Ok, we're still pretending we're back in 2008: Jewish Deputy Mayor Apologizes for New Testament Burning By Michelle A. Following worldwide uproar , the deputy mayor who organized the Orthodox Jewish students responsible for the burning of hundreds of New Testaments has publicly apologized to Christi...
So, you are still confused? Ok - let's try again. I'll go s l o w l y .. so there'll be less confustion. Let's start with your words: I'm currently reading Kung's book on Islam and I marked every page where the author discusses the meaning of the word. But on pages 77 and 78, Kung provides the most ...
It is curious that the only time loons seem to show concerns about minorities enduring persecution (eg the Kurds or Ahmadis or Bahais) is when either loons are exposed as bigots or Israel's crimes come to the fore. But hey, even a stopped clock is right twice a day, and I certainly welcome the loons...
^It's pretty obvious why he's including Judaism - he's a loon. The loon (I.e. Islamophobic) argument is to demonise Islam and to hell with reason/rationality. His motives are exactly the same as the far right groups in the UK (for example) who used to be anti-Semitic and now have embraced Zionism - ...
In God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, he argues that the founding fathers of the USA didn't, after all, intend to have the USA a 'Christian' country (and certainly not a Judaic country). Eg. on pg 40: Contrary to their view, the fact that the United States was not founded as a Christian nation was ear...
And then there are those who just argue that big business interests ruled the world in practice (eg the anti-globalists) and were dismissed as nutters until the financial crisis proved them substantially correct. Guys like Stiglitz, Chomsky, Roubini aren't conspiracy theorists - but they make intere...
Oh, and to those who like to see Jewish conspiracies everywhere - I point out that there are many other fields (apart from banking, law, governments etc) that have disproportionate Jewish people in them - eg the arts, look at Hollywood , as well as science, academia etc - but also look at a hobby of...
Why exactly should I be ashamed? The article above about 'Western Misconceptions' actually raises interesting points - not least about Ahmadinejad's popularity amongst the majority of Iranians, but mostly with those not of the 'ipod' set as he puts it. It also misses a crucial point: Ahmadinejad enj...
Calm down dear Mel. I tend to support the underdogs when given a choice - so why would my support of the Government opposition mean that I don't believe the article above which states that Ahmadinejad is popular with the rural people? I never said that I believed Mossadegh wasn't popular - quite the...
Yes, I said majority of people - read the article - it says that the majority of Iranians support Ahamdinejad, but his support is mainly in the rural areas, and less so in Urban areas (but even there he has support). The article isn't written by a Muslim btw - but from a US think tank, as far as I c...
Mel, I have no idea whether the author is spinning a pack of lies or telling the gospel truth - I don't know him and the closest I've been to Iran is the Iranian hospital in Dubai.. I have no reason to doubt him though. However, let me quote what he says about Ahmadinejad's popularity in full: Some ...
I supported the opposition because they were the underdogs (I didn't expect them to win the election). I voted against Maggie Thatcher in the UK, for example, and lost every time. That doesn't change the fact she did indeed win a majority in the elections (but in the UK first-past-the-post system - ...
You're quite right - the main reason I support the Palestinian cause is that they are an oppressed underclass - the same reason I supported the Kurds under Saddam, East Timoran freedom fighters etc etc. However, I'm not sure what you are getting upset about - why is it strange for me to quote and be...
I never said the Palestinians weren't right - I wouldn't automatically support every underdog (eg Loons, or the KKK) - but will certainly support those who are underdogs, oppressed and right. But, back to Iran - again I ask you why is it strange to quote the analysis above and believe it? It states ...
Yes, the side I supported lost the election because the majority of Iranians supported the President. I'm English - losing comes naturally to me. ;) But seriously Mel - you're fixating on my beliefs, but I've posted a reasoned article which analyses the election result. It argues that Ahmadinejad is...
I said I supported the opposition parties and they turned out to be the minority in the Iranian elections. When did I lie about this? I also supported Gore to win in 2000 (and Kerry in 2004) - but they both lost. I don't see the connection between who I support and assuming that they should then (au...
Yes, I will support minorities - I did support the Government opposition, and I am always in favour of people's rights to protest. This does not change the analysis that the majority of Iranians support the President. Are you arguing that everyone in opposition believes that they are in the majority...
Mel - please re-read what I wrote. I said 'and I always support the right of protest'. The key word is 'and' - so I'm not sure what you think I am changing my mind on. As I said, the article acknowledges your beliefs and then lays out arguments why Ahmadinejad actually won the election. The guy does...
Yes, I read and understood your explanations. I have no doubt that there were voting irregularities, but I do have doubts that the overall election results is invalid. This is just based on what I've read - reading both sides of the argument. I gave the link to the article - and you are free to show...
Sure thing - but also read what the opposing view is and comment on those too. Wikipedia has a good coverage of articles on the election fraud, crackdown on the protests etc - and I haven't changed my view, I still am in favour of the demonstrators - even though I may not share all their beliefs. Ch...
Kung was quite clear that Islam derives from the verb Aslama - he didn't expect to have to spoon feed young loons who are too lazy to check the dictionary definition of the word and see that he only quoted the first few meanings of the word in his references. But yet again, we see that the loon argu...
On Christianity and Nazism - there is also the inconvenient issue of the German Christian Church of the Nazis: Lutheran Nazism In 1932 the Protestant church came under the influence of the Nazi movement called "German Christians" (Bewegung Deutscher Christen, also called "Stormtrooper...
Hey there are nutters in the UK and US that object to Harry Potter too - on the grounds is promotes witchcraft - in fact some schools even banned the books. (And it was the Number 1 most challenged book in the USA on the banned book list between 2000 and 2005) http://www.infoplease.com/spot/banned-h...
Interesting comment from MCL. I've only quoted a handful of articles relating to the popularity of Ahmadinejad - and prior to that quoted information about Mossadegh, the Shah, Savak etc which were not challenged for their factual content. So one article states some suprising facts about Iran - but ...