I refer you to my previous post where I explain that it is you that is guilty of the Islamophobic generalisation, not JP. The fault is with you, not JP. My error was to believe what you posted was accurate and not misleading. Busted. Can you not make one of your ideological points without misleading...
^The segregationist point has been discussed to death: http://www.dubaiforums.com/dubai-politics-talk/anti-semitism-fanbois-perspective-t47663-60.html#p390185 Note how he was trying to make me out to be anti-Semitic, and failing spectacularly. Facts were his downfall, yet again. On a related point w...
When whataboutery arguments are all you have left, the only thing to do is laugh at your failure. Why don't you try and explain what the common denomination is for the 1000+ anti-Semitic attacks by your fellow Americans are, rather than trying to hype 3 separate attacks around the world that happene...
I'm glad you're laughing. Doesn't change the fact that you tried and failed to justify calling me anti-Semitic. Read it again: Zionists segregationist policies and Jews marching in favour of apartheid in Jewish schools similarly are facts. Karmi points out that this segregationism does stem from a v...
Is your mouse not working? I give 4 direct quotes in that page linked to. Actually, after that post, FD made many more anti-Muslim remarks that finally got him banned. I suggest you just look through his posts in reverse order - and pick out all the ones talking about Muslims. There, can't be more h...
Why the spin? You failed last time - you're failing this time. Read my quote again and try and understand it this time. I've invited you to give us your views about the 100k+ marching in favour of segregation/apartheid in school. Do you defend this view? How is Karmi's observation wrong in light of ...
LOL - you didn't go back and read what I wrote did you? Sheesh (and read it to the end this time).
Again, I ask you about your views about the real (not imaginary, like your mis-quotes) march by 100k+ in favour of segregation/apartheid. Do you support these views?
Actually eh, you are the one who was asked to show me how FD's comments WEREN'T nazi-like: But quoting FD and trying to blame me for your failure is a bit rich. FD's words speak for themselves - and I note you haven't shown how his statements differ from Nazi views of jews. Nazis also produced pamph...
I fully understand your spin and that is stems from desperation at your failures to smear Muslims. Again, I ask you about your views about the real (not imaginary, like your mis-quotes) march by 100k+ in favour of segregation/apartheid. Do you support these views? What are these orthodox Jewish segr...
You didn't answer my question about why you're bringing up the nazi-like posts of your banned friend? Is it just to distract from your failures?? As for the quotes themselves - I gave you them the first time you asked - in the threads linked to above. You failed then, you're failing now. Here's the ...
Thank you for the explanation of your view of why you think I'm nazi-like. Suffice to say I don't agree with you (and I note with amusement that this is about the 3rd or 4th argument you've tried to show he and I are anti-Semitic.. and I also note your reply to the thread on the topic: http://www.du...
I'm still trying to find out whether this is attempt number 3 or 4 to make out I'm anti-Semitic, and why you have no answer to the thread about whether Karmi is anti-Semitic! Perhaps because that is based on fact rather than a misquote by FD, from an article about Palestine? ;) In the meantime, try ...
Isn't eh proud that he's an anti-Islamist? ;) But I am impressed how the smears seem to come out straight after an Islamophobic myth is busted - especially ones that involve statistics. In this case it must be the 3 cases of anti-Semitic attacks eh highlighted, vs the 1000+ cases he had previously s...
Swedish MP speaks sense - commenting on an Amnesty International report he makes a distinction between Islamophobia and the real issue of 'radical Islamism'. Nice to hear a politician 'tell it as it is' in this way. Islamophobia is a big problem in Europe says Swedish MP Carl Fredrik Malm TOT: Accor...
Nice rant eh. Shame so little of it is based on reality - and through it all, you still haven't answered the question posed to you about whether you agree with the 100,000+ that marched in favour of segregation/apartheid, and what YOU believe the motives were. But on the grooming issue, I refer you ...
What a long post just to avoid answering a simple question about whether he agrees with those marching in favour of apartheid and what the reasons are for this? Most normal people would not be ashamed of their views. And since eh is now pontificating about what Jews believe, he should have no proble...
Now, if someone were to make the same connection between Rochdale Grooming case and Islam, they would be ... ? err, let me see - they'd be guilty of: They generalize specific incidents to reflect on all Muslims or all of Islam. When they are caught in the act of making up or distorting claims they ...
Still avoiding the simple question. The shame must be debilitating. Stop fantasising about what I haven't actually written, and tell us why you seem unable to join me in condemning marchers' who want to segregate on the basis of race, and what the reasons for this desire are? The marcher's were very...
Stop fantasising about what I haven't actually written, and tell us why you seem unable to join me in condemning marchers' who want to segregate on the basis of race, and what the reasons for this desire are? The marcher's were very real, and they gave their reasons for the desire to segregate: htt...
I really can't help you with your fantasies about morphing etc, eh (see previous post). Not all Jews are segregationist - and I'd actually agree with the Rabbis that state that Judaism is not segregationist, but disagree with those who march in favour in of segregation. Does that make me anti-Semiti...
Stop fantasising about what I haven't actually written, and t ell us why you seem unable to join me in condemning marchers' who want to segregate on the basis of race, and what the reasons for this desire are? The marcher's were very real, and they gave their reasons for the desire to segregate: Th...
Your wild imaginations are getting more bizare. :roll: Now you're imagining 'blaming Judaism' etc - a classic case of projection if I ever saw one. I actually agree with the Rabbis who say Judaism does not teach the segregationism that I'm condemning. Did you not read that bit when you decided to no...
What is it with strawmen and fantasies every time you are cornered? I'm siding with the Rabbis who say Judaism does not teach the segregationism that the marchers are demanding. So I can't really be blaming Judaism, can I? (Your fail must really hurt, and no amount of spin will help you here). What ...
shaifque What reason do you believe the marchers are giving for their apartheid desires? rayznack Why do you keep asking me this question Because you are in denial that there are in reality some Jews who do have segregationist beliefs so strong that 100,000+ will march in favour of this view. I'm a...
is Karmi the Antisemite, Answered already: http://www.dubaiforums.com/philosophy-dubai/hasan-karmi-anti-semite-t43065.html[ and http://www.dubaiforums.com/dubai-politics-talk/anti-semitism-fanbois-perspective-t47663-60.html#p390185 FD misquoted Karmi deliberately after Berrin posted an article by h...