Slmz and hi to all !
I think my family needs a change of country so im looking for a position somewhere in Dubai for my dad who is a qualified senior pharmacist.
thanx for the help,
Canada does sound like a good option, so maybe I can change dadz mind!
But what about if we wanted to buy a pharmacy in Dubai ?
How would we fare ?
greetingz ppl
Let us not 4get one of the greatest nasheed artists of all time, Sami Yusuf His recent albums r just as beautiful as Al-Mu3alim.
Listen to his nasheeds at Eternal Nasheeds : Enjoy
I can tell u mayflower that here in aust women do go 2 the mosque, there r sumtimes special sections 4 women 2 pray, quite a nice atmosphere although i dnt go so often. oh yeh and in the fasting month most women r 2 busy preparing last minute munchies at the breaking of fast ( and the rest of us r s...
And I think Mr Goodbhai that u need to respect other religions.
Islam does not permit such a thing, it's haram,khalas!
And if anyone doesnt like the laws of Islam then they should go live in a western country and be GAY as much as they want!!!
Oh and thats besides it being so ing!!!
show me 1 example of goodness that comes out of a gay union? is there ANY benfit? NO!!! lotsa people r born around the world with diff tendencies, but that doesnt mean that they should give in to their every whim n fancy! there r certain limits in life for 'MUSLIMS', dnt know bout the rest of u lot ...
do u guyz realise what ur doin??? ur picking on islam again!!! leave our religion alone!!! go question the other religions about their laws, go and make fun out of what they hold sacred to them, tell them to adjust to the 21st century, we r not forcin u to be muslim, we just want u to understand our...
hey intamacy
he doesnt deserve to be called mister
he deserves to be called........
oh let me rather not say it.........
in case he might hunt me down and pour phosphorus all over me and my family.............
U guyz r 2 much!
But i'll give u a lil tip, if u r ignorant about sumtin(in this case its ISLAM), then its better if u keep ur opinions to urself and not display ur lack of understanding
Firstly sister, I ask u to exercise patience which u have already done for far to long, secondly i suggest u find a competent sheikh who will advise u further in this regard. Just like to point out to chocoholic that ur statement about fathers gaining custody under the Sharia Law is totally incorrec...
Very well said Intimacy! Fa sabrun jameelun ( patience is beautiful) In whatever situation carry on exercising patience as well as take action, because the reality is that this is usually a lengthy process, as i myself have been through it and alhamdulillah i have full custody of my son, so do not d...
but some of them r in arabic or half n half,
downloadable place for the arabic ones r, right hand corner or just go directly to
well obviously if you have people constantly ATTACKING your religion to such an extent that THEY become violent, your not gonna shutup and say 'peace man'!!!
im in the heart of it and its crazy!!! from what i hear some aussie women sat on a lebanese woman at the beach and thats when all hell broke loose, the beach goers became divided into 2: the aussies and the lebz/muslims. and for the next 2 nights we had a chopper in the sky coz of the riots and prot...
errr, excuse me, but who said it was an accident?
they done it on purpose!!!
and to top it all off, the dumb paramedics let their racial and religious feelingz get in the way by refusing to help the poor muslim lady its not wonderful here nmore, thats why dozens r trying to get out !!!
The media is a joke, always have to make the muslims and non westerners seem like the baddies hey! After the aussies done the 'sitting job' and the lebz came to retaliate, the aussies moved onto whoever was dressed 'islamically'(scarf,outer garments etc)(coz most of em r under the idea that all musl...
are u guyz actually saying that u dont beleive this stuff?
after all the evidence?
its right in our faces and yet were so blind!
this is a reality, but if u wanna ignore it its ur loss