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Another Terrorist plot foiled

Hot on the heels of the capture of the terrorists in the US who were going to blow up a bridge - the authorities in Northern Ireland have defused a bomb that would have caused devastation. The Reuters article does not, however, contain the word 'terrorist' or 'terrorism' - but describes the terroris...
by shafique
May 03, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Another Terrorist plot foiled
Replies: 0
Views: 765

Re: Can't Wipe A Hard Drive On Computer Using Windows XP

Sounds like a nightmare! :cry: DBAN should do the job. Why don't you try running it from your thumb drive - here's how: (It should then boot from the USB drive and then erase the HDD as you wish, just ensure you set your b...
by shafique
May 03, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Can't wipe a hard drive on computer using Windows XP
Replies: 22
Views: 3000

Re: Scale Of The Universe. Amazing !

V. cool.


by shafique
May 04, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Scale of the Universe. Amazing !
Replies: 8
Views: 1461

Re: How Many Agree With This !


That was obviously drawn up by a man. ;)

There should be one for families with small kids - many days we wake up with one or more kids in the bed... and they act as if the whole bed is their territory!! :D :D


by shafique
May 04, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: How Many Agree With This !
Replies: 25
Views: 3285

Re: How Many Agree With This !

People must have pretty boring se.x lives if they think that the bed is the only place in the house to have fun. :D :D And for that to be followed by: ;) Most amusing! Cheers, Shafique
by shafique
May 05, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: How Many Agree With This !
Replies: 25
Views: 3285

RIP MCA - Beastie Boys

MCA - of the Beastie Boys - RIP. Passed away at 48 from cancer.

by shafique
May 05, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: RIP MCA - Beastie Boys
Replies: 2
Views: 737

Re: How Many Agree With This !



by shafique
May 05, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: How Many Agree With This !
Replies: 25
Views: 3285

Re: How Many Agree With This !

Andy - :D I can absolutely relate to many of those pics!

by shafique
May 06, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: How Many Agree With This !
Replies: 25
Views: 3285

Bad Habits


Reminds me of those who refuse to change their ways.. ;)

by shafique
May 06, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Bad Habits
Replies: 4
Views: 1277

Murder in Palestine

A shocking story about soldiers disguised as civilians not identifying themselves and shooting dead innocent civilians in Occupied Palestine. This happened back in March - and B'tselem put out a press release about this in April. The editorial below is from today's Ha'aretz. Unnecessary killing in W...
by shafique
May 06, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Murder in Palestine
Replies: 9
Views: 1984

Re: Murder In Palestine

Most probably the IDF will be suing them for damaging their bullets. Well, I doubt whether the killers will be brought to justice - but let's see. We should be grateful that there are no fanbois posting these days - or we'd have been subject to the usual weak excuses for the murders in Palestine. P...
by shafique
May 07, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Murder in Palestine
Replies: 9
Views: 1984

British undercover agent foils Underpant plot

It appears that the undercover agent who foiled an Al Qaeda underwear bomb plot was British:

I can imagine a few BNP supporters spitting out their dentures at this news... ;)

by shafique
May 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: British undercover agent foils Underpant plot
Replies: 3
Views: 736

Re: Some Interesting Reading!

There are services that collect shaven baby hair and make them into a writing brush as a keepsake Interesting - that's something I didn't know (as well as the shaving off of eyebrows!). I presume this is a chinese cultural thing? Many cultures around the world also equate shaving of the head as a s...
by shafique
May 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Some Interesting Reading!
Replies: 3
Views: 1116

Re: Funny meme thread

by shafique
May 12, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Funny meme thread
Replies: 14
Views: 2586

Re: British Undercover Agent Foils Underpant Plot

sage & onion , The NBC article cited by the BBC says that he was a British Citizen - so I guess you don't have to be a US citizen to be a CIA agent. However, as well as reporting that the secret agent was a British citizen, NBC News in the US also says UK intelligence agencies were "heavil...
by shafique
May 13, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: British undercover agent foils Underpant plot
Replies: 3
Views: 736

Re: Welcome To The 21st Century!

Hey DK - welcome back! When I can pry the Ipad off my children, the app I find most useful is Flipboard. Try it, you'll like it. I also have installed Logmein and SugarSync on it. The former is pretty cool for controlling the computer upstairs, or the macbook pro, from the garden! SugarSync gives me...
by shafique
May 17, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Welcome to the 21st Century!
Replies: 10
Views: 1685

Re: Special Needs.

Back to winding up I see, bet it hurt real bad playing nice for a few days. Its fascinating to see the mood swings in the troll's posts. I guess the frustration builds up with each baiting post that crashes and fails - and most of the time the troll is speaking to herself or another sad gang member...
by shafique
May 18, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Special Needs.
Replies: 22
Views: 2969

Destroy your Friend's Buddha - Pat Robertson

Extremist US Christian preacher advocates destroying buddhas.. it's a good thing that we don't have Christianophobes posting here, otherwise we'd have posts saying 'Look how evil Christians are.. etc' instead of just :roll: at the extremist fringe who don't represent the majority of Christians: Pat ...
by shafique
May 18, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Destroy your Friend's Buddha - Pat Robertson
Replies: 1
Views: 1206

Re: Sexual Harassment In UAE

Wow - revelation after revelation!! (3 Muslim grandchildren for the Islamphobic racist sadcase.)

Karma's a b!tch.

by shafique
May 18, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Sexual Harassment in UAE
Replies: 50
Views: 7194

Re: Sexual Harassment In UAE

BM is having a hard time keeping her persona's straight. She slipped up when she said as 'Mike..' that she wears white blouses! : ]Damn it, why does this always happen when I drink my coffee with a white blouse on. I spilled my coffee all over, goodbye white blouse.
by shafique
May 18, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Sexual Harassment in UAE
Replies: 50
Views: 7194

Re: Sexual Harassment in UAE

^ BM's intentions seem to be what she PM'd Bora: Do you know what? Sod it, I think I'll go out in a blaze of glory! Not quite a blaze of glory though. Just another pathetic fail. I do feel sad for her and her many aliases. Making Mike wear a white blouse is tragic and pathetic - as are the denials. ...
by shafique
May 18, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: Sexual Harassment in UAE
Replies: 50
Views: 7194

1 in 6 American voters think Obama is Muslim!

Earlier this month, Huffington Post published the below - showing the results of a recent survey. In 2008 it was 1 in 10 - now 1 in 6 - and almost 1 in 4 for white evangelical Protestants! “After nearly four years in the Oval Office, President Obama is incorrectly thought to be Muslim by one in six ...
by shafique
May 19, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: 1 in 6 American voters think Obama is Muslim!
Replies: 3
Views: 1159


Greece's exit from the Euro is looking more and more likely with each passing mini-crisis in the Euro area.

To me, it's like watching a train crash in slow motion - and I predict it will get very, very ugly.

Does anyone think Greece won't exit the Euro??

by shafique
May 19, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Grexit
Replies: 3
Views: 779

Re: Grexit

Maastricht didn't allow for any bailouts either.. that didn't stop the many recent bailouts (the first to receive was Greece). Technically it won't be difficult to abandon the Euro - but the complications are many. Whether they could stay in the EU is a big question - and certainly it is a real poss...
by shafique
May 19, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Grexit
Replies: 3
Views: 779

Re: People With Certain Obsessions Can Be Considered Retard

Where does speaking to yourself fall in all this? ;)


by shafique
May 19, 2012
Forum: Dubai General Chat
Topic: People with certain obsessions can be considered retarded?
Replies: 22
Views: 3107

Denmark too

Another small step in the diplomatic and economic pressure against Israel's military occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Denmark has joined South Africa and other countries (notably the UK guidlines from 2009) in banning the labelling of products from land under Israeli military occupation a...
by shafique
May 19, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Denmark too
Replies: 3
Views: 1515

Re: Israeli Civics Exam

Thanks for posting. A brave teacher in Israel has circulated on Facebook the text of a racist civics preparatory exam approved by Israel's Ministry of Education. In it, pupils are asked to use concepts from civics to express their opinion about a letter calling on "daughters of Israel" (i....
by shafique
Jun 13, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Israeli civics exam
Replies: 2
Views: 901

Re: Spotting An Islamophobic Argument

It takes some skill to fail at a whataboutery argument so completely. At least there's no attempt to deny the hype highlighted in the OP - just a failed smear attempt.


by shafique
Jul 07, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Spotting an Islamophobic Argument
Replies: 9
Views: 1691

Re: Britishness - Some Facts

Please just give me two statistics to show that you're not engaging in your usual hype: 1. How many of the 100 or so Muslim terrorist prisoners are British Muslims? 2. How many non-Muslim terrorists who committed 90+% of the terrorist attacks in the UK in the past 10 years have been caught and jaile...
by shafique
Jul 07, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Britishness - some facts
Replies: 57
Views: 5533

Re: Spotting An Islamophobic Argument

^LOL - that surely means that the banned gang soundly have lost all arguments then in their campaign to smear people in what you call the 'protected gang', including name calling people as trolls and racists (and anti-semites). Totally with you there. Spot on. You'll notice the title of the thread i...
by shafique
Jul 07, 2012
Forum: Dubai Politics Talk
Topic: Spotting an Islamophobic Argument
Replies: 9
Views: 1691

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