-mosque protest was larger than 9/11 Rally of Remembrance
Bethsmum - I was being sarcastic. The line was meant to parody the 'I've got Muslim and Jewish Friends' with the "I've got black friends" or "I've got Jewish friends" to excuse a racist or anti-semitic comment ... eg. Blacks are xxx, but I'm not racist - I have black friends. You...
You gotta hand it to these enterprising folk! :) You've got all the muslims shaking their heads thinking - 'it is a one day fast'!! :) On a related note, I think the practice that really defeats the spirit of a religious injunction is the one where married Jewish women don't show their hair in publi...
Actually, look at the depictions of Mary - no difference in covering than say an Iranian muslim lady. Nuns, too - eg Mother Teresa's order, and the traditional wimples worn by western nuns. 'Odd ways' though - not sure. I was referring to the practice of wearing elaborate wigs to meet the 'letter' o...
Yes, I was being sarcastic. In what ways are your Muslim friends biased, Bethsmum? Just curious. (I never doubted that you had Muslim friends). I mean, do they all say that Israel is to blame for not following the UN resolutions calling for an independent Palestine and telling Israel to hand back la...