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Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib

One good thing about Chomsky is that he doesn't have to invent statistics or pretend that fictitious sermons by rapists are from scholars - his statistics about the level of fundamentalist beliefs amongst young eh's countrymen is from actual surveys. Indeed, we can just look at the evidence on this ...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Taliban
Replies: 74
Views: 6008

Re: US Religous Beliefs

Bump for eh - given he's quoting Chomsky again in the politics forum.
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Religous beliefs
Replies: 17
Views: 2357

Palestinians: Peace proposal

The Palestinians make sensible and just peace proposals - : On eve of Obama-Netanyahu meet, Abbas offers Jerusalem compromise Al Hayat reports Abbas proposed creation of a Palestinian state within 1967 borders, with a possible land swap of 2.3 percent of West Bank. By Avi Issacharoff and Natasha Moz...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians: Peace proposal
Replies: 2
Views: 944

Re: US Religous Beliefs

So, the loon result when presented with evidence is 'I don't believe it'.

Very funny.
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Religous beliefs
Replies: 17
Views: 2357

Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib

Hey, don't shoot the messenger. Just because you don't want to believe your fellow American fanatics make up such a high proportion of your country's population -is not Chomsky's, nor my, fault. When you have any evidence to the contrary (apart from 'but the loon doesn't want to believe it') let us ...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Taliban
Replies: 74
Views: 6008

Re: Chomsky's lies?

So, the 3 instances YOU chose to look at eh and which transpired that Chomsky wasn't lying - was that just bad choice on you part?

I reckon we could get to 200 - 0, but as it stands

Chomsky 3, eh 0. (i.e. you've so far been 100% wrong)

by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky's lies?
Replies: 74
Views: 5420

Re: Palestinians: Peace proposal

Looking forward.. Let's, for argument's sake, take you up on that line eh and agree that what is being proposed is what the Israelis agreed to in Oslo etc. Let's, for argument's sake, say that Arafat was a fool and rejected it in the 1990s. Let's, for arguments sake, agree that the Palestinians have...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Palestinians: Peace proposal
Replies: 2
Views: 944

Re: US Religous Beliefs

Well, this thread is about the proportions of your fellow countrymen that do believe in these fundamentalist views. You are free to start another thread for similar evidence in other countries (and free to tell us whether you believe that evidence or not). So, let me remind you what I said in the fi...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Religous beliefs
Replies: 17
Views: 2357

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

Did you enjoy that rant? I simply asked FD whether he thought the Dutch Parliament had been misled when the Justice minister told them that there hasn't been a rise in anti-Semitism, despite all the fanciful statistics and beliefs that FD likes to present. FD - I would have thought you'd be in a goo...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8742

Re: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land

Loons can't handle the truth it appears! ;)

FD rants are turning into classic loon fantasies:
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8742

Re: US Religous Beliefs

So, you don't have any evidence in regards to the updated stats concerning how many of your fellow US believers still believe the Bible's creation is true? You should have just said so. (I'm not sure what gay marriage has to do with Biblical belief of creation - but I've given up trying to understan...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Religous beliefs
Replies: 17
Views: 2357

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

So, the Justice Minister DID tell parliament that anti-semitism is not on the rise according to the Police. FD has given some unreferenced quotes which don't dispute this simple fact. In any case, the actual numbers of crimes went up to 41 from 17, and even though I've asked a few times now - the an...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8742

Re: Chomsky's Lies?

eh - so as to not embarrass you further when I look up Chomsky's references, can I ask whether you checked the reference in regards to the 25,000?

If you did, please post it in full and in context (the ... ... in the quote are awfully suspicious)

by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky's lies?
Replies: 74
Views: 5420

Re: Chomsky's lies?

Oh dear. Chomsky 4, eh 0. The Lie: “If 2-2½ million people… have been systematically slaughtered by a band of murderous thugs [then intervention is sought]… [But not] if the figure of those killed were, say, less by a factor of 100 – that is, 25,000 people… [or] if the deaths in Cambodia were not th...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky's lies?
Replies: 74
Views: 5420

Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Talib

One good thing about Chomsky is that he doesn't have to invent statistics or pretend that fictitious sermons by rapists are from scholars - his statistics about the level of fundamentalist beliefs amongst young eh's countrymen is from actual surveys. Indeed, we can just look at the evidence on this...
by shafique
Jul 04, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Taliban
Replies: 74
Views: 6008

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

Long posts, but the official stats are still: 1. 8 Prisons closed last year in Netherlands due to lack of criminals 2. Parliament told that there is no increase in Anti-semitism in Amsterdam according to police 3. only 41 anti-semitic incidents in 2009, 17 in 2008 (rise attributed to higher reportin...
by shafique
Jul 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8742

Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib

I agree that it is shocking the number of your fellow American believers that believe that man was created a few thousand years ago in the current form (i.e. thos that don't believe man evolved from lower life forms - like the Quran says). Your disbelief, though, doesn't change the evidence. Should ...
by shafique
Jul 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Taliban
Replies: 74
Views: 6008

Re: Chomsky's Lies?

Do you want to go for 5-0, or is your 100% record enough to show that you cannot, after all, show that Chomsky lies? The point is now clear your quote deliberately left out the words 'we presume' and presented something that was not a lie as a lie. (BTW Kudos if you read the whole chapter, I've only...
by shafique
Jul 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky's lies?
Replies: 74
Views: 5420

Re: US Religous Beliefs

I don't see why giving us another of your strange beliefs will distract anyone from the fact that you haven't provided any (i.e. zilch, zero, nada) updated evidence that fewer (significantly or otherwise) of your fellow American believers now believe man evolved from lower life forms (like the Quran...
by shafique
Jul 06, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Religous beliefs
Replies: 17
Views: 2357

Re: Gaza Truce - Who Broke It

So, let's review. Israel lied when it said Hamas firing rockets broke the 2008 ceasefire, as explicitly addressed by CNN's review: Ok, now let's examine the timeline. First this is CNN looking into the issue and admitting that the facts show Israel broke the truce:
by shafique
Jul 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Gaza Truce - who broke it
Replies: 28
Views: 2321

Al Qaeda call off DC attack

by shafique
Jul 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Al Qaeda call off DC attack
Replies: 0
Views: 863

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

Well, I provided the link to the article which quoted what the Justice Minister said to parliament (and quoted it a few times). If the Parliament is told by the justice minister, that police say there isn't a real rise in anti-semitism in Amsterdam, that's pretty strong evidence. Here's the link aga...
by shafique
Jul 06, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8742

Re: Another Day Another Crime


Just because you want to believe an anonymous loon blogger's version of history doesn't change the fact that Falk has punked you by stating points of law which you can't address.

loon bloggers 0 - International law 1

by shafique
Jul 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Another day another crime
Replies: 35
Views: 3593

Re: Gaza Truce - Who Broke It

Who broke the truce and who lied about it being broken by Hamas rockets?


Now, we've established the facts in reality (rather than loon-ville) - what are you complaining about now? If you disagree with the facts, write to CNN.

by shafique
Jul 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Gaza Truce - who broke it
Replies: 28
Views: 2321

Re: Chomsky's Lies?

So, do you want to go for 5-0 or do you need time to dig out another misquote of Chomsky?

I refer you to the review I quoted above as it appears you too haven't actually read the book you're pontificating about.

by shafique
Jul 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky's lies?
Replies: 74
Views: 5420

Re: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist Than Saudi Arabia, Talib

I'm with Chomsky - the evidence is that with so many of your fellow countrymen believe that science is wrong when it comes to the creation of man (I mean HALF believe that man was created a few thousand years ago and did not evolve from lower life forms)! Chomsky says that given this high percentage...
by shafique
Jul 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Chomsky: US More Fundamentalist than Saudi Arabia, Taliban
Replies: 74
Views: 6008

Re: US Religous beliefs

Ok, I had a look at Gallup and they had a relevant article with stats on the topic of US beliefs concerning evolution: In 2005 over half, 53% believed that 'God created man exactly how the Bible des...
by shafique
Jul 07, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: US Religous beliefs
Replies: 17
Views: 2357

Re: Muslim religious beliefs

Thanks, this is a good paper and does make the point that many Muslims reject the question of evolution because of a misunderstanding of what is being asked. In fact, the paragraph after your quote above makes the the following points: These results paint a depressing picture. However, the question ...
by shafique
Jul 07, 2010
Forum: Philosophy and Religion Forums
Topic: Muslim religious beliefs
Replies: 9
Views: 1882

Re: Rober Spencer Debates - Must Watch

Looks like Bob is back-pedalling and changing his posts without acknowledging his errors: ... -am-wrong/

Tut tut - loons don't like to admit they've been caught out lying.

by shafique
Jul 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rober Spencer debates - must watch
Replies: 25
Views: 1973

B'tselem Report - 42% land illegally occupied

The Israeli Human Rights organisation B'tselem released a report yesterday (6 July 2010) which exposed the extent of the land grab in the occupied territories. As summarised in the Independent's article: Under international law, any Jewish settlements built on occupied territory are illegal. These i...
by shafique
Jul 07, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: B'tselem Report - 42% land illegally occupied
Replies: 0
Views: 962

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