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Re: Rape By Deception? WTF??

Talk about blaming the messenger! Well, you can hardly blame Levy for reporting on racism in the courts of Israel - you've got the 3 Israeli judges to blame for that. But I'm disapointed with you FD - I thought in this thread you wouldn't try the usual Loon tactic of smoke-and-mirrors when Israeli c...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rape by Deception? WTF??
Replies: 33
Views: 3430

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

I simply asked you what the reason for killing the Jews were - history books tell us it was acts of Christian penance carried out 'in the name of Christ'. Is the Loon version of history different? If not - then how can you argue that the Crusaders who killed Jews in Europe as acts of penance were N...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

Were the killings of the Jews in Europe 'political' and not religious acts of Christian penance in the loon version of history? Did you admit that even in Loon versions of history the first acts of slaughter were of Jews in Europe and were done 'in the name of Christ' as a penance? If so, then give...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

Enough with the smoke and mirrors. Were the killings of the Jews in Europe 'political' and not religious acts of Christian penance in the loon version of history? Did you admit that even in Loon versions of history the first acts of slaughter were of Jews in Europe and were done 'in the name of Chri...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

It’s the occupation, not the fundamentalism

This study by Pape was referenced in another thread. Empirical evidence behind suicide bombings demonstrate that reality and 'American perception' (as the article puts it) about motivations of suicide bombers aren't in the same room: (The article is from 'The American Conservative' and is an intervi...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: It’s the occupation, not the fundamentalism
Replies: 9
Views: 889

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

There you go again asking me to do your homework. Were the killings of the Jews in Europe 'political' and not religious acts of Christian penance in the loon version of history? Did you admit that even in Loon versions of history the first acts of slaughter were of Jews in Europe and were done 'in t...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: It’s The Occupation, Not The Fundamentalism

I think you mean another article full of evidence that elicits a typical Loon reaction. ;) Pape has found that the most common American perceptions about who the terrorists are and what motivates them are off by a wide margin. Are all loons allergic to evidence, or is it just you? Cheers, Shafique
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: It’s the occupation, not the fundamentalism
Replies: 9
Views: 889

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

So what does Loon version of history say the reason that the Christian knights of the First Crusade slaughtered European Jews was? I couldn't see where you answered the question whether your version of history said they weren't slaughtered 'in the name of Christ'. How do you reconcile this with your...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other politic

Here's answers I prepared earlier ;) Were the killings of the Jews in Europe 'political' and not religious acts of Christian penance in the loon version of history? Did you admit that even in Loon versions of history the first acts of slaughter were of Jews in Europe and were done 'in the name of Ch...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other political ?
Replies: 101
Views: 6513

Re: Iran not US/Israel puppet, CIA funds anti-Iran fighters

Hakim - firstly, welcome. I was waiting for Melika to reply first - and she has done so (as she is from Iran and best placed to respond to your post). I've posted about Iran in the past - you can do a search - and did raise the point about Mossadeq, the meddling of the West in politics etc. I've eve...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Iran not US/Israel puppet, CIA funds anti-Iran fighters etc.
Replies: 34
Views: 5182

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

Shafique, First of all thank you very much for your detailed replies but after reading I have a doubt that you can participate in coherent discussion without whitening. Perhaps I'm spending too much time with the loons! But I am answering your questions the best way I know and am sincere in my inte...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Rape By Deception? WTF??

Do you think that a Jew sleeping with a Muslim woman would be put in jail under the Israeli legal system? You say you 'doubt it' - but, with all due respect, what are you basing your opinion on? Has a Jewish man been convicted of pretending to be an Arab to bed an Arab lady? Levy's point is well mad...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rape by Deception? WTF??
Replies: 33
Views: 3430

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

Shafique, sorry for the word "lame". It was rough. I meant that they were not coherent to discussion. Well, Russians and Brits fought against Franco for different but political reasons. Partisipation of Ozzy and Canadians were not exactly voluntary and was inspired by local government for...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Decoys Jews Necessary In More European Cities?

You can ask RC whether I give people my opinion or not. I'm just a signed up member of the Green community - and where someone has coined a phrase that matches my opinion I choose to use it. (And indeed, just look at the first post on this page ^ !!) I try to avoid ad hominem attacks when evidence w...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3565

Re: Rape By Deception? WTF??

I agree that her racism may indeed be shared by others in the region (even those who don't sleep with people they've just met) I repeat the main point is the incredible ruling of the Israeli justice system that has resulted in the object of her racism being locked up for 18 months after 2 years of h...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rape by Deception? WTF??
Replies: 33
Views: 3430

Re: Decoys Jews Necessary In More European Cities?

I agree - but don't see what objection there could be to me posting reasoned arguments which expand on why I believe a burqa ban is un-British.

How is that a personal attack? Surely I'm also allowed to reply in kind when a 'story' is presented as evidence?

by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3565

Re: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?

Anyway, let's highlight what we agree on: No, people shouldn't be afraid of burqa's. Although I can understand a child, who never saw a burqa before, perceiving it as a scary pinquin monster. I agree - children are indeed afraid of the new. My kids were all initially afraid of clowns the first time ...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3565

Re: Rape By Deception? WTF??

Ok - I guess we'll have to agree to disagree whether the racist action is institutionalised by the sentence. The guy is in jail because the Israeli justice system put him there - so he was arrested, charged and prosecuted - so a whole range of people's 'personal opinions' went into this racist decis...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rape by Deception? WTF??
Replies: 33
Views: 3430

Re: Decoys Jews Necessary In More European Cities?

With respect, Lawson is clear that it is the banning that is un-British. His point only makes sense if what is being banned is not customary in Britain - so a burqa is definitely not something that fits into what Brits would normally wear, but it is definitely un-British to ban it because of this. I...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3565

Re: Baha'i houses demolished in Iran

This was covered on BBC News earlier this month - and this kind of religious intolerance is to be condemned. Eh asks what the UN's reaction will be. Again his research seems to have let him down. The UN have a Baha'i representative in Geneva and each year the UN pa...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Baha'i houses demolished in Iran
Replies: 6
Views: 868

Re: Rape By Deception? WTF??

Are you thinking of a different case? "If she hadn't thought the accused was a Jewish bachelor interested in a serious romantic relationship, she would not have cooperated," Judge Zvi Segal wrote in his verdict. Segal said the court had to protect the public from sophisticated criminals wh...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rape by Deception? WTF??
Replies: 33
Views: 3430

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

RC - I have to say, I agree with what you are saying in these cases. The separatists were/are fighting for political reasons in the places you say - and I'll take your word that there is also plan to 'expand Islam' on other territories in Caucasia. If the plan is to expand and impose Islamic rule ra...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

Well, that all Greek to me. ;) I'm just using the term 'politics' to distinguish it from 'religious' - one could say 'secular' or looking for worldly power/control/justice - the other is actions because of a spiritual (or perhaps even ideological) belief. I agree that the 9/11 was an assymetric repl...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Rape By Deception? WTF??

I agree.

But no one seriously believes they would.

by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rape by Deception? WTF??
Replies: 33
Views: 3430

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

Dear sir, I bow my head to your obviously greater knowledge of Greek and other foreign words. I'll have to stick to English - which contains many words of Greek, Latin, Arabic etc origins. When I use them, it will be as in the definitions in the English dictionaries... and I cannot guarantee these a...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Pope Urban II And OBL - One Religious, The Other Politic

Wow, you could have just said you're not going to answer the question - and I told you, asking me to do your homework (looking up what historians said about the First Crusades) will only get the same response the last few times you asked me to do your homework. You're the one that maintains that the...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other political ?
Replies: 101
Views: 6513

Re: Rape By Deception? WTF??

Obviously the woman has a problem with se.x with somebody of another religion/ethnicity. So, we all agree the lady was racist, don't we? I'd love to see any quote from the Judges where they say it was because he lied about his marital status and not his race that he was convicted for rape. But hey,...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rape by Deception? WTF??
Replies: 33
Views: 3430

Re: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?

I 100% agree. A burqa is certainly not part of normal Western values and habits. Tolerance means accepting other people's rights even when they are not part of values and habits you share, especially where they harm no one and are strongly held cultural/religious or even personal choices. I'm glad w...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3565

Re: Rape By Deception? WTF??

Yes, so you believe the woman is racist as we do. Just because you believe other women are also racist in the same way, doesn't really matter - I agreed with you that indeed many people in the region may share her racism. The problem was that the Courts of Israel put a guy in jail because of her rac...
by shafique
Jul 24, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rape by Deception? WTF??
Replies: 33
Views: 3430

Re: Pope Urban II And OBL - One Religious, The Other Politic

Yes, I still stand by my claim that Pope Urban's call for the First Crusade was obviously a call to Holy War and contrast that with Bin Laden's political motivations. I notice that you are still avoiding the question about what the loon version of history gives as the motives for the slaughter of Je...
by shafique
Jul 24, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Pope Urban II and OBL - one religious, the other political ?
Replies: 101
Views: 6513

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