Just an interesting observation - FD has questioned whether Moses, in fact, existed. The scholars who question him as a historical figure argue that there is no archaeological evidence for his existence and that the only source of information about him is in the Bible. It strikes me therefore that t...
Ahh, there I was thinking you were going to actually give us an update and join me in condemning the more recent attacks against Kurds by Iraq and Turkey. I've no issue in condemning something that happened 50 years ago and was mentioned in a 14 year old report - and thought (perhaps optimistically)...
I was going to add this to my post above: I understood RobbyG's comment applied to the European Jews (askhenazi) who emigrated to Israel in the 20th century are the 'last ones in' - the Mizrahi (Eastern) Jews, don't count as they were already there. ;) My argument is that if it's ok to invoke land r...
I'm glad we agree. It is about land - however to disguise this fact there is quite a strong disinformation campaign that tries to present the issue as a clash of religions. Basic property rights - such as deeds of ownership - is a major sticking point for the Israelis. They, by hook-and-by-crook don...
Hey, for once the religious police have it right. Valentines day should indeed be banned - the mark ups on restaurants and roses and chocolates is scandalous, not to mention the greeting card industry making a killing! Well done chev-the-chav, for pointing this out. Onwards with your crusade against...
I'm glad we agree. It is about land - however to disguise this fact there is quite a strong disinformation campaign that tries to present the issue as a clash of religions. Although in essence true, you should definately not forget that religious ideology is the major driver for this conflict. I'd ...
I couldn't see any new information in your post that backs up your belief that your selective quotes and spin about 'unarmed diplomats' is anything more than a fanciful leap of logic. Let me know when you have something more than your less detailed quotes and your spin about 'diplomats' (not a word ...
RobbyG - the Israelis do make out that the issue is religious - but scratch the surface and it is easy to see that it is just a smokescreen. I forgot to mention that the PLO (now Fatah) is a secular organisation - so the Palestinian side was not set up with a religious angle. In the 70's (or perhaps...
How is it diversionary to point out I spoke out against Kurds being killed by Turkish airplanes when it happened, but wasn't around when the events in FD's report from 14 years ago happened in the 60's? You may have missed the fact I condemned the injustices against the Kurds in Syria, and invited y...
and dont 4get to mention that a muslim cant have s e x with these wee little ones untill they reach puberty. suggest you mention the whole bit and not just bits from here and there ;) Now, now. If eh were to take the trouble and quote verses in context, his whole argument will disapear and then wha...
Haven't read Failed States yet - but can recommend another of his books: Hegemony or Survival: America's Quest for Global Dominance (The American Empire Project) http://www.amazon.com/Hegemony-Survival-Americas-Dominance-American/dp/0805074007 I've also finished reading a number of books by John Pil...
Yeah, I guess you thought it would be 'pretty obvious' that you had deliberately misquoted Theophanes by changing and deleting words. Anyway, I hope you've learn't your lesson and won't go back to cutting and pasting quotes without giving the full references (and without modifying the quotes to suit...
What part of my statement condemning the Syrian actions and asking you to join me in condemning the more recent acts against the Kurds by Turkey and Iraq confused you dear boy? So, you are ok with Kurds living in Iraq having a de-facto homeland (so am I) - but what about the parts of Kurdistan that ...
After seeing such footage once again, one is inclined to support BB in her argument. But then again, it doesn't solve anything. I wish Hamas just dropped arms and so the Palestinian authority can start negotiating and see what can come out of it. Well, in 2008 Hamas kept a truce and Israel cynicall...
I really don't understand why you are getting your knickers in such a twist. All I did was post a fuller description of the incident and expose the fact your version is spun to characterise a military commander and his entourage as 'unarmed diplomats' and the Muslim soldiers as 'assassins'. I unders...
Just look at the long thread about 'Palestine - Push for Independence' - and look at how many times FD tries to spin it that it is about religion How many times would that be according to you...please provide qoutes... I didn't count - but perhaps I was being a bit harsh, your main arguements there...
I can't help feel that this is a diversionary tactic on FD's part - but hey, I'm all for answering all questions. Especially ones where I'm confused for an Arab and accused of erasing history! ;) It strikes me therefore that the same logic applies to the existence of a 'Kingdom of Israel' 3000 years...
See above - article and documents linked as requested. Enjoy. FD - so what rape have I condoned? Or what massacre, ethnic cleansing etc? When did I say that wife beating prevents divorce? I've answered your questions... so I guess it won't be too difficult for you to back up the libelous statements?...
See above - article and documents linked as requested. Enjoy. Thanks! I'll save it this time. You're welcome! enjoy ;) FD - so what rape have I condoned? Or what massacre, ethnic cleansing etc? When did I say that wife beating prevents divorce? Ethnic cleansing ordered by Muhammed of the Arabian Pe...
Roadster - it has to be said, the 'English disease' (as it is called is prevalent) in the male only schools of my homeland, so your observation has some merit. Now for butch arab ladies... it would be an interesting argument to say that less segregation will lead to less les.bianism - as that would ...
I understand what you are arguing. However the two ideas are distinct - one is an incorporation of foreign words into an existing language - eg the wealth of Arabic words in English and Spanish - all coming in after English and Spanish had been established and as a result of European contact with Ar...
Some brave words and wise conclusions by Israeli reservists. Here is just one quote that stood out for me (given recent discussions about the attack on Gaza). The full article is given after. ...As soldiers of the IDF reserves, we bow our heads in shame against this hideous attack on a civilian popu...
I'm glad you did after all know Turkey was part of NATO, I assumed you did - but wanted to be sure. So, what is your problem now? You can't see the link between Kurds being oppressed in Syria 50 years ago and Turkey doing more oppressive things to Kurds more recently (not least bombing the Kurds NOT...
I'm glad you read my post. Let's review what actually has been posted in this thread. You post a brief extract from Richard Gabriel's book 'Islam's first General', I posted a longer and fuller extract from Sir MZ Khan's book, 'Muhammad, Seal of the Prophets'. In the first Gabriel says the soldiers s...
Interesting article - thanks for posting. It is interesting to look at the instances of democracy at play in the region over the recent(ish) past. Iran had a popular elected leader in Mossadegh - and he had a popular mandate to improve the lot of Iranians, and quite rightly wanted to retain more of ...
So you are a fan of Turkey as well as Israel - who would have known! ;) So, are you saying it was only Brits and Yanks who colluded with Turkey when she bombed Kurds in Iraq? Fair enough, happy to be corrected in using the term 'Nato' when I should have used UK and US. Happy now? :roll: But I'm surp...