eh - I admire the way you can continue to ignore a simple fact - i.e. that the God of the Bible is the same as the God of the Quran according to Christian theological scholars who have actually read and understood the Quran (unlike yourself, as you've admitted you haven't actually read the whole Qur...
Well eh - may I ask you why YOU think God is against homose.xuality in most religious disciplines? The Bible and Quran are clear on this point. Until recently, much of your country and certainly my country outlawed homose.xuality. Why did they do that? Was God/the USA intolerant in the past- what ha...
The article you copy/pasted is clear. Well, Berrin posted the article - FD quoted a snippet from another article, and all I did was quote the full context to that second article. We have to thank FD for the second one about Palestine. According to the loon author, there is no aggressiveness in Isla...
From Haaretz today - another example of reality and spin not matching up. Note how stealing of Palestinian land is going on with state approval, during the so-called freeze: Freeze, what freeze? The stories of residents of the Palestinian village al-Ghaniya in the heart of the West Bank reveal some ...
Newsweek shines some more sunlight on those who think Bob Spencer's views are legitimate rather than pure loon paranoia: The Misinformants What ‘stealth jihad’ doesn’t mean. Here is the latest semantic assault from the party that brought you “Islamo-facism” (circa 2005) and “Axis of Evil” (2002). Th...
See what I mean about ignoring the simple fact I stated? Let's try again, shall we? What is your answer to the fact that Christian theological scholars who have studied the Quran (and understand what 'Rahman' etc means in terms of God's attributes) conclude that God is one, and is the same God of th...
My guess is that the Bible doesn't have a concept of homosexuality. You've got me there eh. I didn't expect that one. But humour me, are these following verses not from the Bible? In what way are they an out-dated concept of homo-s.exuality? Leviticus 18:22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with ...
For a second there I thought you'd be announcing that Spencer had come out of hiding and faced the guy he challenged to a debate, Danios. But alas, Spencer won't debate those who are armed with facts:
Hey, a simple 'no I didn't read and understand the articles' would have sufficed! Karmi indeed makes very good points about Islam being inclusive and not segregationalist. I challenged you to refute his specific point that Jewish terrorists got away with their terrorism (in the quote you gave) and t...
eh, look at my post again, I quoted what you said about the Bible and then quoted from the Bible. The Bible is pretty clear about the concept of Homos.exuality that it is calling an abomination. I think you are grasping at straws if you are arguing that there weren't loving stable homos.exual relati...
Sure thing. Which particular part of the misinformation do you want to start with? BTW- aren't you even a little ashamed of the fact Spencer runs away from debates with those who can challenge his falsehoods? I accept your challenge, Spencer. I agree to a radio debate with you on the topic of jihad ...
^Smells a bit like a 'what aboutery' argument to me... nope, on closer inspection, it IS a 'what about the values in your country' argument! Precious. ;) This is what is called "what about-ery." What about th...
FD - I get that uaekid has acted like Geert in the quotes you give. I just want to clarify that you're not in anyway defending Geert's racism and Islamophobia by using a 'what about-ery' argument? Are you just saying that Geert is as bad as uaekid (or vice versa) or are you saying that uaekid should...
Well, I found the first quote by kid - it was in a thread about a guy wearing a swastica t-shirt. I didn't see FD contribute to that thread, so I can only assume he's up to his old tricks again of trying to search for info to discredit people - and even then resorting to selective quotes (out of con...
The second quote is, however, inexcusable and is from here and the context is clear an unambiguous: But I still don't get what the argument is about in relation to Geert - is it that kid is as bad as Geert o...
I smiled when I listened to him. '..Judaism is a better religion than the retarded ..Islam' '..Islam is more an ideology than a religion.. it is not to be compared with Christianity..' '..I don't intend to insult Muslims.' '..Netherlands is a country based on the values of Christianity, Judaism and ...
Given that Geert claims Judaism's values for the Dutch (along with Christianity and Humanism) but says Islam is an ideology, doesn't that mean he has to explain in what ways Judaism is less prescriptive about social and religious matters than Islam? I mean, Orthodox Jews have their own laws, courts ...
Leaving aside the point that the Quran does not say adulterers should be stoned, there are elements of the story which aren't that well publicised. Firstly, her husband was murdered (and the murderer was forgiven by her children), and she has apparently confessed to being complicit in this. She was ...
Perhaps Karmi was, but he's dead now and so we can't ask him. I somehow doubt that there are many points that Geert would agree with Karmi on! ;) But seriously, do you agree that Judaism is a founding principle of the Netherlands - and can you explain why Orthodox Judaic law is ok for Netherlands an...
In an all-too-familiar streak, the latest cycle of violence in Palestine is the news of the shooting of 4 civilians in the West Bank. Whilst Fatah controls this area, it is the military wing of Hamas that has taken credit for what it calls a 'targeted killing' but is nothing more than a terrorist ac...
You say Karmi's words are clear to both you and FD - but there's no indication that either you or FD have actually read and understood either/both of the articles in full. Pehaps that is exactly why you agree with each other? I mean, FD even went so far as quoting the Mufti to back up his initial ba...
Haaretz lifts the lid on another dirty little secret about the Israeli government - that it is guilty of what it accuses Palestinians of: Indoctrinating their children with propaganda and censorship. The children were taught the truth about the discrimination (so Israeli schoolchildren would know th...
After the killings, this PA official gave an interview to Haaretz, I guess there is some hope in his views.. but I'm not hopeful (but would love to be proved wrong): Israel needs to tackle core issues for us to trust its intentions, PA official says Speaking in wake of the deadly West Bank attack, t...
'Sinner’ singer given 39 lashes by Imams 08/27/2010 Punishment for performance in front of "mixed audience." A singer who performed in front of a “mixed audience” of men and women was lashed 39 times to make him “repent,” after a ruling by a self-described Shariah court on Wednesday. Imam...
I thought indoctrination was not about forbidding people from being critical, but rather not giving them the information to be critical and making believe this version to be true. I.e. it is true that those who aren't indoctrinated will be critical. Hence, re-writing the history books as is being pr...
I think you meant the PA is worried about colonists stealing more land, rather than Israelis building homes. But even this doesn't make sense, when you have just quoted that the PA is taking the shooting seriously and has detained suspects. Make up your mind. The PA has no problem with Israelis buil...
So your problem is that as well as rounding up suspects it pointed out that Israel's stealing of land is still a problem. Well, I can see why you have a problem with the PA stating facts. What I object to is your spinning of the facts - the objection of the PA is not of Israelis building homes in Is...