DFT - I agree with your points. At the end of the day, we need to choose which theory to believe in. I choose to believe in a creator for the reasons already given, whilst it is indeed possible there isn't one, I don't have enough faith in the small odds of this being the case to believe it. I don't...
eh - kudos to you, at least your trying to produce an expert that believes in your theory. Shame that you are still relying on the interpretations of Islamophobic bloggers and haven't actually produced ONE expert that does agree with you - only your wishful thinking. But well done for trying. Now, t...
Wow, have we really found another extremist who agrees with event horizon? After all, only event horizon has condoned the enslavement of people (virgins indeed) on these forums (and the slaughter of babies): http://www.dubaiforums.com/philosophy-dubai/most-extreme-religous-fanatic-here-t41961.html ;...
I presume you think Catholics condone paedophillia then, do you? :roll: I see in the news today that the Dutch have uncovered massive child abuse over decades. The report also estimates that one in 10 Dutch children have suffered some form of abuse, rising to one in five among those who had attended...
I'm simply pointing out that not one, I repeat NOT ONE, expert has been produced by you or anyone else that agrees with your theory that Islam (or any other religion) is responsible for honour killings. Only Islamophobic bloggers seem to agree with this leap of flawed logic. I proposed to Dillon tha...
Excellent - why don't you start with the group that compiled the stats in the OP: http://ikwro.org.uk/ Diana Nammi, the director, is the one who stated that 1 in 3 honour crimes in the UK are not carried out by Muslims. Here, I'll even get you the contact details from the site: IKWRO’s Director Dian...
Now, let's explore the analogy. What if within the computer programme you had some 'beings' who did interact with the programmer. Also some beings would find rules/instructions that were communicated to some of the beings. The Programmer, you'd agree, would be able to communicate to who ever in the ...
eh - you should read what I wrote carefully. I stated that I totally agree that what was presented is a possible way that life evolved - and indeed having protocells of 5 to 10 molecules is a logical starting step along the path to a living cell which has over a million living cells. I just made the...
eh - start a new thread and quote me/give the reference. I'll happily discuss Catholicism etc in that thread. So, will you post the e-mail you send to Diana Nammi or will you just wait for her reply? I think it would best if you copy the e-mail here and then we can see how/if she responds on your vi...
Sometimes I despair at the levels of education of my fellow Brits - but I am always glad when people ask questions as there's a hope they actually want to improve themselves by gaining some knowledge. ;) (BTW - lesson 1 Google is our friend). Satsumas are part of the Mandarin family, which include T...
I've mentioned in another thread that the variations in India alone mean that someone from Kerala and someone else from Orissa, say, would have more differences than a Swede and a Greek person - yet the former are both Indians. There is no 'Indian' language, culture or food - but many regional varia...
^I'd hazard a guess and state that I would think that quite a few of my fellow Brits would also find her attractive (with or without bottle). Indeed, I'd say that this fact may pay a large part in the choice to dress that way. I unfortunately don't speak chav, so I may be wrong though.. :D Vive la d...
DFT - sure, my theory would still apply if the 'beings' in the programme could invent things about each other and creators, could think for themselves and make real choices. Call it 'artificial intelligence' if you will. What if the programmer still contacted a few of the beings that followed certai...
Hey, I'm all for expanding one's mind - even a stopped clock is right twice a day! ;) I trust that Dillon is trying to be funny rather than accurate when it comes to Dwarfs and Midgets. Whilst one of the meanings of Dwarf is indeed a mythical creature (like an expert who believes that religion cause...
Dillon - did you notice I had a 'what's the difference' question there for people to answer? (On honour killings - first I agree it is the wrong thread to be discussing your beliefs, but I understand your belief and I think I tracked down a load of bloggers that agree with you - however, the experts...
Who made you the funny police? Delusions of grandeur again FD? How do you keep track of all your fantasies? ;) But hey - perhaps innuendo is the best you can come up with. May be it is just me, but you come across as bitter and twisted - chill out man. Here's a joke to cheer you up: Q: What’s the di...
I see that the usual Islamophobic bloggers are highlighting the video but let us compare with what Ethiopians have to say on it: SMNE statement on recent religiously based killings in Ethiopia by Beli » Sat Dec 17, 2011 9:19 am The SMNE has been alerted to a serious issue affecting Christians and Mu...
I'm constantly amazed at the expertise of our armchair experts here on DF. First we have the fatwas and interpretations on the Quran based on what Islamophobic websites say, fantastical theories that no expert shares on the link between Islam and honour killings and here we have a denial of an expla...
Eh - you really must try to control your trolling tendencies. Sit on your hands if you have nothing constructive to say. If you feel the urge to post - try tackling the unanswered questions you're avoiding in the Religion forum: http://www.dubaiforums.com/philosophy-dubai/unbelievers-and-hell-koran-...
Well, no one offered up an answer to the question: Q. What's the difference between a chav and coconut? Let me give you the answer: A. Ones thick and hairy and the other is a coconut. :D Ok - let's deal with your serious questions: Here's one for you Shaf. What's the difference between a Sunni and a...
crusader - in previous threads we covered eh's fascination with Afghan boys and fantasies about Afghan sexuality: http://www.dubaiforums.com/dubai-politics-talk/afghan-men-struggle-with-sexual-identity-study-finds-t40468.html So far though, I've not seen anyone comment on the very real Paedophillia ...
What has my opinion/belief got to do with facts? :roll: If the crowd was actually incited by political differences and a radical Jihadist site put up a video and told me it was religiously motivated - I would not automatically believe the blogger. I'd give more credibilty to people who lived in the ...
Forgetfulness - at least you've admitted to one fault.
Remember the trouble you got into when you desperately inisted that the internet hoax about Hamas paedophillic marriages was true? Isn't it time you started to question what eh etc tells you is reality?
Thanks Nucleus. 'Three women, all white and living in Britain .. all embraced Islam after becoming curious about Islam after the atrocities of 9/11... What drew them to the religion..' I think you'll be shattering some dearly held misconceptions about Islam - especially those who want to believe it ...
Well, I'm not Pakistani as my ancestors left India in the 19th century before there was a Pakistan and my parents immigrated to Britain in the 60s. In this thread, the poster with Pakistani heritage/links was quite factual about the diverse races within Pakistan - and any mention of darker skins app...