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Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

So, quotes given from Bin Laden giving the reasons for 9/11 - loons insist it is Islam's fault. (And why not give me a reference? Ashamed of where you cut and pasted it from? Was it from loon-central??) Sigh. Such as it always was - I refer you to the opening paragraph of the first post. Cheers, Sha...
by shafique
Jul 21, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Times Square Bomber - Update

Ha ha - so much for your research eh. Pathetic. The car was spotted by a Senagalese Muslim street vendor who then went to tell Lance to phone the cops. Aliou Niasse, a street vendor selling framed photographs of New York, said that he was the first to spot the car containing the bomb, which pulled u...
by shafique
Jul 21, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Times Square bomber - update
Replies: 57
Views: 5677

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

^No. You're not imagining things again are you eh?

Bin Laden - states 9/11 was in retaliation for US attacks, Loon version - Islam's at fault.

by shafique
Jul 21, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view

So eh, I did do a Google and couldn't find where the translation you quoted above comes from - even though it seems to be quoted on a few loon websites. . But I did find this clear answer which refutes the loon quotes (so it is asking whether the translations on loon websites is in accordance with I...
by shafique
Jul 21, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Times Square Bomber - Update

Smoke and Mirrors, young one. kanelli - the guy who reported the smoking car to the authorities was a Muslim. Had the car exploded, it is pretty likely that he would have been killed. The point is that the motivation for the attempted bombing was US bombings, and not a desire to kill non-Muslims - o...
by shafique
Jul 21, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Times Square bomber - update
Replies: 57
Views: 5677

Re: Koran and Science

If your question is relevant to the thread, I'll be happy to answer it. Ok, fair enough. Let's see what you wrote earlier in this thread. So you agree with me that the Koran is scientifically inaccurate and therefore not the word of god.
by shafique
Jul 21, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Koran and Science
Replies: 111
Views: 9540

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

RC - Pope Urban II call for the crusades was pretty explicit to me - and Bin Laden stating that 9/11 was retaliation for US attacks is pretty explicit too. Unless your arguing that the US attacks are religiously motivate, I can't see why the retaliation (which involved killing Muslim civilians too) ...
by shafique
Jul 21, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view

Bin Laden - states 9/11 was in retaliation for US attacks, Loon version - Islam's at fault. And who taught them and let them to kill innocent people to take revenge? ISLAM did! Actually, the point near the end of the article is that it was not Islam that Bin Laden used to justify killing of women a...
by shafique
Jul 21, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Koran and Science

I thought it was pretty obvious that there is a difference between a 'miracle' and a phenomenon that the Koran takes for granted. So, your loon logic is that you believe in scientific absurdities (like the sun stopping in the sky for a day) as long as you label it a 'miracle'. At least that is cons...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Koran and Science
Replies: 111
Views: 9540

Re: Times Square Bomber - Update

Simple - the argument was whether the Tim McVeigh wannabe was targetting non-Muslims because he hated non-Muslims or whether he was being honest when he said the reason he was targetting Times Square was in retaliation for US bombings abroad. The fact that had the bomb gone off he would have killed ...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Times Square bomber - update
Replies: 57
Views: 5677

Re: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view

Pope Urban II call for the crusades was pretty explicit to me - and Bin Laden stating that 9/11 was retaliation for US attacks is pretty explicit too. What was explicit, exactly ? That the Pope did not cite a single violent verse from the Bible or teaching in Catholicism in his call for the crusade...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

Ok RC, by special request - a point by point reply. ;) Shafique, you treat Politic too wide at your own benefit. Such way you could explain Crusades by political reasons as well. The Crusades did indeed have a political element to them - no doubt. It was used to help consolidate the power of the Chu...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Decoys Jews Necessary In More European Cities?

Depends on how cold it is - I used to cycle in London and quite happily wore a mask to keep down the pollution I breathed in... that was in public. ;)

by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3564

Re: Times Square Bomber - Update

The point is he DID indeed say the reason for the bombings was in retaliation for US bombings. What he did not say was that Islam motivated him to carry out the terrorist act. He said that the retaliation was against bombings of Muslims though and because he was a Muslim, human, with a wife and chil...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Times Square bomber - update
Replies: 57
Views: 5677

Re: Times Square Bomber - Update

I know - he fits the profile of what the Islamophobes portray as an Islamic warrior and the talk of his motivation being 'embedded in his religious beliefs' is exactly what they promote. I agree we can agree to disagree about your 'feeling' that he is a religous warrior and the statements he's made ...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Times Square bomber - update
Replies: 57
Views: 5677

Re: Decoys Jews Necessary In More European Cities?

Hey, I think that muffin tops are really offensive and I don't like them (as well as beer bellies and speedos; mullets, shaved and painted on eyebrows etc etc!) - but would I ban them?

by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3564

Re: Halal Meat

Most (if not all) Arab (and countries with significant Muslim populations) will have halaal chicken, beef, lamb etc readily available. In some countries all the meat is Halaal, just to keep things simple (non-Muslim carnivores don't really care if the meat is Halaal or not, Muslims will choose to ea...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: halal meat
Replies: 1
Views: 1124

Re: Decoys Jews Necessary In More European Cities?

You see, each person has their own dislikes and likes - and for beer bellies and speedos, even at swimming pools and beaches they are a sight I'd rather not see! ;) Of course, my point is that just because I happen to find something offensive, I'm not necessarily going to want to ban people from dre...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3564

Re: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?

Is there a law that bans people from shopping bare foot and with speedos in France? Should there be one? As I said, I'm just expressing my opinion that I would not ban something that I may find personally offensive and that even if it offended the majority of my fellow British people, I'd still argu...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3564

Re: Decoys Jews Necessary In More European Cities?

A number of politicians in the UK this week have come out and said banning the burqa would be un-British, but this article from January hammers home the point. Note the opening quote from Hitler Banning the burqa is simply not British Dominic Lawson ‘As I was once strolling through the inner city, I...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3564

Re: Decoys Jews Necessary In More European Cities?

Hey, I guess my British values just are affronted by the idea of banning a piece of clothing. Should Hare Rama Hare Krishnas (or the Dalai Lama) be forbidden from wearing Safron robes in Oxford street? It's not customary for people to wear these robes in the UK, and we wouldn't ban them. In short, I...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3564

Re: Please help us!

Oh dear, Bibi has been advised to stop using the argument that there is no humanitarian crisis! :shock: The Israel Project (TIP), an American Hasbara outfit, commissioned Republican political consultant Frank Luntz to examine the effectiveness of Israel’s public diplomacy in the US on the Flotilla d...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Please help us!
Replies: 71
Views: 4069

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

Eh - you're really not going to try and convince us that the Crusades weren't holy wars are you? Answer me this simple question - for what reason did some of the Crusaders of the First Crusade slaughter Jews of Europe before setting off for the Holy Land? Was it as an act of pious penance ? Cheers, ...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Koran and Science

Apologies again for the above.. please try and repost. So, your loon logic is that you believe in scientific absurdities (like the sun stopping in the sky for a day) as long as you label it a 'miracle'. Well, my loon logic tells me that an 'angel' from another dimension appearing in front of humans ...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Koran and Science
Replies: 111
Views: 9540

Re: Decoys Jews Necessary In More European Cities?

A dutchman once told me that some of his fellow countrymen get so stoned they can't tell their elbows from their... Yes, perhaps that is a true story - or it could also be another one of your made up ones - who knows, loon logic when faced with evidence is a bit like Quantum physics - the normal law...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoys jews necessary in more European cities?
Replies: 58
Views: 3564

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

Eh - you're really not going to try and convince us that the Crusades weren't holy wars are you? Answer me this simple question - for what reason did some of the Crusaders of the First Crusade slaughter Jews of Europe before setting off for the Holy Land? Was it as an act of pious penance ? It was ...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

I know you want to avoid the question. That's pretty clear. However, you stated that you believe the Crusades were political and not religious. If you still believe this, then answer the question: Eh - you're really not going to try and convince us that the Crusades weren't holy wars are you? Answer...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

I still stand by my statement about the Crusades being a religious war. We've already established (not least in the first article) that Bin Laden's motivations were political, but I'm challenging you to back up your claim that the Crusades weren't religious wars. When asking you about the slaughter ...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

Re: Rape by Deception? WTF??

From Haaretz. He impersonated a human Sabbar Kashur wanted to be a person, a person like everybody else. But as luck would have it, he was born Palestinian. By Gideon Levy Sabbar Kashur wanted to be a person, a person like everybody else. But as luck would have it, he was born Palestinian. It happen...
by shafique
Jul 22, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rape by Deception? WTF??
Replies: 33
Views: 3429

Re: No Religious Basis For 9/11 - Muslim View

My simple contention is that the Crusades were Holy wars, and that the first acts of slaughter were carried out when Crusaders slaughtered European Jews. I simply asked you what the reason for killing the Jews were - history books tell us it was acts of Christian penance carried out 'in the name of ...
by shafique
Jul 23, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: No religious basis for 9/11 - Muslim view
Replies: 63
Views: 5619

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