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Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

FD - I forgot to ask you about another stat you brought up earlier. In Utrecht 80% of the crime is committed by ethnic Moroccans, while they make up 8,5% of the local population. Which report did you get this from? (But please provide the answers to the previous questions first 1. the number of Dutc...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

Ok. Thanks for sharing your views (I'll happily come back and address these - I may agree with a lot of what you say). However, can we get back to the statistics you threw out earlier in this thread. Can you please provide: 1. Evidence for 60% of Dutch-Moroccan criminals being officially mentally de...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

Did they come to you in a dream, or can you dig out the figures requested or post links to the statements. You keep saying 'facts' and I keep asking for evidence. you haven't given eh permission to post on your behalf have you? Can you please provide: 1. Evidence for 60% of Dutch-Moroccan criminals ...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

I looked up all the links you gave and did more. The Marokkanen in Amsterdam, Dienst O+S, 2006, is about Dutch-Moroccans in Amsterdam - so it wouldn't say 60% of all Dutch-Moroccan criminals are mentally deficient, it does not say that 70% of Dutch Moroccans in Amsterdam are criminals, and does not ...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

In fact the 2006 study actually counters your stats - it says that 'only' 10% of Dutch-Moroccan 'youth' (i.e. not all Dutch Moroccans) in Amsterdam have criminal records (actually it says suspected of at least one crime). It says 40% are unemployed etc. Therefore it is in direct contradiction to you...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

Excellent, eh - you've uncovered the long lost posts of FD that I must have missed. If you can just quote them or link them so we can see where this 60% mentally deficient Dutch-Morrocan stat comes from, 70% Amsterdam Dutch-Moroccan's are criminals and Utrecht's 80% of all crimes are by Dutch-Morocc...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

Oh, - aren't FD and eh getting confused over the 54% figure which was about Dutch-Moroccan youth being stopped, but not necessarily arrested, and the smaller survey in Rotterdam where 55% of 18 to 24 yearold Dutch-Moroccans had records. As I pointed out in my reply to that post above - which you bot...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Gunmen Set Fire To Second UN Summer Camp In Gaza

I join Hamas and others in condemning these attacks. Hamas said it had opened an investigation and blamed the attack on "groups led by those with misguided ideas who want to distort the situation in Gaza". Its one thing to rightly condemn white phosphorus attacks on well marked, well known...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Gunmen set fire to second UN summer camp in Gaza
Replies: 5
Views: 915

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

Patience young one. When FD provides the figures to back up fantastical statistical pontification number 1, we'll have the figures for the total numbers of Dutch-Moroccan criminals, then we'll divide that figure by total numbers of Dutch-Moroccans and we'll have the figure you're after. Then we can ...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Gunmen Set Fire To Second UN Summer Camp In Gaza

Well, it goes to show that Gaza has it's fair share of numpties who insist on doing things the elected government has condemned. I agree, let's see how the investigation goes (they did arrest some for the attacks in May). (However, this time round there were no notes giving reasons for the attack - ...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Gunmen set fire to second UN summer camp in Gaza
Replies: 5
Views: 915

Re: Hamas Robbed The Bank...

And the full story reveals that the police were following a court order and the funds belong to Hamas.

Ahh, how the loons like to spin..

by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas robbed the bank...
Replies: 8
Views: 967

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

I looked again. I couldn't see any numbers for the fantastical statistical claims you made. Let's see if we can approach this bit by bit. How many mentally deficient Dutch-Moroccan criminals make up the 60% figure you quoted? (Is it 3? 4? 24? 89?) When you give us this figure, we can then work out w...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Another day another crime

The fanbois must be tearing their hair out. Just when they uncover one good news story about an Israeli ministry giving money to a Medical charity that helps poor third-world children, including Palestinians - the world conspires against him and we have yet another story about Israel seeking to brea...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Another day another crime
Replies: 35
Views: 3595

Re: Sea of Stupidity

Oh dear, it looks like the cover up/white wash is in danger of running as smoothly as the bungled piracy on the high seas: Netanyahu likely to widen remit of Gaza flotilla probe after judge threatens to quit Government to bow to pressure from Justice Jacob Turkel, who says law demands a wider scope ...
by shafique
Jun 29, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Sea of Stupidity
Replies: 276
Views: 19313

Re: Hamas Robbed The Bank...

No, your the loon spinning a story about the police enforcing a court order to release funds.

Hardly robbing! But then again, why let facts get in the way of spin?

by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas robbed the bank...
Replies: 8
Views: 967

Re: Another Day Another Crime

Why would you think it bothered me that you came up with a good news story? I'd celebrate too if I were you.

I think you should indeed milk it for what it's worth - even in this thread which highlights Israel's relation to International law.

by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Another day another crime
Replies: 35
Views: 3595

Re: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land

The police is not alone stating that the IQ of Moroccans is a problem. Well, you should therefore not have any problem in providing figures then. I simply want to know how many people made up the 60% in your quote: 60% of Moroccan criminals in Holland are officially mentally deficient. The quote yo...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Gunmen Set Fire To Second UN Summer Camp In Gaza

I'm sure YOU'RE devastated that you couldn't quite make the link with this criminal act and the ruling Hamas authorities who are investigating and looking for the perpetrators. However, if you do squint, twist your head a bit - you can just about fool yourself and the loon colleagues that this is a ...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Gunmen set fire to second UN summer camp in Gaza
Replies: 5
Views: 915

Re: Hamas Robbed The Bank...

Great, I'm glad you're laughing at the realisation that it was a police enforcement of a court order. The same police force that Israel keeps saying should maintain order. Oops - you're not going to go into another of your famous loon logic loops again are you - eh - careful! ;)

by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Hamas robbed the bank...
Replies: 8
Views: 967

Re: Another day another crime

Loons are nothing if not predictable. This is from Haaretz - but we are all familiar with what the response will be (the Jewish UN guy actually is a secret anti-Semite, he doesn't know that Israel is above international law, BOO!! look at this report about Tajikistan from the 1850s - doesn't it show...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Another day another crime
Replies: 35
Views: 3595

Re: Decoy Jews In Dutch Land

eh and I - (You do realise that it's just you two and myself who are reading this thread) - eh has asked me to make good on my supposition that the rates of criminality amongst his redneck neighbours is higher than amongst the Dutch-Moroccan population. You have thrown out at least 3 sets of fantast...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Decoy Jews in Dutch Land
Replies: 121
Views: 8746

Re: Sea of Stupidity

Well, it looks like the whitwas..sorry, inquiry, may be saved after all.. It seems that interviewing the pirates of the Med is still off limits - perhaps they'll appoint Mark Regev to tell the panel what happened, rather than ask the hapless boys who were sent in? But seriously, it may actually have...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Sea of Stupidity
Replies: 276
Views: 19313

Re: Rober Spencer debates - must watch

Bob Spencer's erudition has been exposed, again: The record of Pope Pius XII is controversial, but there has been a good deal of misinformation publicized about it. In reality, he helped save many hundreds of thousands of Jews and was memorialized at Yad Veshem. When this is actually a complete lie....
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rober Spencer debates - must watch
Replies: 25
Views: 1973

Iranian: Defection or kidnapping?

Curiouser and curiouser. Iran nuclear scientist Shahram Amiri 'flees US captors' A man who says he is an Iranian nuclear scientist claims to have escaped after being abducted by US agents. In the video, the man says: "A few minutes ago I succeeded in escaping US security agents" In a video...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Iranian: Defection or kidnapping?
Replies: 4
Views: 1127

Re: Christian Fashion Show Enrages Muslims

Geez - nice to see the Irish sun trawling the web for choice quotes from un-named web-sites. eh - you're not free-lancing for them are you perchance? ;) But, really - first the Mooslims have the audacity to send a Shia Muslim operative to the US and get her to win the Miss USA competition.. then the...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Christian fashion show enrages Muslims
Replies: 1
Views: 728

Re: Another Day Another Crime

You do realise we all don't live in Loon-world, here on planet earth we address what is actually written not what is imagined. When we say Bob Spencer is a huckster and peddles lies, we give the lie and show it is a lie. I take it you can't fault Faulk on his conclusions quoted above, so have to res...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Another day another crime
Replies: 35
Views: 3595

Re: Rober Spencer debates - must watch

Ah, the gushing admiration of young love.

Nevermind that Spencer has been exposed as either a liar or an incompetent researcher, and is still in hiding... young pup is giving us more links of the Guru to watch.


Do you think Bob will re-surface soon and face Danios?

by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rober Spencer debates - must watch
Replies: 25
Views: 1973

Re: Rober Spencer Debates - Must Watch

I did read that link and I asked whether Bob Spencer had read it before he issued the challenge to Danios which was then accepted? When he re-surfaces, can you ask him. (BTW - is Danios a Muslim? Just curious.) So, do you think Bob will follow through on his challenge - or will he take your advice a...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rober Spencer debates - must watch
Replies: 25
Views: 1973

Re: Another Day Another Crime

Fail. Nothing relates to the points of international law in the article. (And in anycase, elder is better off when he does comedy - which he does quite well - and it hardly suprising that fanbois don't like Jews like Goldstone and Falk and attack them for speaking the truth, and dispute points of la...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Another day another crime
Replies: 35
Views: 3595

Re: Rober Spencer Debates - Must Watch

Hence why it is curious that he issues a challenge, and then when it is taken up he disappears and gushing loons like you are digging up 3 year old articles to explain Bob's sudden stage fright. You do realise that Bob issued the challenge, aren't you? The loon distortion field can't really change t...
by shafique
Jun 30, 2010
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Rober Spencer debates - must watch
Replies: 25
Views: 1973

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