Indeed over hyped - you went back to a story posted a week ago about a boy being arrested and which refers to the same violence against churches in the OP. The point of this thread is that the Coptic Pope is calling for unity and not the succumbing to the rabid hatred that you and the other commenta...
Fail. You really need to come out of your fantasy world and stop believing blog sites. Jewish land purchases before 1930 were mostly of land under Miri tenure. You're arguing now that this land bought by Jews is not owned by Jews, but publically owned lands! :? The 6% figure included land purchased ...
You obviously have a lot to learn. I'm glad you're taking the time to get enlightened - but given that all this was explained to you before, you seem to have an issue with comprehension. May I ask you a simple question, eh? Do you know of any Muslim man that has invoked this punishment and gone thr...
As I said on pg 1 of this thread, this verse is actually about how Islam does not allow wife beating. It works in practice, as I don't know any Muslim man who has applied the punishments God details in the Quran. Eh and his blogger friends can speculate all they like, but the fact remains that this ...
In the context of the Quranic verse in question - the rebellious wife does not exist in practice. I've not seen anyone apply this verse and therefore haven't found one example of such a 'rebellious' wife. This is just another example of some bloggers misinterpreting a Quranic verse and putting their...
Actually you're misreading what you have quoted. :roll: He is stating that Stein's estimates amount to 14% of the UN partition plan for Palestine - i.e. the 55% of Palestine that was allocated to Israel in the partition plan. He states this amounts to 7.6% (of pre-1948 Palestine). 7.6% of 55% is the...
I'm amazed that you think you know more about the situation in Egypt than the Pope of the Coptic Church. I'm really not that interested in your wild speculations - they almost always prove to be unfounded hype or fantastical flights of fancy. Let's stick with what the Coptic Pope actually said and t...
A simple 'no, I can't actually find one person who has followed God's commandments in this Quranic verse' would have sufficed, instead of your fantastical flight of fancy imagining reasons why Jordanian women suffer domestic abuse. When faced with the stark reality that your theory is not based on r...
No eh, you've failed in your comprehension again. Stein say that of the country of Palestine, the Jews owned 7.6% (compared to 7% stated in the Quiz). The UN partition allocated 55% of Palestine for the formation of Israel. This 7.6% represents 14% of the land allocated to Israel (55% of Palestine)....
Interesting story FD - on a number of levels. First I read the piece on 'Honest Reporting: Defending Israel from Media Bias' site - the name of the site shows what it's mission is. The article is cross posted from 'Missing Peace' who are: Who are the people behind Missing Peace Missing Peace is an i...
The US have identified two of the Marines and there seems to be no doubt about the authenticity. Full scale damage control is being done right now - with all officials denouncing the actions of these Marines. Not only is it dis.gusting, but post-Abu Ghraib it is also soooo stupid - not just to commi...
I ran the whole article to check out what the two pro-Israeli sites alleged. FD seems to have just picked up what these sites reported.. down to the 'just last week' comment. I suspected that FD was spinning the story - and was proved right. This is not the first time he's done so - selectively quot...
I refer you to: I also see that the 'looniest blogger ever' Pamela Geller says: I love these Marines. Perhaps this is the infidel interpretation of the Islamic ritual of washing and preparing the body for burial. :shock: http:...
Did any of the commentators selectively mis-quote and misrepresent the article when they made their comments? I also looked carefully for the nazi-like comments - unless you take the quotes from Israeli doctor and mother as 'nazi-like', there were none. No mention of Nazis at all. I'm amazed at the ...
I think you mean 'fond' instead of 'found'. And again, I note that this is yet another example of you trying to divert attention away from your failures. In this case, your deliberate misrepresentation and a selective quote of a selective quote. The article does not mention Nazis at all. As for comm...
The problem for you FD is that the article does not mention Nazism and the website you quoted from grossly distorted and misrpresented the article. Your quote and misrepresentation in the OP compounded this. Why are you picking on a Dutch mother describing very real personal incidents and who gives ...
eh is getting desperate - digging out a Memri special from 2009. I wonder what is disturbing him so much that he's felt the need to back in time? But let's see whether when we quote Qaradawi in full whether Memri's spin matches reality. Hmm. Muslims Anti Zionists Not Jews: Qaradawi Prominent Muslim ...
She quotes an Israeli doctor (Edit: this should read Israeli mother) using the phrase 'Chosen People' - there's a difference. Did you actually read the original article? It appears that your OP and subsequent posts are just re-gurgitating what the pro-Israeli website alleges (and which turns out to ...
Did you read the article before you posted the OP? You seem to have quoted just from the pro-Israeli site which misrepresents the article. Why did you misrepresent the quote you gave in the OP (and your trying to deflect this into you later quote about pain will not work)? You seem to also be readin...
Sorry, did you give us a reason why you dug up this Memri special from 2009?
Qardawi meeting with Rabbis and stating that he has nothing against Jews but only against Zionist expansion seems to be extremely relevant to this thread.
I'm guessing you haven't been to any ante-natal classes then FD. Women are given explanations and a choice over whether to have epidurals, and many choose not to have the epidurals and have a 'normal' birth (but use 'gas and air' to take the edge of the pain). However, you haven't explained why you ...
An interesting article and indeed does raise some very good points, and I note that it is based on facts and not spin. The fact that a poll has taken place and that the media coverage of the Arab League monitors is biased. I hope you actually read the article this time. Your spin and selective quoti...
What has this got to do with Religion or Philosophy? Interesting that you seem to be obsessing with the Guardian after issuing a challenge to produce distortions, misinformation and mistranslations of Memri - and which I've listed many which remain unchallenged/unexplained. Was it because I quoted t...
Why does every exposure of your spin result in you going on one of your wild fantasies? Perhaps you're confusing my disdain for selective quotes for sneering? Either that or you don't have a good answer for why you just deleted half a sentence from the quote above. All you have to do is try to not s...
What has the post have to with Religion or Philosophy? Why call an article in the Guardian about a ship captain an article from 'Al Guardian'? This is definitely about your Memri challenge and a rather weak attempt at discrediting a proper news source. Not even a good try this time though - complete...
Yes, I am quoting Vincent Cannistaro, former head of the CIA's counterintelligence and giving numerous real examples of Memri mistranslating and misrepresenting for propaganda purposes. The fact that you can't defend Memri's mistranslations and misrepresentations is most telling. Cheers, Shafique