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Re: Lebanon Border Clash - 5 Killed

Was it a tree or not?

As for which side to believe - I thought I was being pretty even in reporting what each side was saying.

As for spinning it as an 'ambush' - I'm not surprised that you've obviously taken sides in this and believe the Gospel according to the IDF. ;)

by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Lebanon Border Clash - 5 killed
Replies: 12
Views: 1414

Re: Pope Urban II And OBL - One Religious, The Other Politic

I am pretty clear about what you're asking and what you're avoiding. So, have you now given up the silly arguments that the Crusades weren't Holy Wars and that Urban's call for Holy War was generic? (I mean the fact you argued both these points shows how they are silly) And, will you answer the ques...
by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other political ?
Replies: 101
Views: 6477

Re: Koran And Science

I've not argued that my rational explanation will be convincing to a person who believes that the sun can stop in the sky for a day because the Bible says so, I've only asked whether you have any evidence that the rational explanation should be rejected. Just because you wish it wasn't a valid expla...
by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Koran and Science
Replies: 111
Views: 9515

Re: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other politic

Are you embarrased to tell us whether you've given up the silly arguments that the Crusades were not a Holy War or not? And the sillier argument that the Urban's call for Holy War was generic? Why avoid the question? I've already quoted Urban calling for a Holy War - and you've argued that these cal...
by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other political ?
Replies: 101
Views: 6477

Re: Sixty-One Percent Of The Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers

According to Moorthy Muthuswamy, an expert on political Islam, "61 percent of the Koran talks ill of unbelievers or calls for their violent conquest and subjugation, but only 2.6 percent talks about the overall good of humanity." Well, you know me and stats - bring it on. I suspect this i...
by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Sixty-One Percent of the Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers
Replies: 17
Views: 2448

Re: Briton Held For Wearing A Bikini In Dubai Shopping Mall

Do you think the cctv footage will make it's way onto Youtube.. ;)

(It will be a great one for captions. I can imagine one of them saying 'Do I look like I'm bothered..?' )

The mind boggles at what the 'taunting' entailed - was it just walking around, or more than that? :)

by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Briton held for wearing a bikini in Dubai shopping mall afte
Replies: 57
Views: 8296

Re: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other politic

Ok - I'll let Berrin debate with Chev. I'm more interested in hearing from the one who set up this thread and see whether he will answer Are you embarrased to tell us whether you've given up the silly arguments that the Crusades were not a Holy War or not? And the sillier argument that the Urban's c...
by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other political ?
Replies: 101
Views: 6477

Re: Briton Held For Wearing A Bikini In Dubai Shopping Mall

^That's the problem, being British I shudder to think what the possibilities are if I did let my imagination run free! Don't get me started on Chavs - but that is a good starting assumption here! But hey, as some might say - if there no pics - it never happened! ;) But anyway, it appears that the co...
by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Briton held for wearing a bikini in Dubai shopping mall afte
Replies: 57
Views: 8296

Re: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other politic

Why are you avoiding the question - are you embarrassed? Are you embarrased to tell us whether you've given up the silly arguments that the Crusades were not a Holy War or not? And the sillier argument that the Urban's call for Holy War was generic? Why avoid the question? I've already quoted Urban ...
by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other political ?
Replies: 101
Views: 6477

Re: Briton held for wearing a bikini in Dubai shopping mall

Curiously, AP reports that both women were taken to the police station - not something that was highlighted in the Daily Mail etc: Bikini-clad Briton briefly detained in Dubai mall By MICHAEL CASEY (AP) – 4 hours ago DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — A British woman was briefly detained after stripping ...
by shafique
Aug 05, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Briton held for wearing a bikini in Dubai shopping mall afte
Replies: 57
Views: 8296

Re: Koran And Science

Berrin, I have a simple test when it comes to making a choice between a rational explanation and one that requires us to believe God suspended the laws of nature, I choose the rational one every time. Here's a reference from the web giving a rational explanation of Al Naml v 18: http://www.alquran-k...
by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Koran and Science
Replies: 111
Views: 9515

Re: Briton Held For Wearing A Bikini In Dubai Shopping Mall

Bonk - the difference between the Daily Mail and AP report by Casey, is a matter of timing and content. The DM says the 'lady' was 'still being questioned last night' - and did not report her release. Therefore it was probably written before her release?? Whereas the AP report was written after both...
by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Briton held for wearing a bikini in Dubai shopping mall afte
Replies: 57
Views: 8296

Re: Hamas: In Their Own Voices

Ah, more Loon comfort food from Memri - this time a 2min Youtube Memri special posted in June 2008. What's the matter young one - getting a battering in the other threads and now you want to spread the pain? So, the guy quotes the Holy Prophet, pbuh, saying that Rome will be conquered (.. 'as prophe...
by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas: In their own voices
Replies: 119
Views: 8202

Re: Pope Urban II And OBL - One Religious, The Other Politic

So have you are back to 'the Crusades weren't a Holy War'? Are you also going to argue that the Holy War called by the Pope was 'generic' as well? It appears that you've gone Rogue Loon again. I refer you to all the previous points which cover these issues, especially the questions regarding finding...
by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other political ?
Replies: 101
Views: 6477

Re: Hamas: In Their Own Voices

However, the problem for the Loons is that Hamas has indeed given a complete, comprehensive and clear statements on their stance vis-a-vis the west in general, and about Jews/Judaism as well. The problem for fanbois at the moment is that they are losing the PR battle - and they don't like it. There'...
by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas: In their own voices
Replies: 119
Views: 8202

Re: Sixty-One Percent Of The Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers

Young loon - you quote stats, I ask for evidence behind those stats.

Show the evidence.

(and please re-read my post above)

by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Sixty-One Percent of the Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers
Replies: 17
Views: 2448

Re: Sixty-One Percent of the Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers

I do actually deny the gist of the article - I gave my suspicion that this was another example of loon smoke and mirrors.

Seems I was right.

All Mouth, No Trousers - yet another loon headline that crumbles with a cursory look beyond the headlines.

by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Sixty-One Percent of the Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers
Replies: 17
Views: 2448

Re: Hamas: In Their Own Voices

Yawn. Do you see Moooslims with guns everywhere you go, or this only in loonville? But interesting to see the loon spin: The guy says the conquests will be through dawa and is explicit about this in the part I quoted and you left out. Sheesh - you're now even being selective with MEMRI specials!! :s...
by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas: In their own voices
Replies: 119
Views: 8202

Re: Pope Urban II And OBL - One Religious, The Other Politic

Hey, YOU are the one that came up with the silly, rogue loon, idea that the Crusades weren't Holy Wars and yet argued that the Holy War called by Urban was 'generic'. You made that bed -but you don't seem that willing to lie in it. The threads about the 9/11 and the Tim McVeigh wannabe are still the...
by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other political ?
Replies: 101
Views: 6477

Re: Briton Held For Wearing A Bikini In Dubai Shopping Mall

Wow - I was joking when I said 'if there are no pics, it didn't happen' - but there you go, there were no pics because it didn't actually happen (the stripping and taunting of locals!) So, two women get into a fight, Mall security call police, police question both, both released. I guess it is the '...
by shafique
Aug 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Briton held for wearing a bikini in Dubai shopping mall afte
Replies: 57
Views: 8296

Re: Sixty-One Percent Of The Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers

So, no evidence is forthcoming - just the loon exaggerations.

You're predictable, young one, I'll give you that.

So much for 61% then. sigh.

by shafique
Aug 07, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Sixty-One Percent of the Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers
Replies: 17
Views: 2448

Re: Koran And Science

Berrin, I do believe in miracles - absolutely. However, I don't believe God would break His own laws of nature to perform them - I think He would have planned to be able to show miracles without having to stop the earth rotating for a day like eh believes. Allah also says the Quran contains metaphor...
by shafique
Aug 07, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Koran and Science
Replies: 111
Views: 9515

Re: Hamas: In Their Own Voices

Of course I condemn any anti-semite who hates all Jews because of their religion or race. Always have, always will. Of course I will not join in the loon hysteria and agree that anyone criticising Zionists or Israeli injustices as anti-semites. The guy calls for Dawa, the Memri video has him clarify...
by shafique
Aug 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas: In their own voices
Replies: 119
Views: 8202

Re: Hamas: In Their Own Voices

So, let us come back to the thread's topic - what does Hamas say: Hamas condemns the Holocaust We are not engaged in a religious conflict with Jews; this is a political struggle to free ourselves from occupation ...
by shafique
Aug 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas: In their own voices
Replies: 119
Views: 8202

Re: testimony of an inhabitant of Iran

by shafique
Aug 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: testimony of an inhabitant of Iran
Replies: 3
Views: 683

Re: Hamas: In their own voices

Glad to see that there's no disputing the clear Hamas statements I quoted above. The statement that the terrorist attack by a non-Hamas person is 'natural' as quoted by JP is disturbing - but is actually describing.a view that these atrocities happen when a people are under occupation and kids are k...
by shafique
Aug 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas: In their own voices
Replies: 119
Views: 8202

Re: Sixty-One Percent Of The Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers

I do actually want to find out whether the loon headlines match reality, that is why I asked for the evidence.



by shafique
Aug 07, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Sixty-One Percent of the Koran Talk Ill Of Unbelievers
Replies: 17
Views: 2448

Re: Hamas: In Their Own Voices

Nice to see that the loon tactic of selective quoting is alive and well. Despite the attempts to obfuscate - the clear and complete statements from Hamas are quite categoric. Compare that against the snippets that the loons focus on (I mean, FD is taking this to the extreme by focusing on one word i...
by shafique
Aug 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas: In their own voices
Replies: 119
Views: 8202

Re: Hamas: In Their Own Voices

FD - that is a masterful display of spin. Doesn't change the fact that Hamas' words are clear (it is a political struggle, they don't deny the Holocaust etc) and that all your arguments seem to rely on a loon reality distortion field that involves, inter alia, inventing stats, fanciful interpretatio...
by shafique
Aug 08, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas: In their own voices
Replies: 119
Views: 8202

Re: Jesus Rifles

by shafique
Aug 08, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Jesus Rifles
Replies: 12
Views: 1198

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