Actually eh - if you go back and look at what I wrote about the pirates of the Mediterranean, you'll find that I said I felt sorry for the boys in green who generously gave away their weapons. You'll also note that whilst I used the word 'allegedly' to introduce the footage, the fanbois here all lap...
I have never heard of that fatwa, so I dont know. Ok, time for me do some 'extensive research' - i.e. type in 'Khamenei fatwa nuclear weapon' into Google and see what I can see... Well, Wiki has this Fatwa against nuclear weapons Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has issued a fatwa saying the production, stoc...
I'm glad we cleared it up too - 1 (well, really 1/2, but I'm being generous) out of 10 questions answered is an improvement for you. ;) (BTW, you do realise that your quote of a review does not actually answer the question about a specific item that is not factual in the documentary - I was asking f...
This week the Israeli High Court ruled that ultra-religious Jews could not impose apartheid in their school BETWEEN groups of Jews. Now, if there are Jews who are being racist to other Jews - one shudders to think what these Jews think of Arabs! (Kudos to the Israeli High Court for saying that the s...
But he was still brutal and was overthrown by his own people because of his brutality. (And let's not forget that the Brits put him on the throne when his father refused to play ball, and he played along when the democratically elected Mosadec was deposed for wanting to use Iranian oil for Iranians....
Don't worry too much Mel - looking to the future, it looks like China and Russia may be coming to your economic rescue: Iran sanctions cripple the UN 06.12.2010 | Al Jazeera By Massoud Parsi After six months of intense US and Israeli lobbying, the UN Security Council has voted for a new round of san...
This is actually a very good read and makes excellent points. Ok, here are some edited highlights Iranians do not need or want us to teach them about liberty and representative government. .. Iranians know they once had a democracy until we took it away. The fundamental problem in the Middle East is...
Well, a quarter (28%) of Israeli Jews are from mixed marriages. As the Hope Simpson report showed, in 1930 the majority of the Jewish immigrants weren't racist and were living well with the Arabs. It is the Zionists who insisted on their apartheid rules and spoiled it for then majority. As I said, ...
Shia have no issue with images of the Holy Prophet, pbuh - as well as portraits of their Imams. I've actually linked to portraits of the Prophet Muhammad, pbuh, that were on Shia web sites (FD asked this question a while back). ;) BTW - good luck on the 'I'm siding with Muslims' arguments - let me k...
LOL As for the article, may I just quote from the comments to the article: I think that the sad, deluded morons are the unfortunate people who write and read stupid unscholarly conspiracy hatemongering websites like thi...
You're not happy with the threads about Israeli apartheid are you FD? I totally agree, that in Mecca only Muslims are allowed and therefore it is a form of separation or apartheid. It is indeed based on the simple criterion of religion. However, you've FAILED in the fact that women and men mix freel...
It is interesting to contrast the racist policies of Ashkenazi parents above with the supposed 'apartheid' of the Saudis which restrict Mecca for only Muslims (of all races). You've got to hand it to the fanbois though - they put up a spirited defence of Israel, even if it is just recycled stuff abo...
LOL - nice one FD. I've actually gone for Umrah - as a Muslim it was quite an inspiring visit. The brotherhood there (and sisterhood, I should add) is a marked contrast to the examples of racist hate in the Zionist thread that caused you to start this thread. Attack isn't always the best form of def...
Wiki has quite a few images of Muhammad, pbuh, from historical sources and a good write up of the various schools of thought about showing images. Here's one, for example:
sniff sniff, what's that I smell? The sign clearly says 'Muslims only' - sorry FD, but that excludes you. I've been, I'm a Muslim - so no problems there. As I said, contrast that with the racist attitudes we see in Israel today among the ultra religious minority - shameful, isn't it? :) Cheers, Shaf...
There are some great comments - but this subtle one made me chuckle: The lightning bolt struck the statue resulting in the weakening of the inner core, completely knocking the asbestos off the steel girders and ... oh wait ... oops. ;) less subtle: People, Jesus wasn't struck by lightening - he was ...
I agree you think it is apartheid. We'll chalk that up to another point we agree to disagree over! ;) But hey, all you have to do is say 'There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his Prophet' and you're in! ;) Now, how about a comment about those real racists over in Israel? What's that.. no comme...
I lose track of who considers whom non-Muslims amongst the sects. Eg some sunnis consider Shia to be non-Muslim (Sepahi Sahaba in Pakistan), the Brevelis are considered idol worshippers by some and Ishmaeli Shia are singled out by other sects. In fact, Wahabbis have a list of 'idol worshippers' amon...
So FD, where did you get that screenshot from? I presume it is not an official policy of the Saudis today and perhaps was on a website for a brief time some years ago before being amended?
PS - you're right about Wahabbi opposition to Shia (even declaring them non-Muslim in some cases):'a_Islam_in_Saudi_Arabia Yet, they are still allowed in Mecca - as I said, pretty much all sects have other sects that consider them non-muslim (there are some that cons...