Apologies - yet another article on Israel's latest fiasco, but I thought it deserved its own thread for the wry observations. eh - you may wish to not read this one. ;) Of course they were asking for it Mark Steel It's time the Israeli government's PR team made the most of its talents, and became av...
Interesting. We've covered this ground before - only then I was inviting FD and eh to join me in condemning the oppression against the Kurds in Turkey.. On the oppression of the Kurds, I have to say that I have a good track record on this - I was speaking out against this before it became fashionabl...
I forgot to add, another big irony is the fact that Turkey buys arms from Israel and is in the process of purchasing drones from Israel that will most likely be used against the Kurds! But hey, I feel sorry for FD and eh - they have to support each other in these difficult times. Roping in the Kurds...
Here's a press release: In response to the terrorist attacks that took place at two Ahmadi mosques in Lahore earlier today, His Holiness, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has issued the following statement: “The terrorist attacks that occurred today at two of our mosques in Lahore were completely barbari...
^Let me get this straight RC - Berrin is calling the Kurdish 'bandits' terrorists supported by the EU and is therefore being hypocritical because he condemns attacks against Chechens by the Russian military. You may have a point there - but are you saying that the Kurds aren't terrorists or that Ber...
Yesterday five people were killed when gunmen tried to rescue or kill one of the attackers (according to the police) - who was in hospital. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/8714894.stm That news story only says 'suspected Sunni Muslim militants ' were responsible - but its hard to keep up with ...
Chomsky in 'Hegemony or Survival' makes an interesting link between the amount of military aid given to a country by the US and the amount of human rights abuses it carries out. He noted particularly Turkey, Indonesia, Colombia respective records (Israel is a separate category altogether) - but also...
^Chomsky makes a good point - stop carrying out terrorist acts if you want to wage a 'war on terrorism'! I found the quote in Hegemony or Survival - it is from Chapter 3: One more immediate way to evaluate the prospects that were hailed with such enthusiasm is to consider the flow of US military aid...
^ ..a nation has sent its militia to confront people carrying provisions for the desperate, in the process shooting several of them dead, and yet they angrily blame the dead ones. One typical headline yesterday read "Activists got what they wanted – confrontation." It's an attitude so dera...
What are your comments on this part of the San Remo Manual: 102. The declaration or establishment of a blockade is prohibited if: (a) it has the sole purpose of starving the civilian population or denying it other objects essential for its survival; or (b) the damage to the civilian population is, o...
Amnesty International has declared the blockade illegal, for example: “Israel claims that the ongoing blockade of Gaza, in force since June 2007, is a response to the indiscriminate rocket attacks launched from Gaza into southern Israel by Palestinian armed groups. The reality is that the blockade d...
Don't think about it too hard symettric - you may find yourself in an infinite logic loop. Well, given that the US says (and demonstrates) that it NEEDS to bomb a country that harbours terrorists and even bomb countries which give assistance to terrorists (and turn a blind eye when supplies like cem...
RobbyG - I have seen the light. Your logic is unassailable. What does Amnesty International know about international law! The fanbois were right all along. This guy was therefore correct and not being sarcastic: ..whenever a nutcase marched into a shopping mall in somewhere like Wisconsin and gunned...
So what is the 'Rachel Corrie' then - Freedom 0.5 - 'this time it's for real'?? ;) Hey, I guess these charity workers are being charitable and want to give the Israelis a second chance? (But, can't all the aid now go through Rafa now its open - or are the Egyptians going to play silly buggers again?...
Hey Rob, the Israeli message is not getting through - we need to step up our campaign to spread the truth. I mean, look at this guy's analysis - how stupid is he? “A simple point. The violence by the activists is pretty abhorrent. These are not followers of Gandhi or MLK Jr. But the violence is not ...
And over at Salon, we have another one who hasn't got the message yet.. “So, to recap what seems thus far to be the central claim of Israel apologists: Israel is the official Owner of international waters (which is where the flotilla was when it was attacked). As such, they have the right to issue o...
I'm with you on this one Robby - I've felt sorry for the commandos from the outset. The fact that they co.cked up so badly within the law doesn't really change the facts they co.cked up. What the guys quoted above are saying (and ridiculing) are the Israeli excuses that it was the guys who got kille...
It's a bit odd when you want Westerners to condemn Turkey and company when it's not Westerners who oppress and support the oppression of the Kurds. Again, you have it ar.se about face again eh. What Chomsky and I have been saying is that if you want to reduce terrorism, you should stop supporting t...
Listen, I know they could have handled it differently, but thats a different type of discussion as far as I'm concerned. However, the way they behaved and dealt with the situation on deck was appropriate and merely self defense. You might wanna check those video's again. You need a visual update my...
Not delusional, just interested in the facts. The Free Gaza claim was that Israel opened fire from their helicopters onto the ship below before their commandos disembarked. Yes. And what is the Israeli spin - that the humanitarian activists were terrorist sympathisers who wanted to lynch the noble ...
I seem to recall that the law prohibiting the public speaking of Kurdish was still in effect, in addition to other racist laws in Syria. Whereas these laws were repealed in Turkey. No need to wrack your memory dear boy, I quoted what I wrote there above and also gave the link. You can see I invited...
Israel clearly lied early on and has now backpedalled - the impression given early on was that the humanitarians fired upon the comedians..commandos and had guns. Now it transpires they had less than can be found in a suburban shed. Yes, also there were initial reports of 19 killed - and that was be...
Courtesy of the guys at loonwatch: We have often heard about horror stories from Saudia Arabia where a woman is raped and along with her attacker is accused of committing fornication and then flogged or at least sentenced to be flogged. Some might think that this sort of thing could never happen any...
Ah, eh returns with his authoritative views on the history of Europe! I thought you were avoiding the religion forum now that you've run out of excuses for not answering questions about your views on the bible etc? ;) But seriously, what specific part of the documentary was a 'butchery of history'? ...
^ now there's an image I didn't want in my head ! ;) Robby - what's your view of this editorial's points: Gaza: From blockade to bloodshed 06.01.2010 | The Guardian Nothing has done more to establish Israel’s status as a pariah state among its neighbours than the actions of its armed forces If an ar...
Eyewitness account from an organiser of Free gaza, she's American, and an analyis from Finkelstein in this tv interview. The lady describes the raid on her boat and her detention, release etc. Finkelstein sheds light on why he thinks the raid took the form it did - saying this was an attempt to recr...