Donald Snyder from (who wrote the article), seems to be a resident of loonville according to this commentator (number 92 on the Haaretz page): aliyah from sweden not due to antisemtism dennis 12.07.1018:01 I am a Jew from Malmo who made aliyah 4 years ago. I am well acquainted with the s...
Whilst many Americans don't believe in evolution or fossil evidence (and with Republicans who go to church, it is 73%!) - science moves on. Fossil links humans and monkeys By Pallab Ghosh Science correspondent, BBC News Researchers have discovered the skull of a 29 million-year-old animal that could...
No obfuscation here. Just an observation that loons are trying to divert attention from the racist acts in Israel and focus on the commentary on the racism in Israel. The allegation that the 'what if they were muslim' is actually a 'tu quoque' argument is laughable - for no one on Loonwatch excuses ...
In relation to the Turkey statistic, again: I refer you back to the conclusion I quoted from the same paper. philosophy-dubai/muslim-religious-beliefs-t42480.html#p341618 You will recall you were exposed in your old trick of selectively quoting. So, I haven't forgotten that you selectively quoted th...
Whilst many Americans don't believe in evolution or fossil evidence (and with Republicans who go to church, it is 73%!) - science moves on. Heard of the saying Shafique, Those in glass houses must not throw stones? :lol: Yep, but having made extensive surveys and found that my house is stone proof ...
Epic failure of understanding again on the loons - blinded by their Islamophobia. No one denies that the Shabab terrorists were targetting people gathered to watch the Footie. The big thing point is that the reason they attacked Kampala was to make good on their threat that they will attack Ugandan ...
It's also worth quoting a portion of the article that FD selected his quotes from above (i.e. he chose not to quote these two paragraphs): There are an estimated 45,000 Muslims in Malmo, or 15% of the city’s population. Many of them are Palestinians, Iraqis and Somalis, or come from the former Yugos...
To be honest, the reason why Jews and Muslims don't eat pork is because God forbids Muslims and Jews from eating pork! The Quran doesn't give a reason, other than a reference to pigs being dirty (contrast that with alcohol where God says there is some good in it, but the bad outweighs the good). The...
Our would be bomber's motivations are now out on video, and validates the initial reports about the motivations behind the attempted terrorist bombing - i.e. that they were not because he subscribes to the loon interpretation of Islam, but that he was reacting to the killings of 'Muslim fighters' ca...
Yes, it is curious that the resident loons here are more extreme than the inhabitants of loonville that they quote. I wonder sometimes about that. ;) I guess that those who publish loon opinions in newspapers etc can't afford to invent stats or present made up accounts as fact - they can spin and ex...
Oh dear, fanbois will be crying and wailing before bedtime - Bibi Netanyahu has been exposed in a secretly filmed video from 2001 where he boasts about wrecking the Oslo negotiations and brags about his influence over America: Bibi the Bamboozler to Settlers: ‘America Won’t Get in Our Way…It’s Easil...
:mrgreen: Say what you like about Bibi - he's got chutzpah! :alien: As Levy writes in Haaretz: No more claims that the Palestinians are to blame for the failure of the Oslo Accords. Netanyahu exposed the naked truth to his hosts at Ofra: he destroyed the Oslo accords with his own hands and deeds, an...
I searched in vain for a comment about the Racism in Tel Aviv or an answer to the question whether eh is more extreme than his Guru, Bob 'the huckster' Spencer. As the guys at Loonwatch have already clarified what their stance is, eh's ramblings seem to be nothing more than a lame attempt at diversi...
Well, 73% of your peers don't believe in the missing link (or that the world is more than 10,000 years old)! Good luck with persuading your fellow Christians to your point of view that we're all descended from 'lower primates' - I'm all for getting people to reject Biblical verses that don't make se...
Err, actually your point was that the bomber was motivated to avenge the deaths of Pakistanis (you tried to spin this as meaning the deaths of any Pakistanis - Muslim, Christian, secular), which you claimed meant his reasons were secular. Yes. That is what the article I quoted at the time said: The...
So, no refutation of the fact that 73% of your peers reject science. No refutation of the fact that of the general population of the US this figure is almost half the population! No actual evidence that a higher proportion of Saudis or Afghans believe we were created in the past 10,000 years.. just ...
So, you don't have a scientific explanation after all - you just believe that the sun did stop in the sky for a day, because that it what the Bible says! What is 'common knowledge' is that the sun does not stop in the sky, because that would violate the laws of physics and mean the earth has stopped...
So, now we have young eh admitting that the Bible contains scientific absurdities, I can remind him what he wrote on the subject of scriptures which violate the laws of science: So you agree with me that the Koran is scientifically inaccurate and therefore not the word of god. http://www.dubaiforums...
You see, Loons see the words 'jihad' to 'spread Islam' everywhere - even when they aren't mentioned as the reason for the wannabe bomber. Tim McVeigh wannabe clearly states he wanted to kill Americans because Americans killed Muslims, and yet the loons imagine he said he wanted to spread Islam by ki...
event horizon wrote: I said the decision to blow up kickball fans rather than people riding a bus was probably due to al-Shabaab's view of the corrupting influences of kickball (Koran 5:33).
All I did was ask whether any news source agrees with your speculation.
Epic fail. Today seems to be a bad day for you eh - you admit that the Bible contains scientific absurdities and hence either believe that it is NOT the word of God, or you are a hypocrite. Which is it. I still maintain that the Quran contains not one scientific absurdity, but God does say clearly t...
No backpedal, the original claim is still there and reflects what information was in the media at the time - what is new in the video is that the reason for the attack has been extended to not just Pakistanis killed by the US, but other Muslims killed by the US. When the articles were published sayi...
So, that's still a 'no, I can't find ANY reference that the attacks were also because they hated footy'. Thanks for confirming (if you read the reports, you'll see that reasons ARE given for attacking Kampala and the targets chosen - and it 'hatred for football' is not given as a reason) Cheers, Sha...
I actually feel sorry for this sad old gentleman in Germany who hates Islam. This is from Der Spiegel and is both sad and funny. eh - this could be you in a few decades, a sobering thought? Tilting at Minarets Germany's Anonymous Mosque Watch...
You want me to do your homework AGAIN? Now what did I tell you last time you asked me to do this?
It's a simple task - just post the reasons given in articles etc for targeting Uganda and show that ANYONE agrees with your speculation that it is because they also hated football.
Hey, as I said, I'm not the one who is saying the Bible contains scientific absurdities - that's on you. Did Jesus speak as a child - yes, this one is not scientifically rubbish - there are kids who speak whilst still sleeping in cradles. Did Jesus animate lumps of clay into birds - no, this is meta...