Ah, more irrationality and fantasies rather than debate. I rest my case.
Pointing out lies and fabrications is indeed part of loonwatch - it is hardly a negative to do this, but interesting that this is spun as 'claiming to know the truth'!
You're right - the article does say that the principles of Islam are universal and explicitly states what these principles are: Islam is unitive and calls for unity, rejects discrimination, especially racism and rejects hegemony on the strength of wealth or power. The Muslim and even the human socie...
I present here a selection of Quranic verses on the topic of how Muslims should behave - covering ethics, manners and general comportment. This should prove an especially useful reference for those who may be inclined to believe the scare stories about Muslims. It will also be invaluable for those w...
So, what is your objection to justice as proposed by Islam? Your quote from wiki only states that violations of justice are considered violations of the laws of God, and that all are answerable to God after death (in addition to any temporal punishments on earth). The difference seems to be between ...
No, I didn't ask about your straw man - I asked specifically what objections you had to justice as a concept in Islam and how it differed from Justice in say secular Western societies? (BTW - what has the photo got to do with Islamic teachings? You really shouldn't believe everything you read on loo...
eh - it is a very good bet that you didn't read the original article and hence you're just repeating your prejudices against Islam and Muslims, without reference to what this thread is about. It is a typical reaction that once a lie has been exposed, the natural reaction from you guys is to launch p...
Thanks TJ - this is eye-opening! Love all the comments - and I hope that the bigotry shown is not shared by the majority over there - the hope is that there are more of the guys who were outraged - as the clips showed, there were more that were not Islamphobic. Kudos to the ladies around 7min, and t...
You seem to have read a different article than the one posted - I couldn't see where he was blaming the major problems of the world on Jews. No problems about the picture - we all make mistakes. And I have no issue with people viewing the harsh punishments allowed in Islam as cruel - amputation as a...
Not being a big cricket fan (I just about know the rules of test cricket, but don't ask me about the names of the positions or what a googly is) or a gambling fan - someone explain to me how bowling a few no-balls at specific times can help gamblers? Can people bet that a no-ball will be bowled at a...
Ok, so you have introduced a new quote but no reference.. ok. Can you please let me have a reference so I can check out your quote and then comment when I've read it in full? But why introduce a new quote when we are discussing the article that was written? I repeat there's nothing in the main artic...
I think I found the quote, it is from 'How Holy is Palestine': http://www.isesco.org.ma/english/publications/Holypalestine/CH1.php Reading through, I really can't see why you think stating that historically the facts about segregation speak for themselves. I mean 100,000 Israelis took the streets to...
Let's see the quote in context: Segregationism Islam’s tolerant and reverential attitude towards other religions, as shown by the reverence granted by Islam to the holy places and sites of Judaism and Christianity, should be regarded as a proof of tolerance and universalism. Islam is truly universal...
In context the guy makes a very good point - the world is indeed being divided into 'them and us' - either you are with us or against us. We have 'clashes of civilisations' etc. Rather than replace Jews with 'Muslims' why not put in 'Apartheid-era Boers' - that would be more apt, as I pointed out th...
It is always a pleasure to uncover new knowledge and learn. Berrin posted an article by Hasn Karmi about Islam and the West, and FD quoted another snippet from an introduction to a book 'How Holy is Palestine'. The articles didn't seem to exhibit the anti-semitism that FD insisted was there.. so I t...
Thanks - that clarifies the issue of the no-balls. When they say Cricket was a gentleman's game - the little history that I do know about it is the distinction between 'gentlemen' and 'players' (historically): http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,891679,00.html I get the bit that fixing ...
:roll: :roll: Your a very thin line away from 'he's brown skinned and has a beard and therefore wants to keeellll all Jews' :shock: But hey, you've got to justify equating a positive post about Islam with Nazism, and kudos on not backing down in the face of exposure of your selective quotes. Cheers,...
Berrin, to be fair to FD in none of his posts has he given any indication that he actually read either the first article or the second one he quoted. Indeed, I asked him whether he had even read the first article when he made the slur about Nazism. When challenged he went and found the other quote (...
See what I mean - no embarrassment at all. Now you're blaming Google for your post. It doesn't excuse the fact you didn't acknowledge you that you presented as fact something that was made up by your friends! And why are you having a go at FD in your opening line above? I would have thought you'd ha...
eh is persisting with his line: No denial there. What I said was 100% correct. Hamas, not Israel, called the truce off. That Hamas ended the truce well over a month after an alleged Israeli violation of the truce should show that Israel did not break off the ceasefire. It's a bizare bit of logic - I...
LOL - the articles are there, why don't you read them and then argue against the ideas expressed rather than relying on snippets? Do all you guys think that just by searching for the word 'Jewish' in an article you'll understand what is written? If you take the time to read the articles, you won't m...
Well, let's recall that this thread was only started after you quoted an article stating that 61% of the Quranic verses speak ill of non-believers. You couldn't back that up, so had to start this one. I have merely pointed out to you that your whole underlying premise is wrong - in that there is no ...
Well, those that use religion to curb freedom of expression that does not hurt others are wrong. I've argued that Islam does not condone curtailing this type of freedom of speech, but do concede that there are some Muslims that think Islam outlaws blasphemy and apostacy - I disagree with these Musli...
eh - unfortunately for you this thread is about whether Israel lied when it said Hamas rockets broke the ceasefire and this was used as a reason to attack Gaza and kill over 1000 Palestinians. CNN's factcheck states this explicitly, as does Barghouti: http://pulsemedia.org/2009/01/07/rare-truth-tell...
Heck, if you let a priest into your bedroom - that's only your fault! ;) I personally think that certain forms of s.exual expression should be curbed and so do most lawmakers - the only question is where to draw the line. There's little argument about incest, necrophillia, paedophillia etc - and man...
As I said, the choice is whether to agree with the Christian theological scholars who have studied the Quran and concluded that the God of the Quran (who is Rahman) is the same God of Jesus/the Bible - or whether to believe the Islamophobe's view that the God of Muhammad, pbuh, is less loving and di...
Yes, I understand that. Society has to make a judgement whether this s.exual freedom is good for society and should be legislated against or not. As it stands, most countries of the world will not bat an eye at a gang-bang - and all the guys will cite their personal freedom to do so. As I said, most...